To start with, yesterday, Doc and myself were approached with a new idea for the Podcast: A halftime show, of sorts.
For a period of 10-15 minutes in the middle of the podcast, we would take a short break. During this time, a new regular to the show would introduce one of the many Event Night attractions to the listening audience, including details about it and such. The podcast would resume as normal after that.
After the show, we will be streaming the podcast participants engaging in the event mentioned in the break time.
This month's Podcast, we will be hosting our Chess Arena, and doing a tournament of sorts after the show. We will be using a voice client for the tournament, as the event can be confusing when done through the game chat.
If you don't have access to skype or mumble, you can get to mumble here:
Also, if you are interested in being on the show as a guest or a regular co-host, I am accepting applications. For the November show, applications will run through the 24th of November and other applications will be determined by the date of the podcast.
Application link can be found here:
Oh, nearly forgot. That new regular to the show would be our very own SoratheEliteOne. As mentioned, he will be hosting the Event Spotlight portion of the show. Things just got a lot more ded around here!
Edited by Mikey on November 18, 2014 at 16:27:50
Edited by Mikey on November 24, 2014 at 17:50:18
Doc's my Mommy