Currently I've sent out a request for all those willing to help build a floating city on T9K and haven't gotten anyone convinced yet.
So, instead of letting the project die, I'm opening it up to Creeper's Lab! DrCossack tells me there are plenty of willing folks who might be interested.
The islands so far are called the Grigori Isles and are located in Team9000's creative world. It's only a short distance away from the 'spawn' when you follow the glowstone trail.
The theme I'm placing on the island is -- but isn't excluded to -- steampunk. I'd like to see airships, nice buildings and the all sort relating to a floating city.
The islands can be as big or small as you'd like, but design plans have to be run by me first in case there are complications. Also, Just a tip, the bigger the Island the higher you have to build.
At the build site I've placed instructions and an example island. Follow the instructions and everything should be good c:.
If you have any questions, you're welcome to ask here or catch me while I'm online.
Currently I've sent out a request for all those willing to help build a floating city on T9K and haven't gotten anyone convinced yet.
So, instead of letting the project die, I'm opening it up to Creeper's Lab! DrCossack tells me there are plenty of willing folks who might be interested.
The islands so far are called the Grigori Isles and are located in Team9000's creative world. It's only a short distance away from the 'spawn' when you follow the glowstone trail.
The theme I'm placing on the island is -- but isn't excluded to -- steampunk. I'd like to see airships, nice buildings and the all sort relating to a floating city.
The islands can be as big or small as you'd like, but design plans have to be run by me first in case there are complications. Also, Just a tip, the bigger the Island the higher you have to build.
At the build site I've placed instructions and an example island. Follow the instructions and everything should be good c:.
If you have any questions, you're welcome to ask here or catch me while I'm online.
You can see the T9K thread here for those interested.
EDIT: I should have also mentioned, the texture pack I'll be using during the build is Conquest with all it's addons and components. I advise those wanting to help out get Conquest as well so all the builds can correspond with each other.
If your system can't handle all the 3d addons and extras, Just use the base Conquest texture pack.
Edited by Redbox on April 23, 2015 at 2:49:03
Edited by Redbox on April 23, 2015 at 3:51:08