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Special weekend event!, Update by Doctacosa

Many of you have heard of the newest batch of challenges to be added, from the Lost Wood to the Horsemen events. Some have already tried them, but others might have been intimidated by the potential difficulty. As such, how about getting some assistance in discovering these?

Itachi has graciously offered to bring groups of players through the Lost Woods, our Zelda-like adventure challenge. This is your chance to be guided through the experience, learning how these activities should be handled while earning various items by defeating enemies and completing section of the map! Build up your equipment!

To give you an extra hand, Events Night will be triggered for the duration, preventing you from losing your equipment on death. This will begin this Saturday, at noon Eastern time, and continue through the full weekend. This is a great opportunity to try something new in safer conditions than you might otherwise have, so be sure to show up for some fun!

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