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All game servers updated to 1.14.4!, Update by Doctacosa

I've updated tonight all game servers to the latest Minecraft version, 1.14.4. This includes several performance improvements, and the game will hopefully run smoother for all. It's incompatible with the previous one, so be sure to change the game version in your launcher before you resume playing!

Region markers are back

The region markers had been gone from Laurasia's map for a while due to incompatibilities, but they're now back in place. Large player-claimed areas, along with permanent event locations, are all marked to warn anyone looking for new building locations that these are not available. Additionally, the two large North-West and North-East quadrants that have been previously blocked away from being opened to players are now easily visible in red.

Render view back up

The render view had been temporarily lowered on Laurasia to keep the server running smoothly. As a test, I've set the value back up, so you'll be able to see further out. We'll scale it back down if it still causes performance issues, but for now, everything is looking good.

Creeper Citadel / Moosemart are back!

Sora has been working diligently to convert commands to the new format. While all science areas had to be closed for a while, the Creeper Citadel along with the Moosemart are now back in business for visitors and trades! The traders specific to each play area will be re-added after their own areas are converted.

Lead character
174 posts

Should probably update the STATUS Area to 1.14.4:
All servers
Version: 1.13.2
Play with: 1.13.2

Exodio's Dad (Salifax's Father)

20 posts

I wasn't active enough to be paying attention when you first made the announcement concerning the player-deny regions, and the original post about them made the illustration sound like it lacked nuances, so forgive my only reacting to the borders now. While I do understand the need for them, I find it a shame that part of the northern snow peninsula is cut off -- particularly since I get the sense that the pumpkins have plans for the more central snow region. In theory, having the border turn east at -1000,*,35800, go to 3200,*,35800, and then go south to 3200,*,28600 would include it in full.

It also appears that the border that starts at about 12500,*,-28600 and stretches to 12500,*,-12320 cuts off someone's actual build (however small it may be) and what I presume is a gathering area of Merls's near Mooshroom National Park; moving the X to 14000 would theoretically cut off neither. (The only other build I see in a player-denied region is clearly way out of line, as opposed to tragically just out of reach.)

Looking more towards the future, if you do wind up having to leave Laurasia square for it to work right, I presume the southeast and southwest corners will wind up with player-deny regions too for the same reasons of manageability. Would these be roughly the same size and shape as the old world borders, or significantly different (say, letting some more jungle generate south of Bamboozled and Wardhaven, or blocking parts of the southeast that would have been possible to gen before)?

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Quote from post #237827:
Originally posted by doorgunnerjgs
Should probably update the STATUS Area to 1.14.4:
All servers
Version: 1.13.2
Play with: 1.13.2

Good catch, updated!

Quote from post #237828:
Originally posted by Pteryx
While I do understand the need for them, I find it a shame that part of the northern snow peninsula is cut off -- particularly since I get the sense that the pumpkins have plans for the more central snow region.

Many people have said they had "plans" for snow biomes; little has materialized yet. The borders could be redrawn in the future if we're running out of room, but at this time there's plenty to go around.

It also appears that the border that starts at about 12500,*,-28600 and stretches to 12500,*,-12320 cuts off someone's actual build (however small it may be)

This was one of the people I was aiming to keep out of that area of the map, and the line was drawn very much on purpose. That player kept pushing more and more without committing to anything. I don't expect him to return at this point since it's been quite a while.

Looking more towards the future, if you do wind up having to leave Laurasia square for it to work right, I presume the southeast and southwest corners will wind up with player-deny regions too for the same reasons of manageability.

I'm counting on the round world border to be back into place, the square is merely temporary to work around the current bugs.

The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!

"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)

Lil' metool
1 post

It's cool that they upgraded the game servers. Now I'll be more interested in playing it. I usually hang out at minecraft skyblock servers. I like it best, but I also go to other servers sometimes. I haven't played the game since the update, but I can't wait to see what's new! I'm especially curious about the snowy biome update. It's mostly the only one I'm interested in. Perhaps there are many bugs, so we will have to wait for a little while for developers to fix everything. Please do not touch the boundaries of the world and leave them around. I'm interested to read other players' opinions on the unexpected update!