
Hi friends, a lot of you have seen me and JRandomizer pestering everyone on the server on what you want to see content wise get made, published, streamed, you know, the works. We even had a site announcement about it. you can find that here We've got our general media form here This is a really great way for us to get the information on what you friends would like to see featured. Whether it's a cool build you want shown off on stream/video. Ideas for what we can do for streams. Throw us challenges that you'd like to see. The only limitation is the collective imagination of the server, and let's be frank (Tachilol) we're all bored right now, so fresh content would be great, I'm willing to do the work, I'm just really bad at ideas. (Seriously, ask JR about our content chats, I'm reallllllll bad) With my pleading being done lets move on to the information part.

As far as streams go, I don't have a regular schedule, but it looks like over the summer, I should be able to set a schedule up! We'll always post in chat (and other social media forms if I remember to message those in charge of it) to get notifications out when we are still sporadically going live. Til then, I ask your patience on getting into a routine, because hey, I've got a job(kind of) and I'm still doing quarantine classes. Regardless you can follow the Channel here to get notifications whenever we go live. Also, we might get some graphics updated in there if I can find the artist to do it! (If that's you PM me on Discord or whenever you see me in chat and we can talk about it!)

That's it for this post right now. Please, please, please fill out the media form, it's super simple.

Til next time, With all the love I can muster, Mikey~

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Doc's my Mommy