We just updated to 1.16!
Finding odd bugs or issues? Post em here so we can keep track!
We just updated to 1.16!
Finding odd bugs or issues? Post em here so we can keep track!
Tasmantis boots trusted to visitor
[Tasmantis] (Twixxi_) choptree seems to fail on certain taller shrooms
[Rodinia] (axe_y) hum tab is kinda brock
[Rodinia] (Exodio) autclose not working
[Superia] (Twixxi_) no logblock in Superia
[Lobby] (Doctacosa) Oh, the maps index.
Hover-over on ingame chat tags not showing pop-up box
[Lobby] (Doctacosa) Minigames, tomorrow.
[Superia] (Exodio) also, when you go to Superia there is a "left the game" message
[Superia] (Exodio) I keep disappearing on the map
Vanish be broken
WG Flags+ Permissions
Items lost in Tasmantis
The big things that I am positive I lost:
Awakened Master Sword
Magic Wand (Speed stick)
Diamond Claws - Treasure
Edit: I did lose two shulker boxes. One was filled with Sticky Pistons and the other had rows Sticky Pistons and a row of slime blocks (give or take)
Other stuff that I am pretty sure I lost but not a huge deal
2-3 stacks of Sticky Pistons
~stack of rockets
There may have been a shulker or two. Will need to check my house on Laurasia
Superia: Creating map markers fails to recognize set:Towns as a valid tag.
I just tried to enter Rodinia and this randomly happened:
Everything listed above has been taken care off, with two exceptions:
I've updated Bungee to try to fix Pteryx's random connection error. We'll see if it comes back or not.
If there's anything else problematic that you notice, please share it!
The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.
I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!
"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)
From what i can remember i lost, Elder artifact-The Hammer, Elder artifact-The Mirror, Mask of Horrors, a stack of enchanted golden apples, Golden Dragon's Claw Stone, Golden Dragon's Claw Earth,