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Lil' metool
1 post

Hello. I was recently given a ban for griefing, though i do not believe it was justified. Throughout this appeal, I will refer to myself as player. The main issues presented were: player attempted to break item frames, and player punched two dogs.

Relating to the first issue, player was in a voice chat with the owner of the item frames (FenixBoi987), who asked them to retrieve an item from one of them. When this failed, player stopped the attempt. There are two witnesses in this event, giratinarevenge and FenixBoi987.

The second issue is related to one that has happened in the past, with a mildly long-time player, giratinarevenge, playing pocket edition. During one time while playing, gira, attempting to see the name of a zombie pigman, accidentally punched the pigman due to the nature of pocket edition’s controls, in which you tap to punch, and you tap and hold to look around. Gira was banned, however when they explained the situation the ban was lifted. An extremely similar case occurred here, in trying to look around, player accidentally punched two dogs in trying to look around. Two witnesses were present during this event, giratinarevenge (through discord screen sharing), and FenixBoi987, the owner of the dogs. Both can vouch for me, and i hope this is rexolved quickly. Have a nice day.

Backer LordItachi
Minecraft op
Lord of Insanity
87 posts

Hello Drakon/Gira,

As I said, the pigman incident and this one are two entirely separate scenarios, as such they do not have the same outcome. Friends will always try to defend each other, and as such the outcome is based on the neutral third party observation of staff. Punching item frames with no given indication in chat, along with punching two different dogs qualifies as griefing. The ban is only three days, it will have to be waited out for the remaining two. This is the final verdict.

  • Itachi