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Contest: Tapestries fit for a castle, Update by Doctacosa

It's time for our next building contest, and this one has a unique concept that we haven't focused on yet: creating art using maps. Here's SaneTezz with the full story!

We Need Tapestry!

Every 100 years the Castle makes its grand appearance so that the Belmonts can fulfil their destony, but what happens in year 76? Dracula heard through the underground that the land of Laurasia has some very skilled and crafty artisans and has put out a quest for those skilled, and brave enough.
"I need my halls adorned with Tapestries! Magic coin to be used in the either as a grand prize and useful equipment for all who join in!"


  • Dracula, Castlevania, Creatures of the night, Bats, Vampires, Blood, Science.

Judging Criteria:

  • Theme; did you stick to it?
  • Color choice; Does it look like it belongs in Dracula's castle, or did you lean more towards pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows?
  • Creativity; Did you do a tapestrie that shows the lore of the battles with the belmont family? Something simple and classy? Something straight out of the games or shows?
  • Size; Will this be a small 2 block tall Tapestry or a massive 5 wide by 8 tall epic? Remember, sometimes less is more, but sometimes too little can leave people... less then impressed.

The building location:

  • The build itself is up to each player. You'll be using maps to create the art so have at.
  • Where the end product, tapestry, will be hung and displayed is within or around the halls of Dracula's Castle. 50 item frames will be provided for all those competing as well as signs to hang under your work and scafolding. You may bring your own frames as well, glowing or normal... no limit. You may want to scout out a location and dibs a wall before starting so you can have an idea of how big you want to make your work.

How to get to the castle:

  • There are 2 ways, the long but standard way is to take the N(orth) nether rail from central towards the Lily Keep Hub. At the 3rd Hub (Lily Keep) you'll go downstairs and in the back right corner follow the rail of Mlhrj5 , This will take you to Dulac Vault. (Total rail time is 11 min from central) Go topside of the vault and fly/ walk north to 6304, 72, -24289
  • The shorter way, is to go to the citid...

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