Oh, I'm totally getting this, if only for the sake of having a good chunk of the Mega Man series all together on my Switch! I know a lot of people had been waiting for this, but I didn't really think it was going to happen - collections of RPGs are so rare, after all.
As to what features they will include, it's hard to say! I can think of a few quality-of-life additions (fix translations, remove the panic music at the end of 4 and 6, restore cut content), but I prefer to keep my expectations low!
The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.
I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!
"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)