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Lil' metool
2 posts

I tried to sign on and it said I was banned: no griefing. What griefing did I do though??

EDIT: after looking through some of the other griefing bans on here I realized it was the honey trap. I didn't even know you couldn't jump on honey, and had never heard of grief traps as it was my first time playing on a server. I do hope to come back to the server, I have been looking for similar ones (more specifically, the tree farms) after finding out about the ban and so far have not found any.

On a side note, is a griefing trap really fair??? It didn't even have any sort of signage, how is anyone supposed to know? I thought it was a public build like that one honey slide.

Backer LordItachi
Minecraft op
Lord of Insanity
89 posts

Hello Chunky,

As you have found yourself, the ban was for the honey pot, yes. The purpose of the traps like the glass dome and the honey pot are for people who think griefing curious or fancy looking things is okay for any reason. Griefing itself is entirely disallowed throughout the entire server. This is to help with a sense of ease knowing that you could come back to one of the main survival worlds in 10 years and everything is exactly where you left it.

  • Itachi

Lil' metool
2 posts

What are players supposed to do when they get stuck in it though? I know I didn’t wander in with the intention of breaking anything, but I had no choice because I was stuck. Maybe put a sign in front of the build warning players not to walk on the honey?

Oh well, what’s done is done. I learned about grief traps and now know what to look for so I don’t fall for one again. Are the grief trap bans permanent?