Having trouble deciding plaese help m make up my mind!
Topic: resident evil
which one is your favorite!
Having trouble deciding plaese help m make up my mind!
Resident Evil 1 is the first I played (for PC),
but the Remake for GC is the best Resident Evil yet, the fear factor while playing a game was at its highest for me. I love Resident Evil, I have a couple novels by S.D. Perry, they arnt too bad either.
But anyways, i pick RE1 (if its the remake)
RE4 will be sweet too, supposdly more freaky, i cant wait
resident evil 4!!
Yeah!! you play as Leon S. Kennedy.
Let me tell you something I was at Japan at the RE4 conference. Well just to make it more intense for you the main character dies. and it is not Leon?! Odd rigth. well Something does happen to him he gets infected by cloud lookin virus for. it will be challengy it is said that it will come for december in japan I think.Also that cloud think will follow you just like the nemesis. It is going to be so sweet!! Can\'t just wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;D
[Edited on 23-7-2003 by Protoman SP]
Yeah lol!!!
The trailer is soooooo sweet
They fixed the camera too, so when you take aim it swings behind you so you can see what you are shooting at :cool:
Its all real-time 3d (no more pre-rendered)
but it still looks great !!
Yeah that cloud thing might be the TRUE form of the Progenitor virus (mother virus of the T-Virus i think).
I cannot wait for this game !!! :cool:
Neither can I. I\'ll even buy it in japanese!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol:
Sorry for 2 posting but I really do need help to make up my mind so post please! answer my poll!
Number one...learn how to type. Most of us (maybe 30% of us nowadays?) use good grammar, you can read our posts fine. So please do the same.
And on to the topic...Resident Evil 4 is my favorite. And Res E 2. Both have Leon. I like Leon.
Err..the original PSX Res E is good for comedy value though.. The B movie acting is \'great\', however great B movie acting can be. o.o
A whole lot of spoilers here and there... BUT they are reviews.
Probably Resident Evil zero. I just got it, but it\'s kinda cool.
What about Res. Evil 2: Biohazard. You probably never heard of it but In Ocean City Maryland there is a Resident EVil Arcade game. You can play by your-self or with a friend! I mean what is cooler then a 2-player Resident evil game. Any way its like most other resident evil games but more as an arcade game.
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is it first person or no??
I wouldnt mind trying it.
Yes it is First peron not over the shoulder or any thing. Also in the game the Nemisis makes an appearence. You gotta run away from him.
We are The Raven Guild
Cossack adj.
One of a warlike, pastoral people, skillful as horsemen, inhabiting different parts of the Russian empire and furnishing valuable contingents of irregular cavalry to its armies, those of Little Russia and those of the Don forming the principal divisions.
Raven Guild Message Board:
http://travenguild.proboards20.com/ (all are welcome)
Resident Evil two is the bomb it has great graphics and a great story.:cool:
[quote]Originally posted by Protoman SP
resident evil 4!!
Yeah!! you play as Leon S. Kennedy.
Let me tell you something I was at Japan at the RE4 conference. Well just to make it more intense for you the main character dies. and it is not Leon?! Odd rigth. well Something does happen to him he gets infected by cloud lookin virus for. it will be challengy it is said that it will come for december in japan I think.Also that cloud think will follow you just like the nemesis. It is going to be so sweet!! Can't just wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;D
[Edited on 23-7-2003 by Protoman SP][/quote]
Whoooooooaaaaa, biggest lie you ever told. Leon IS the main chracter. I love this game the most because its completely different from all the rest. you don't fight zombies, you fight half-human, half-creature people called gandoes!! They travel in HUGE packs like 3-10 niggas will attack all at once. They got super tough enemies called chainsaw men and women who're like 5 times stronger than the regulars and if they get in your face they chop off you head for instant death and they can jump to any height. Not only tthat but if the enemy gets too close to you or you get surronfed, you can do spins kick, supplexes, knee -to-face kicks, etc.
Edited by corte on November 2, 2006 at 16:34:02.
Resident evil 3, I love nemises!
i like pie pie pie pie going down
down now right into my belly if you
love pie clap your hands ,calp,calp
if you like pie clap your hands ,calp
,clap apple cinmon pecon,apple cinmon
pecon,apple cinmon and apple cinmon apple cinmon and pecon,clap,clap
don't forget chun lee's legendary legs, thanks again for banner slash
Resident Evil 4 fanboy here.
Meh...I say Resident Evil 4 even though i play awhile with it only...Yeah Leon is cool
I couldn't stand Resident Evil 4. It didn't look or feel like a Resident Evil... (Resident Evil Outbreak is in the same boat.) And Leon acted too muted and boring. What a poser...
Resident Evil 2 was the best one in the series. 4 scenarios, 2 different characters to play as (not counting the extra and special characters), long enough to be satisfied and short enough for a speed run, corny acting (that's a plus for me ), can be played in Japanese (if, that is, you have a Gameshark), and it was just overall fun. It's also the only Resident Evil that I wish that they released the beta version with the "final" version. Poor Eliza Walker... Never to see the light of day... This game was furthermore the only game, that Leon was cool. He was my favorite character in the whole series before Resident Evil 4...
Resident Evil 1 and 3 come in at second place. Resident Evil 1 was so fun to make fun of! The bad voice acting and acting was great. XD The game just lacked being fun after you encounter the Hunters (sure, they are like the Lickers, but they kill you with the one-hit kill move way too often). Resident Evil 3 had an interesting replayablity and fun, but the story didn't really grab me.
Edited by Breakman on November 4, 2006 at 6:17:47.
Break, you neglect to mention Code Veronica? For shame.
CV was quite possibly the best of the series next to RE4. It wasn't anything extremely new, but the whole storyline oozed fun. Ammunition wasn't a huge problem, which is a bonus; I like to kill zombies. Always have. If I have to resort to the knife, man, that's just a pisser. Knifing bosses isn't any fun either. Trust me, I had to fight RE1 Tyrant with a knife, not cool.
Like I said, it's nothing groundbreaking, but if you can get your hands on it, it's great fun. The story is simple, and you play as two people within one storyline. There's many alternate outcomes to many different battles, too, which is exciting.
I know RE4 isn't a real RE, but you gotta admit, how long could Umbrella survive after the whole Raccoon City incident? Capcom had to improvise, and I think they did a brilliant job with it. The whole parasite thing is a little 'meh', but still. And Leon's alwyas been muted and boring. FYI. Not to mention after Raccoon City, I would be too- I personally think there's more of a backstory to that whole aspect, like he drinks a lot or something. Not that any of us wouldn't after something like that. He's also got the training for everything now, so he takes things at face value and doesn't assume anything.
Excuse the mini-rant.
Anyways, I suggest highly CV, RE4. Stay away from RE Outbreak or RE Gun Survivor at all costs. Not RE games at all, and I don't mean in the traditional sense; they're not fun.
And what the hell is it with Gun Survivor's infinite pistol ammo? That's just balls.
Reality swirled in a wholly blue manner, revealing absolutely nothing of merit. Things flashed madly in and out of existence like some entirely other sort of phenomena. On a whim, Kurt Vonnegut imploded, taking a sizeable hunk of Massachusetts with him. However, seeing as Massachusetts wasn't entirely sure it existed, the chunk wasn't all that big.
Can I change my vote to RE 2?
Yeah I'll do that.
RE 3 is good as well, but only for Nemesis honestly.
Resident Evil Zero was good, for the Gamecube. =) Really good graphics, phenominal gameplay. Good choice.
RE2 is my personal favorite, since it was the first one I played. Bit dated graphics, but still good to go.
RE4 is a killer game. I've beaten the game so many times, I almost can't play it anymore. Definitely beaten the replay value out of it, but it certainly took awhile. =) Also, very good choice.
"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread." -Fortune Cookie
Revolt against Starbucks!
Finding Serenity in Chaos is true victory.
"What we do in life, echoes through eternity." -Gladiator
I would choose RE4 since it kick a**
Blasting Zombies and Villagers's heads off
I'm going to say Resident Evil 4. The way you can upgrade guns and use them on enemies was just too much fun. Leon is also l33t.
Second would be RE1, the remake for Gamecube. Never played the original or the remake for the DS, Deadly Silence, but in a way, I kind of don't really want to...
Never played RE2, but I'd certainly like to, just to get more of an idea on Leon's backstory.
I wasn't impressed with the remake of RE3 for Gamecube. They didn't modify the graphics! For shame Capcom...
I guess I could appreciate it more if I had played the original.
4, I loved how you would be watching cut scene peacefully and all of a sudden you gotta react. (That got me the first time)