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913 posts

Alright, I want to know. Is it good? Is it as good as Super Mario RPG: Legand of the Seven Stars? Is it almost as good? Funnier? I just need to know everything about it. I played a little (Very little) of it, and the battling (sp?) was pretty much the same. So is it any good? Should I buy it? Is it as hard? Is it long? Is the plot as good? Is it as fun? Do you get to play as anyone else? Thanks guys!

[Edited on 15-1-2004 by Zera]

o hay

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Gutter Mouth
Plastic Grass
653 posts

no game can match mario rpg for snes but this game is still pretty fun but the draw backs are its realitivly easy and its about a weeks play

Rocker EXE
BOOM, headshot
155 posts

I have the game and I love the Bros. attacks!

-This Space For Rent-

Kawaii Fox
77 posts

The first Mario RPG is the best ofcourse, no doubt about it, as for Mario & Luigi...

The game was good. Some say that Mario RPG and Mario & Luigi are way better then Paper Mario. Others say that all the Mario RPGs out there so far have turned out great. Poor Luigi, he gets teased alot in Mario & Luigi though which is funny. Fawful 0wnz j00 a11!!! That guy is cool. The controls are kind of hard to understand at first but then it gets easy, alot of cool and interesting characters you battle. The music for all the battle scenes are really catchy. Its good, I\'d say its worth buying ^_-

Fawful : I have fury! Finkrats!

[Edited on 21-1-2004 by Orengefox00]

Adores being cute with much love ^_^

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Hail to the King, baby!
1269 posts

If you\'re considering purchasing Mario and Luigi, I recommend that you do. I bought a GBA player(I don\'t have a GBA and I\'m not interested in actually owning one) just to play the game, and I haven\'t any regrets over the decision. I enjoyed Mario and Luigi myself more than \"The Legend of the Seven Stars,\" which is credited due mainly to the humour. The game in my opinion is by no means lacking in the other departments however, as the battles were well done and continue the tradition of timing playing a key role.

Again, ifyou\'re considering buying it, I must recommend that you do. Even if you don\'t enjoy it as much as the SNES Rpg, you should(unless I\'m wrong :lol: ) enjoy it enough so that you can\'t lose by purchasing it. The story itself isn\'t incredibly deep; it\'s actually quite silly, but that\'s a good thing.

[Edited on 21-1-2004 by Necro]

Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

I\'m gonna have to agree with Necro on this.

Billy Bob
42 posts

I agree, it\'s an awesome game, mainly because of the humor

Hoked of Phonix