Topic: Let me show you
What I have become.

This topic is locked.
769 posts
I do this in the interest to become banned. Who cares about dignity, I\'m fueled by hatred right now.
Speaking of hatred:
I hate the doctor.
I hate WindRider~
I hate Zaleon
I hate pocket
I hate Zuppahiko
I hate Mega X.exe
I hate Snakeman.exe
I hate Airman....althought I haven\'t seen him
I hate Zero the Saber Master
I especially hate Sage Cryst
I hate Necro
I have fury for Hollow
I hate Lizardman.EXE
I wish for all of them to burn in the bowels of hell.
May you all DIE!!!!!
BTW, please don\'t ban the IP, because Charles, or Karayami Kid comes here through this IP.
Delete my character, because I\'m not coming back.
[Edited on 22-5-2004 by Kei]
[Edited on 23-5-2004 by Kei]
Are you not? What? You don't understand me?
Well, ?ƒ?†¥?§©ç??§´ƒß? to you too!
I dare you to ban me Dr.Cossack!
1763 posts
I especially hate Sage Cryst
Oh boy I\'m hated who post yourself a hatred topic of who you hate...Right that justs gives them more reason to yell at you for no reason.Why?Why?I ask this is because a person who is fuled by hatred should not deserve to act like this.I do not care if you hate me I\'m sure Wind does not care and I\'m sure others don\'t ethier.
Fight, Megaman! For everlasting peace! ~ :o
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769 posts
That\'s the point.
That\'s why I made the topic. So they have no choice but to ban me forever.
Are you not? What? You don't understand me?
Well, ?ƒ?†¥?§©ç??§´ƒß? to you too!
I dare you to ban me Dr.Cossack!
532 posts
Yo sage, hes just saying what he feels.
We pikmin have feelings to, but we uslley kill you before you find that out.
its not that i suffer from insanity, i enjoy every moment of it
769 posts
That\'s the point.
That\'s why I made the topic. So they have no choice but to ban me forever.
I don\'t GIVE A DAMN whether or not you care.
I just want to be banned.
I don\'t want respect.
I don\'t want anything except a lack of evidence.
I\'d much rather they DELETE my character here, rather than ban, because then no one has to look at the eyesore that I\'ve become.
Are you not? What? You don't understand me?
Well, ?ƒ?†¥?§©ç??§´ƒß? to you too!
I dare you to ban me Dr.Cossack!
1763 posts
I have a very very high doubt you will be banned because of this I could be wrong but meh,I highly doubt ban.
Fight, Megaman! For everlasting peace! ~ :o
1438 posts
I always knew you\'d leave in some way like this. I don\'t know wheter to be happy or forlorn as I\'m not on the list...
Originally posted by Breakman:
Saturdays: The day Protoman comes over. He doesn't do or need anything, but Roll insists Rock to sit down and talk to him. So commences the 12-hour awkward silence treatment until Protoman disappears when everybody's back is turned.
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532 posts
Originally posted by Kei
That\'s the point.
That\'s why I made the topic. So they have no choice but to ban me forever.
I don\'t GIVE A DAMN whether or not you care.
I just want to be banned.
I don\'t want respect.
I don\'t want anything except a lack of evidence.
I\'d much rather they DELETE my character here, rather than ban, because then no one has to look at the eyesore that I\'ve become.
What do you mean Kie your pretty cool.
We pikmin have feelings to, but we uslley kill you before you find that out.
its not that i suffer from insanity, i enjoy every moment of it
769 posts
If I\'ve learned anything, it\'s to NOT change my mind again.
No, I don\'t want to ruin Charles\'s stay here.
Are you not? What? You don't understand me?
Well, ?ƒ?†¥?§©ç??§´ƒß? to you too!
I dare you to ban me Dr.Cossack!
532 posts
Dude i dident do anything.
You have got some magger issues.
We pikmin have feelings to, but we uslley kill you before you find that out.
its not that i suffer from insanity, i enjoy every moment of it
1763 posts
Mole that would be anger issues/angermanagement....Kei first you say your going to leave then you come back now you want to be banned for the heck of it make up your mind already.
[Edited on 22-5-2004 by Sage Cryst]
Fight, Megaman! For everlasting peace! ~ :o
769 posts
Are you not? What? You don't understand me?
Well, ?ƒ?†¥?§©ç??§´ƒß? to you too!
I dare you to ban me Dr.Cossack!
532 posts
[quote]Originally posted by Sage Cryst
Mole that would be anger issues/angermanagement....Kei first you say your going to leave then you come back now you want to be banned for the heck of it make up your mind already.
[Edited on 22-5-2004 by Sage Cryst] [/quote]
Lol yeah this is getting kinda weird.
We pikmin have feelings to, but we uslley kill you before you find that out.
its not that i suffer from insanity, i enjoy every moment of it
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769 posts
I did.
This is added spice.
Are you not? What? You don't understand me?
Well, ?ƒ?†¥?§©ç??§´ƒß? to you too!
I dare you to ban me Dr.Cossack!
532 posts
Originally posted by Zuppahiko
Originally posted by Kei
If I\'ve learned anything, it\'s to NOT change my mind again.
Baby, as long as I\'m here... you keep coming back, because we always have so fun together.
Seriously though, you should have asked in private instead of just throwing \"I hate you all!\"
Yeah dude now you just being a total ass hole. (sorry about the language)
We pikmin have feelings to, but we uslley kill you before you find that out.
its not that i suffer from insanity, i enjoy every moment of it
769 posts
Are you not? What? You don't understand me?
Well, ?ƒ?†¥?§©ç??§´ƒß? to you too!
I dare you to ban me Dr.Cossack!
532 posts
So you admit you a total ass hole and since your life sucks you have to ruin others?
We pikmin have feelings to, but we uslley kill you before you find that out.
its not that i suffer from insanity, i enjoy every moment of it
769 posts
How does this ruin your life?
532 posts
Dude you need some help man.
We pikmin have feelings to, but we uslley kill you before you find that out.
its not that i suffer from insanity, i enjoy every moment of it
1763 posts
....This topic has gotten out of hand...
~Request Lock~
Fight, Megaman! For everlasting peace! ~ :o
532 posts
Yeah i agree we need this place locked.
We pikmin have feelings to, but we uslley kill you before you find that out.
its not that i suffer from insanity, i enjoy every moment of it
769 posts
Are you not? What? You don't understand me?
Well, ?ƒ?†¥?§©ç??§´ƒß? to you too!
I dare you to ban me Dr.Cossack!
391 posts
So... I am hated by one more person? Eh... welcome to the club, your welcome to stand in line with the rest of them
Kind of strange to be hated by someone I don\'t know, in fact... I have no idea why I\'m even in that list.... But you are welcome to hate me as much as you like.
*One time limited offer for first time haters, is a free coffee mug!* 
The world is a flaw in a perfect nothing...
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174 posts
What They Said.
99% percent of the 1 day spammers were at least more decent then you were a few hours ago. Besides, The only way to get ban to send repeative threats to either the people or the doctor like spider did when the RPG board closed.
I swear, Inconsiderable.
[Edited on 22-5-2004 by MegaMan NT Warrior]
653 posts
yeah, what Wind rider said, your just trying to get attention......
whats new?everybody wants attention it seems, so why you guys strap wings to the doors of your car trying to get people to noticeyou as you drve off a cliff, im thinking im just ganna be in the corner playing a mario game with nobody knowing who i am..... have fun getting a broken leg.......
EDIT: Alright, cool.... not only did you edit it and mention me into your hate list, im am the only one in caps, woot woot!
plus i got an exclamation mark! Suffice to say now, i think im pretty high up there in the hate list, (even if i was mentioned near to last...)
[Edited on 17-6-2004 by Gutter Mouth]
6445 posts
...I\'m insulted...
Sage Cryst got special hatred, and I\'m just thrown in the Generic hatred category...
I though we all meant something to you. Guess not. I used to be awed by you. Like X, I paid from, and learned from, my naivete. You want yourself banned? Fine! If you want attention, congratulations! Happy now? If you want sympathy, look somewhere else.
Good-bye Kei. God welcome you home*.
*Sluggy Freelance Inside Joke
[Edited on 5/22/2004 by Mega X.exe]