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What is your worst or least favourite game?
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The worst game i played? Evolution worlds for the Gamecube. It looked good from the outside, but after playing for 10 minutes, it sucked alot. Its a mix of a platform/dungen type game with the FF turn based fights. I tried to sell it, but no one wants it.....:(
Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.
I don't think he knows what one is.
And Rising, no need to pay attention to Make..he's gotten into that stage of old crotchety fogey, he hates everything. It's alright, just listen to his war stories for a while. It's the only thing that cheers him up.
Ocarina of Time sucked, to me. Probably because I kept comparing it to Past, yeah. Cough cough.
Seanbaby's #15: Total Recall (NES)
Your character in Total Recall, like the real Arnold, has an incredible arsenal of moves at his disposal: both a jump, and a sad thing he does with his wrist that sort of resembles a punch. You should be fine, though; since you're 300 pounds of highly trained muscle and not only are most of your enemies are midgets, and most of their attacks are harmlessly leaping over your head again and again.
Some movies don't translate into Nintendo. For example, you'd have to really venture from the plot of Captain Corelli's Mandolin to turn it into a video game. Total Recall is not one of those movies. Arnold went from gunfight to gunfight surrounded by horrible mutants and explosives. You don't need to change a thing for that to be a good video game. In fact, you'd have to seriously screw up for that not to be a good video game.
But instead of that, it looks the game decided to come up with its own "better" Total Recall plot. I don't remember the part of the movie where kids in purple top hats popped out of garbage cans with water balloon launchers, and I definitely don't remember the part where midgets in pink jumpsuits pulled Arnold into an alley to play leapfrog. But to be honest, all I really do remember in Total Recall is the alien hooker with three boobs.
Graphics: 1/10
Remember in the movie, there were those little psychic mutants in the faulty Mars domes that had half their faces melted off and had to be carried around in slimy baskets? Those creatures crapped things prettier than this game.
Fun: 1/10
If the British made a musical sitcom based on Total Recall set in a flower shop owned by mimes, it would still be a better spinoff of Total Recall than this.
Public Swindling: 10/10
Whatever sadistic child torturers released this game knew they were selling garbage. They were just hoping you liked the movie enough to buy the game without checking with your own brain to see if you were buying digital dog crap. They might as well have made a bad game about fresh breath and prayed the public's unconditional love of fresh breath would make it a hit. And I can guarantee you, there is no way Fresh Breath: The Game could be worse than Total Recall the game. -- Seanbaby.
Edited by Mega X.exe on April 17, 2007 at 19:07:20.
Wow, there's something random to bring up out of the blue.
I don't really get why people complain that Ultimecia's backstory wasn't developed. It's abit unfair to complain about that considering that up until that point in the series, only one villain had actually been developed. And said villain was a convulted mess. So why people bother complaining about Ultimecia is beyond me.
Though I've seen seen alot of people who thought Necron was the villain in FF IX. Some people.
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A lot of people think Rinoa and Ultimecia are the same person.
As for Necron, I've yet to kill that giant blue freak. Pisses me off.