yea!!! wahoo!! there coming out new pokemon emerald!! who likes this game!? i do of course this game is the best!! its like a crystal version but this version also show that pokemon can moves when it come out of pokeball like crystal version!!
yea!!! wahoo!! there coming out new pokemon emerald!! who likes this game!? i do of course this game is the best!! its like a crystal version but this version also show that pokemon can moves when it come out of pokeball like crystal version!!
Post redacted
I know I\'m going to buy it.
I made a topic like this awhile ago about this game. o.O
Yes, I am looking forward to this game. It looks like fun with the new \"Battle Frontier\". Plus, the new clothes are neat.
Or, the poster formerly known as Pri- I mean, rockmaniskool.
I hate that show
i like pie pie pie pie going down
down now right into my belly if you
love pie clap your hands ,calp,calp
if you like pie clap your hands ,calp
,clap apple cinmon pecon,apple cinmon
pecon,apple cinmon and apple cinmon apple cinmon and pecon,clap,clap
don't forget chun lee's legendary legs, thanks again for banner slash
It\'ll probably make it to my house even if I don\'t buy it... Which I might...
pokemon games to many of them pokemon should of died a long time agoe
Or, the poster formerly known as Pri- I mean, rockmaniskool.
With the addition of several Emerald-exclusive move tutors, a few standardized pokemon movesets may essentially evolve to adapt to this.
Thus, the competitive multiplayer meta-game may be affected slightly, but predictably not much, due to the mediocrity of most of these tutored moves.
PS: rockmaniskool, I\'m that one IO member in your sig, you know.
Oh yeah? I agree with Zaleon, its what we\'ve been telling you. If you don\'t like it, don\'t post in it. It\'s simple as 1, 2, 3 and A, B, C. KK.
Anyways, I\'m not a big fan of pokemon games, due to the fasct I have yet to buy one. Though, I may borrow one just to try it out, once I do that, I\'ll give you my FULL reveiw.
Fight, Megaman! For everlasting peace! ~ :o
Hey, do you think they have Deoxys?
I also heard a totally new battlestyle too!:)
Ya know trash talk reminds me of church.
I really only like the games with the hoenn region right now.
EDIT: Heh, sorry bout this but, I only said that since Brendan and May are my favorite characters. ^__^
[Edited on 20-8-2005 by Kagome_Sakura]
Really? I personally like the Hoenn games the least. I still think Kanto was the best. Kanto was back when Game Freak had fresh ideas, and all the Pokemon were original.
what in the world aer you macking a topick abote pn on a mm board:madgo:
Pft, I hate MM!!
Please....don\'t post here. You\'ll only embarass yourself.
Eep! The page error, she scares me.....
*Runs in the door with Pokemon Emerald* I got it! I got it!
*Starts playing*
The page got all funky, sorry for double-posting.
[Edited on 5/3/05 by Mr.Mettaur]
I agree completely! All the Kanto Pokemon pwn. Especially Wartortle and Electabuzz. ^^
*High Fives Mega X*
That\'s where you\'re wrong, X. Hoenn had the most offensively oriented Pokemon, and the first decent selection that allowed veterans new team building opportunities.
Johto was lame; it only had a few noteworthy pokemon, those including Heracross and Crobat. And Kanto was quite alright.
And Totodile! Don\'t forget Totodile!
this games is cooool but that battle fronteir was a hard one
94% of all teenagers have tried drugs at one time or another. If you are one of the 6% that haven't, put this message in your signature.