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4th Cousin to Doc
874 posts

Post things you remember from this board. Like the time some idiot registered as Dr Cossack and PMed everybody asking for their PW, and some people actually believed him.

98% of teens have made a "98% of teens" Signature. Copy and paste this into your signature if you're the 2% that finds it stupid.

The Red Comet
1438 posts

None of my \"memories\" are that great. I remember Kiryu, and the time everyone was forcing eachother to give opinions of themselves and them and everyone else, and...
As for good memories, I remember a bunch of funny stuff members have said.
Mostly Necro, oddly enough. Some Mega X... a little from everyone, I guess.

Originally posted by Breakman:
Saturdays: The day Protoman comes over. He doesn't do or need anything, but Roll insists Rock to sit down and talk to him. So commences the 12-hour awkward silence treatment until Protoman disappears when everybody's back is turned.

I AM the Iron Pony!!
-1485 post
Pinkie Pie
Pinkie Pie
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Derpy Hooves
Derpy Hooves
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Princess Celestia
Princess Celestia
Got all items in the AFD2012 event!
Acquired on 1 April 2012

... and 18 more

I remember in the topic \"Where is Bass?\" when I was asking people where they thought Bass was S.T.Z said that he was over at his house, and that they were buds and that they played VG alot, but that Bass was a lazy git. It was funny:lol: I also remember one time I was looking at member profiles and I came across HollowTorments file, I looked at the DOB and it said that the year Hollow was birthed in was 1900, and I PMed Torment about it, I said \"WOW! You\'re 104 years old! Amazing!\" Torment said \"Yeah..aren\'t I awesome? 104 and still pissing people off. ;)\":lol: It was funny :lol:

[Edited on 27-5-2005 by Juno]

I left.
1584 posts

I remember when that one lady would post her awesome art. Mana.exe. I remember WindRider and his sword-ish stuff and me thinking he was crazy (shut up, shut up, I STILL do) I remember when I was initiated into Bakamanga, made 2 comics and completley left the board...ahem. I remember Fred the Met and tutuman. I remember when I was a nerd. I remember my horrible grammar. I remember when Kia flipped out on me and purged the n00b out of me. I remember when Kia flipped out on me for making an abstract peice on (shit I can\'t spell) that thingy we draw on. I remember when I changed my avatar for christmas and never changed it back...

v_v I miss you guys...

4th Cousin to Doc
874 posts

I remember the TuTu man incident. I believe that was what made IP bans possible. Jesus. Anyone who has a memory not currently fragmented, PM me about what happened.

98% of teens have made a "98% of teens" Signature. Copy and paste this into your signature if you're the 2% that finds it stupid.

1396 posts

I feel so unaccomplished here.....I don\'t remember anything that\'s happened. I suppose that\'s because I live under a small mossy rock on the Oekaki board.

4th Cousin to Doc
874 posts

nice rock, eh. Well, eventually something will happen for you to do.

98% of teens have made a "98% of teens" Signature. Copy and paste this into your signature if you're the 2% that finds it stupid.

1027 posts

I remember when I first came here. I made a spam topic and then another one saying \"Who iz ur favurite Mega man charter\" and I couldn\'t spell good either. I was sorta getting yelled at for this and I was afraid to make a topic ever again.

Then one day Dr. Cossack PMed me and I was flippen out. I thought I would have been kicked off or something but, it was just because my signature was too big.

I remember when that abcdefghijklmnop guy came on and he really pissed me off.

Hey I remember Kiryu too! He PMed me to tell everyone that he wasn\'t a sexist. And he made a topic about the tonfa blaster thing in my mood when he could have just PMed me.

4th Cousin to Doc
874 posts

God that guy was a blankedy blank blank. I'm glad that as nipped in the bud.

Edited by MagimanV1.5 on April 24, 2007 at 13:44:00.

98% of teens have made a "98% of teens" Signature. Copy and paste this into your signature if you're the 2% that finds it stupid.

278 posts

i remember the massive spamming wave. (which wasn\'t too long ago). anything else interesting, i have not been here long enough to experience.

the official Kaos Entertainment webpage. Go there to see stuff.

Hail to the King, baby!
1269 posts

Originally posted by Heatman.EXE

As for good memories, I remember a bunch of funny stuff members have said.
Mostly Necro, oddly enough. Some Mega X... a little from everyone, I guess.


I\'m blown away. Seriously.

⚠ Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/inter/domains/ on line 275
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Deleted account

Post redacted

The Red Comet
1438 posts

Originally posted by Necro
Originally posted by Heatman.EXE

As for good memories, I remember a bunch of funny stuff members have said.
Mostly Necro, oddly enough. Some Mega X... a little from everyone, I guess.


I\'m blown away. Seriously.

Mostly Necro, oddly enough. Some Mega X... a little from everyone, I guess.

Don\'t get too excited, I can\'t remember any member I see around a lot not saying something funny at one point of time. It just seems like I see a lot of joke/gag/sarcasm posts from you. Come to think of it, I guess Hollow\'s the same way on some matters.

Not saying you and Hollow can\'t be serious, not at all.

Originally posted by Breakman:
Saturdays: The day Protoman comes over. He doesn't do or need anything, but Roll insists Rock to sit down and talk to him. So commences the 12-hour awkward silence treatment until Protoman disappears when everybody's back is turned.

Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

Though, Necro and I must say the funniest stuff most often, after all we were mentioned by name.


Say yes Aim. I\'d hate to have to hurt you.

Naw, just kiddin.

But yeah, I remember a lot of things. My first week, where someone tried to get me and another member banned over and argument about X6. My rampant bumping(s). My first conversations with involved goats.

And many other things.

[Edited on 6/16/2005 by Mega X.exe]

I left.
1584 posts

My Spriting contests...I remember them.
Damn imposters...

The Red Comet
1438 posts

[quote]Originally posted by Mega X.exe
Though, Necro and I must say the funniest stuff most often, after all we were mentioned by name.


Say yes Aim. I\'d hate to have to hurt you.

Naw, just kiddin.

But yeah, I remember a lot of things. My first week, where someone tried to get me and another member banned over and argument about X6. My rampant bumping(s). My first conversations with involved goats.

And many other things.

[Edited on 6/16/2005 by Mega X.exe] [/quote] could you?! How could you possibly confuse me...
for my twin brother?! *soap opera music* :lol:


Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

Um...well...that is to say....erm...

Why don\'t you look over in that direction for no reason at all while I completely don\'t run in the other direction? *cough*

Hail to the King, baby!
1269 posts

Originally posted by Heatman.EXE

Don\'t get too excited, I can\'t remember any member I see around a lot not saying something funny at one point of time. It just seems like I see a lot of joke/gag/sarcasm posts from you. Come to think of it, I guess Hollow\'s the same way on some matters.

Not saying you and Hollow can\'t be serious, not at all.

Oh, don\'t worry about. I was merely surprised that I named first, is all. I didn\'t think that meant I was the funniest person here. :)

AimMan v2.5
2429 posts

I remember everybody\'s old avatars! That\'s fun, right?

Mine: Another Swartzvauld, Faust, Blanka with Christmas tree lights, lame Dhalsim sprite, lame AimMan sprite...:cry:

Heat\'s: Heatman at desk, Megaman Trigger artwork, servbot artwork

Necro: Green Goblin... yeah, that\'s it... you\'ve had ol Napoleo there for a while now

HollowTorment: Venom....argh, more won\'t come!

Windrider: Lots and lots of disturbing paintings and stuff of little girls and zombies... and that awesome Storm Trooper signature!

Doctor Cossak: The Pokemon Cossak and Zombie Cossack I guess.

Mega X: All of the Yu-Gi-Oh, the sculpture of Cesar, etc.

Kagome_Sakura: Lots of Card Captor Sakura... and others...

Breakman: Lots of Astro Boy and Protoman pictures... a whole lot of em.

AirMaster: Some Transformers and Gundam...? I don\'t remember too specifically.

Zuppohiko: Lots of the same chao... but all pact full of vitamins and minerals! Oh yeah, and Bowser.

Garsh. I thought I\'d do better than that.:eek: Ah well. I remember a lot of old avatars, I just can\'t think of who\'s they are.... More may come to me later.

[Edited on 16-6-2005 by AimMan v2.5]

Join the DevART Megaman Legends Club:

I left.
1584 posts

Speaking of avatars

I finnally changed mine back...
I\'m slow, ok?

4th Cousin to Doc
874 posts

yeah, i remember the Lan Hikari topic. Me and some other dude were hatching plots to kill all the computers he used. Although that was more BNU.

98% of teens have made a "98% of teens" Signature. Copy and paste this into your signature if you're the 2% that finds it stupid.

Lost Warrior
434 posts

Originally posted by Zuppahiko
Beavernet chat (now gone, replaced by the IRC one), everyone going crazy there.
Soru teaching Gok Gok (now known as: S.T.Z) grammar.
RPG Comic by Dr. Chaos, Rinoman and Protostar. (Comics, gone)
Fred\'s weird relatives causing trouble.

Ugh, so many... can\'t remember them all. -.-

I\'m surprised you remember the comic =)

A few things I remember:
1. UUU, TTT, MMM... all the other names...
All he did was post the letter in his name so many times it seemed like the page would scroll forever. He obviously has no life XD

2. Rush\'s Tavern. Probably the most awesome rpg thread that was on here and everyone had fun with. My fav part was NovaStrike\'s thing about metool soup (related to fred the met)

3. Rpg Comic. It was the most random comic based on the community, where Fred the met tried to takes over the world, and me, Rinoman (author and leader in comic), Digman, SZX (sage), Dr. Chaos, Shin Zero, HJ, MegamanEXE, IcemanEXE, and others stopped him. My fav scene was when MegamanEXE went out to face the evil fred clones while eveyone stayed in Rush\'s Tavern and left him alone XD
It\'s too bad we never got around to making the next series. (it was going to be done in flash). We had some new characters we made ahead of time and an awesome storyline for it. Oh yeah... can\'t forget the strip where cossack was doing experiments on bunnies o_O;;

4. NovaStrike was a cool member here. Same as Yumi. It seemed to me (correct me if I\'m wrong) that Nova was always on fred\'s case o_O;;

5. When I first came on here, I was all frieked out about spamming or breaking a rule, so I didn\'t post after signing up for a month. Then I started posting, but I always asked if I broke a rule or something. Took me 8 months to finaly start a topic XD

6. Person Above Me thread was popular, but I bit too popular in it\'s last few months. It really took a chunk out of everone\'s post counts, including mine, taking me from1037 to 853. ^^;

7. Two awesome artists I haven\'t seen in a while, Mana.exe (most recent) and Dawnus, who had this really cool zero hybrid char (and later had sprites made by me that I still have XD )

8. More awesome artists that stayed here. Snake, Hollow, Breakman, Necro, HJ, etc. They still inspire me with their art. ^^

If I think of anything else I\'ll just edit this post. ^^

[Edited on 6/21/2005 by ProtoStar]

[Edited on 6/21/2005 by ProtoStar]

Shlorpian in disguise
1786 posts

Originally posted by Morphman
I\'m just new on this, but I\'ll make everyone remember me!

Oh, people will remember you all right. As a topic bumper. Don\'t bump up old topics with nothing to really add to the discussion.

[Edited on 3-8-2005 by Breakman]

The Third Commander
653 posts

Originally posted by Morphman
I\'m just new on this, but I\'ll make everyone remember me!

But will your posts MEAN anything?

On-Topic: Unfortunately, I have a few not-so-fond memories of the board.. such as Kiryu, and megamantn. However, I fondly remember sage, and I made a friend in Breakman (I think.. ^_^; )

[Edited on 3-8-2005 by Shadowfire]


Shlorpian in disguise
1786 posts

*slaps forehead* Morph, you are suppose to know how to use a message board already. People aren\'t suppose to keep reminding you to stay ontopic and such. Go read the rules, one more time. Please.

And leave Shadow alone. I could understand why she doesn\'t like you.

Now, no more off topic posts or else.

Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

Oh gravy train I didn\'t reply to this...?

I remember when Keiji was here. And I punched him in a topic, to showcase false internet violence to some n00b or something? And the irony was that Keiji was the one that got mad, and PMed me this giant angry letter...about punching him in the face through text. He acted like I walked up to him on the street and did it. *still have that PM by the way. Infact I save all PMs. So if you\'re an idiot over PMs it\'s forever saved in my vault, remember that before you press \"send\"*

Then awhile after Keiji was here..people started giving him attention. BAD IDEA. This caused him to make two fake names..Himeko and Yumi. I even fell for it for a while, though..until \"they\" drew on the oekaki board. (Yes, Keiji was THAT insane..he had his two other personas which happened to be female, draw their own art) The drawing style was identical, which is impossible to do without tracing, which is impossible to do on a computer. So there was this nutjob who was a mod at both the messageboard and oekaki, with two girl personas.

Eventually my friend (X Prime) and I drove him crazy or something and he magically disappeared. Whew. \"Yumi\" was a power hungry thread deleter. :o

Uh..I remember the arrival of Wind. I swear, I thought he was a member of MMO that creeped me out..IHZ. Since he had a black Zero av and all. So I was wary of him for awhile. But after he made his Taiwanese sword death topic all was fine. :lol:

I remember dissing Evan\'s girlfriend in chat, and then at an attempt to get back at me, Evan said Zaleon was an arrogant ass or something because he thought I was his good pal. It\'s funny..I usually hate arrogance, but it just seems like when Zal does it, it\'s funny/satirical/sarcastic. Not annoying. Infact, I haven\'t asked Zal what\'s overrated in a while. :o

I remember angering SolarWarrior/SonicBoom so bad that Doc PMed me and said to never speak to him again.... :rofl: Man, I\'m glad I haven\'t seen him around. You know that he\'s been banned from just about every Megaman board there is?

I remember when Necro made his \"if you died tomorrow\" topic.... :lol: Poor Necro.

I remember when this board had an uploader! Necro was high on caffeine and posted some random picture of Morrigan or something.. I can\'t remember fully.

I remember when Doc wouldn\'t accept me as an oekaki mod because of the trouble I had been causing. :o I do admit it was my fault, everyone had a part in it though. Lots of bullshit hypocritical dramatics! I like the OBoard much better now.. Feels much more like a community. And you\'ve gotta love SilverFox, Shadowfire, and Rioni. They\'re great. You better damn well know who Megaman is, and put some effort in that work or else. :lol: And also, finally I feel able to voice my opinion on that board, after all these years. Doc and Kia are free to yell at me if I get out of line of course, but beforehand I felt like the mafia would track me down if I dare said something looked off in a picture.

I remember when Snake would post here more often! I think he purposely hid from us, though. o.o

Who could forget Kiryu..ugh. And megamantn. Seriously, you really try to give people second chances but with those two..a hundred chances wouldn\'t help.

And oh, Fred the Met. I really never liked Fred, still don\'t. I get along with him fine I guess but I still don\'t like him. At least he\'s matured from his spamming days. But he caused all that OTHER spamming crap..from all those other usernames. Just always seemed fishy. And I first thought he was the dreaded DR MET..dun dun dun.

I remember when Mega X was always getting offended at everything. :o And when he changed his rank to \"Christian\" to somehow..get back I never understood that.. :lol: But yeah, we all eventually learn that arguing over the internet is certainly not something to take seriously. :o

I remember when Break and Necro were appointed as new mods.. I was worried for them. :lol:

I remember all those stupid topics Wind makes about spam at this board! Which is spam in itself (hence why I call them stupid).

I remember MegaWes. I also have his PMs. He was the boards first big spammer, I think.

I remember Morphman\'s first thought was definitely \"oh god it\'s Kiryu, lock up the place\". Same weird writing, smileys in the wrong places..lots of yelling..

I remember Kagome_Sakura\'s first posts..and I told her \"This is nothing like Neopets\' chatboards, don\'t treat them as such\"..not even knowing that she WAS on Neopets. :lol: She just had that Neopets posting \'flair\'.

...I always say I have a bad memory. So why do I remember all this garbage? Hahaha. Best part about this board though, has to be the kids that sign up here. Messageboard virgins. It\'s about a 50-50 chance that they\'ll shape up and be good posters, though. And well, when Necro goes on spiels about this board, that\'s great\'d have to be there.

AimMan v2.5
2429 posts

Hey, stop remembering Keiji so much, Hollow! Isn\'t that what draws him back? See, George Orwell has the right idea in 1984. Just use doublethink. Consiously remove Keiji from your mind even if you really still believe he exists. Then all you have to do is force yourself to believe he really doesn\'t exist! If it works for Oceania, it will work for all of us.:D

Let me think... remembering.

For starters, I think we all remember that, back when one had the Green Goblin and one had Venom, it was SUPER DUPAH easy to mix up Hollow and Necro. And it happened. All the time.

I remember when Zaleon seemed more mellow. It\'s like, there was this enormous thread with folder advice and stuff for Megaman Battle Network. Now, it seems like if you ever see Zaleon here, he\'s posting about, like you said, what\'s overrated and how Boktai\'s the greatest thing since sliced cheese for Cynthia Vogt\'s Wings of the Falcon. I mean, he seemed like a completely different guy back then. If I\'m not mistaken, I think MMBN\'s made his \"overrated list\" by now, hasn\'t it?

I remember that huge time I had an argument with God, and couldn\'t put it behind me for like a week. It literally tormented me.

I remember when Ultimate X used to draw a lot, and he totally should still do so. It\'s nice that he\'s still at the oekaki though. I won\'t be demanding.

I remember Snake too. Good lord, he was the best sprite artist (and a very good oekaki artist too) that I can every remember seeing. I do wish he\'d come around more often.

I still remember Hiro and Megaman Masta\'s back and forth Roll lust. We need more Tron lust right now, I think I\'m alone in that boat.:lol:

I remember believing that WindRider really was gay and that Dr.Cossack really might have changed the site to a Pokemon site... Gullible really isn\'t in the dictionary you know.:P

I remember thinking Breakman stole his name from a Life of Wily character. Hah, I really hadn\'t branched out then.

I remember when Legends and Battle Network were the only two Megaman series I\'d played.

Furthermore, I think we all remember Lord Punchy Vadar right? I really need to make another Punchy Vadar pic sometime. Airmaster still has that in his signature, which is pure-tee awesome. I tried to give Necro a run for his money with it, but it turns out he\'s got some fat cash.:lol:

Well, that\'s it for now, it\'s church time.

Join the DevART Megaman Legends Club:

2647 posts

I remember Morphman\'s first thought was definitely \"oh god it\'s Kiryu, lock up the place\". Same weird writing, smileys in the wrong places..lots of yelling..


You could also have flamed me all the way, and yet you didn\'t. Guess you hoped I wasn\'t Kiryu after all. You may now start guessing if I AM Kiryu or not.

And I guess some people might agree that someone has surpassed the level of n00bishness Kiryu had. Go figure.

For now, I don\'t have much more to add, since I am not a member for such an amount of time as you guys here, so I\'ll just read about your memories and post when the day comes I stumble upon this thread again, a year or so in the future, and remember some nice (or less nice) moments at the board.

All hail the Supreme Comrade Cossack!

1139 posts

I remember when Morph stole my nachos... It REALLY pissed me off.

Bye-bye, Inti.... IF Doc bans me like I told him to.

Rioni... thanks for the Final-Zero music..

4th Cousin to Doc
874 posts

lol Nach0s.
I remember being a noob and posting,
OMFG Sonic wave is the best chip in the game!

98% of teens have made a "98% of teens" Signature. Copy and paste this into your signature if you're the 2% that finds it stupid.