Topic: Megaman X4 I still haven't gotten around to playing a PS1 X game (I have them in the Legacy Collection at long last) but I have been watching a streamer marathon the series and... the mute button. That'...
Topic: How y'all been? I know Discord isn't FOSS. They won't even allow alternative clients, they're explicitly against TOS and they aggressively go after them (and lbr their Linux client is hot garbage. Like...
Topic: How y'all been? lol so I have a Discord server, and on it there's a section for sharing public GPG keys so it actually does get around any and all surveillance, but I'm the only one who seems to use it, whi...
Topic: Remember... I check in every couple of days. Maybe I'm an old person yelling at clouds, but I prefer forums like this over social media, discord, or reddit. The first two are largely ungooglable and informat...
Topic: Ways to play PC games on the go? Yeah that would have been the idea. I ended up just getting a Steam Deck. Hopefully it gets here soon.
I don't have any Windows devices and having it on the Ally would be a massive turn off lo...
Topic: Ways to play PC games on the go? I have a long car journey followed by a plane trip coming up and I'm tempted to get a Steam Deck. The ROG Ally would interest me more if it were running SteamOS, but idk when Valve are planning o...
Topic: E3 2022 crashes and burns idk how I feel about this. I used to follow E3 coverage, but I have never followed all of the shows from each individual publisher apart from Nintendo's. None of them have enough to justify an en...
Topic: Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection Ngl I'm disappointed but not surprised that they are continuing the practice of milking you by releasing two collections with only half the games in each: especially as this time each collection ...
Topic: Attention, Cat People... [quote=232490][i]Originally posted by Tri-Edge[/i]
My adorable lil keekat is too lovable to be harmful... [/quote]
I think this attitude is the main problem. People don't look at their pet an...
Topic: Entertainment Industry wants to legalize computer viruses Well they tried to make *listening* to music on a PC illegal since in required a temporary copy to be made in RAM.
I am looking forward to Internet rendering the entertainment industry's chann...
Topic: Kool-Aid Man getting a make-over To be honest if Seth MacFarlane hadn't learned that he could just reference the Kool-Aid mascot and people would react as positively as if he had actually thought of something funny, I would neve...
Topic: Somebody summoned meteor [quote=231579][i]Originally posted by Yllisos Zanon[/i]
What Nasa should do, is try to figure out where the Meteor came from, make sure there are not any more of them, or a much larger one at.
Topic: Attention, Cat People... [quote=231534][i]Originally posted by WindRider739[/i]
I read as far as '' so I know you have good taste in websites. Unfortunately, the rest was a case of TB;DR. Your orange tex...
Topic: Disney purchases LucasFilm, plans Star Wars 7 I think The Old Republic and its predecessor, kotor, show that the Star Wars universe still has a lot to offer when taken out of Lucas's hands. You might wonder what plot purpose these films can ...
Topic: Usernames vs real names It depends on what I'm using it for. Facebook and G+ I tend to be communicating with people who know me by name. Here, on Twitter and YouTube fewer people would recognise me by mu real name than ...
Topic: CBC's Top 12 Internet characters of 2012 I guess I just don't get it 'cause I'm not on Reddit...
Of the few that I recognised, Psy was the only one I recognised because of the Internet.
Topic: Disney purchases LucasFilm, plans Star Wars 7 [quote=231180][i]Originally posted by RisingDragon[/i]
That didn't take long to get politics into it.
Let's keep in mind that Disney also owns Marvel and The Avengers still did really we...
Topic: Disney purchases LucasFilm, plans Star Wars 7 "They know how to make money" is not that big an endorsement, tbh. Mitt Romney knows how to make money by asset stripping businesses, that does not make him a good CEO :P
Topic: Disney purchases LucasFilm, plans Star Wars 7 Disney/Marvel partnership did a pretty good job with the Avengers series of films recently. Disney did an amazing job with Pirates of the Caribbean a few years ago, and George Lucas has said that he i...
Topic: US politician slammed for World of Warcraft "double life" I would be more inclined to vote for her following this. SOPA made it all too obvious how few members of the american political classes even use PCs.
[i]Edited by Samsara on October 5, 2012 at 17:44:...
Topic: MegaMan vs Megatron
on drawception, ok. Does anyone else play Drawception? It's a brilliant concept and almost always results in hilarity.
Topic: 10 years on the Internet [quote][i]Originally posted by HollowTorment[/i]
Some old posters in here. Sup guys!
[quote]However I don't really want to marry someone and say "hey remember when we met online?".[...