Well if I\'ve called myself anything more than anything else it would be \"The Big Bad Booty Daddy\":lol:
Chaz it up
Well if I\'ve called myself anything more than anything else it would be \"The Big Bad Booty Daddy\":lol:
Chaz it up
Chaz it up
My friends call me \"Bobington\", \"Bob\", \"Mr. Money\", \"General Crazy\", and a bunch others.
People called me Zero in grade school.
I, obviously, am Ri. A friend up on fanfiction.net shortened my online name to that, and I liked it, so ever since I\'ve signed everything \"Ri.\" (That and I got tired of people spelling \"Rioni\" wrong.) Now a few people in real life even call me that.
Uhh... Mine is Moe, everyone calls me that. After it was made for me, I just use Moe everyone I go, expecially for people I don\'t know who I don\'t know are. It\'s short for my real name.
o hay
I get called Paco.... I dunno why, but everyone decided that\'s my new name.
"A closed mouth gathers no foot" -This is a fact of life, and I don't know who said it.
94% of all teenagers have tried drugs at one time or another. If you are one of the 6% that haven't, put this message in your signature.
People call me Count Flatula... If you\'ve ever been in a study hall class with me, you know why...:devil:
Warning: Boggarts in mirror are closer than they appear!
My friends call me the hobo since i never bring money or lunch to school:lol:
I\'m called BD, Dranz, Giant, and Itachi the second.
Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.
Warning: Boggarts in mirror are closer than they appear!
YAY The name bobo the magical hobo is now mine!
*Holds out hand and says in a deep voice* \"Take this thing from the hand of the gods, but remember were you got it from! DAQ be needin\' sum exposure........yo.\"
Click the website tab to learn (a little) more.
~DAQ; playin\' rough since 2003~
Warning: Boggarts in mirror are closer than they appear!
My boyfriend calls me Kitty.
And sometimes when I\'m talking to my self I call my self \"Jessie Bear\".
I\'m a weirdo
Love is evoL spelled backwards.
I can't spell so don't yell at me, I know.
The rollseyes smiley is KING. You heard me.
I misread that to say \"Boob the Magical Hobo\"...
This topic says nicknames you\'ve given YOURSELF. Thereofre, if other people gave it to you, it doens\'t count.
Mine is Kitty. I like cats. I don\'t give out my real name, when possible, online, for a reason which isn\'t really true anymore, but, whatever, I like \"Kitty,\" and about all varioations of \"Katherine,\" (except the full one). I also named myself Katie, for use when with the Rainbow Family. I have, in the past, gone by Tammy ands Zile, but no one ever called me that except occasionally Zile by my biological mother. I also happen to like the name \"cassie.\" I have never gone by that. My sister, on her own, decided she wanted to be called Cassie. Her parents, being assholes, told her she \"wasn\'t allowed.\" And now I have given too much information :P.
And I do enjoy telling people IRL of my screenname, of course >.>. Or rather, entering the chatroom in front of them and having everyone go, \"Hi God!.\" It\'s fun. I picked a good name :P.
[Edited on 3/27/2006 by God]
Well, I\'ve stuck myself with \'Match\'.
It\'s kinda funny how a split-second decision can stick with you for more than four years. Some people have called me that at school, too. Thank you internet, thank you for making people call me by an alias.
...I now have a demerit in Chicago under \'Match\'...
The \"story\" behind my name can be found somewhere on this board. I don\'t want to type it again.
[Edited on 3/27/2006 by mr.match]
I'm older school than you are.
Well lets see, my mom calls me, \'Monk\' or \'Fred\' for like no reason. o.O
My uncle calls me \'shorty\'. I\'m NOT short! >8(
People at school call me \'Rae Rae\' (heh, sounds like a black guy! XD), Rae Rae the Kiwi (From a folder, long story), Rae, Rachi poo (-_-;; Oh boy, this one is just... geez), Curtis (nickname from a weird kid named Mikey).
Considering how long I\'ve stuck to this username, a few people offline have called me \"Doc\" over time. I find it a bit funny when it happens. Otherwise though, most people just shorten my first name.
The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.
I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!
"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)
My close friends call me Katie Kat. But only my close friends. My boyfriend doesn\'t like it because then me and my friends all have very similar nicknames, so he doesn\'t call me that. He just calls me a demon, which is completely true. I can be really freaking evil.
It's better to be alone than ignored.
Oh, how wrong we were to think that immortality meant never dying.
"The only thing standing between me and total happiness is reality."
Morphman it is my duty as The Big Booty Daddy to give you a cool name so you will be Mr.Cool.
Chaz it up