Hey there guys, I got a new project. Called...
ZO Wiki is a joint project between the communities of Zero Outpost (my board) and this board. It is a resource of all Megaman information, from anywhere and everywhere. Ranging from boss strategies, to plot summaries, to character analysis. It's the free Megaman Encyclopedia, that anyone can edit!
Dr. Cossack approved of this, I think even he will be adding information from time to time. As time passes on, I'll be asking for two sysops to help control the site, if Doc minds I'll ask for one from here, and one from my board. I know there is one out there, but this one is for ZO and IO strictly, people who come to my board, and this one will be able to join and edit, and contribute as they see fit. Hopefully this will be something that can go along till IO reaches its end, which is a doubtful thought.
If anyone here has any knowledge in MediaWiki structure, can you send me a PM? Maybe we could talk on MSN or something, I could use the help. Aside from this, I want your opinions, and if you guys will help build this up. Seriously, I took thought into this. It'd be a great thing to do to have one resource to go too.
ZO Wiki!
Edited by Sage on May 7, 2006 at 20:24:04.
Fight, Megaman! For everlasting peace! ~ :o