Interordi Menu
All Business.
1763 posts

Hey there guys, I got a new project. Called...


ZO Wiki is a joint project between the communities of Zero Outpost (my board) and this board. It is a resource of all Megaman information, from anywhere and everywhere. Ranging from boss strategies, to plot summaries, to character analysis. It's the free Megaman Encyclopedia, that anyone can edit!

Dr. Cossack approved of this, I think even he will be adding information from time to time. As time passes on, I'll be asking for two sysops to help control the site, if Doc minds I'll ask for one from here, and one from my board. I know there is one out there, but this one is for ZO and IO strictly, people who come to my board, and this one will be able to join and edit, and contribute as they see fit. Hopefully this will be something that can go along till IO reaches its end, which is a doubtful thought.

If anyone here has any knowledge in MediaWiki structure, can you send me a PM? Maybe we could talk on MSN or something, I could use the help. Aside from this, I want your opinions, and if you guys will help build this up. Seriously, I took thought into this. It'd be a great thing to do to have one resource to go too.

ZO Wiki!

Edited by Sage on May 7, 2006 at 20:24:04.

Fight, Megaman! For everlasting peace! ~ :o

The Red Comet
1438 posts

Hey, so this is that project you were talking about. I might stop by and add some stuff if I can... does the major stuff need to be done first? Because I can probably help with smaller stuff more easily.

Heh, I've actually written two Uncyclopedia articles. I've never written a Wiki article before.

Originally posted by Breakman:
Saturdays: The day Protoman comes over. He doesn't do or need anything, but Roll insists Rock to sit down and talk to him. So commences the 12-hour awkward silence treatment until Protoman disappears when everybody's back is turned.

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If I can give you a tip for this: try to get another look instead of the standard "Wiki" design. Something somewhat related to Mega Man would be nice and set ZO Wiki apart from other projects. Memory Alpha, a Star Trek Wiki, is a good example of what you should aim for.

The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!

"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)

1396 posts

Once I figure out how to add articles, I'll be sure to contriubute! D:

AimMan v2.5
2429 posts

I'd like to help out too, but I'll probably need to know the same thing as Heat does: does it matter if we post the smaller things first? For instance, judging from what I've learned next to most people on Legends station, my knowledge of the series as a series is pretty low. But, on the other hand, it would be easy for me to make stuff about specific characters and other things of the like. So is it ok to start at a smaller branch?

Join the DevART Megaman Legends Club:

All Business.
1763 posts

Doc, I plan on doing that when I get the time.

Heat, Aim. Yeah, it's okay to start on smaller things, besides starting on big things would be too hard, nay? ;)

Fight, Megaman! For everlasting peace! ~ :o

All Business.
1763 posts

*Double Post*

I did a documentation on Interordi, if anyone could look over it, that'd be great. If you've been here as long as me, or see something I've forgotten, add it in? If you want, take a shot at the iOekaki part.

ZO Wiki: Interordi

Fight, Megaman! For everlasting peace! ~ :o

1396 posts

You forgot the part pretaining to my angelic descent upon the site in September '03. ;)

The Red Comet
1438 posts

Originally posted by Sage
*Double Post*

I did a documentation on Interordi, if anyone could look over it, that'd be great. If you've been here as long as me, or see something I've forgotten, add it in? If you want, take a shot at the iOekaki part.

ZO Wiki: Interordi

I might give it a crack in a second if nobody beats me to it.

By the way, I find it kind of interesting that you bolded the mods' names and didn't apply any formatting to the admin's. Just a presentation thing.

Originally posted by Breakman:
Saturdays: The day Protoman comes over. He doesn't do or need anything, but Roll insists Rock to sit down and talk to him. So commences the 12-hour awkward silence treatment until Protoman disappears when everybody's back is turned.

All Business.
1763 posts

I was lazy? <.<

I mentioned the Doc's name more then the mods? I dunno, didn't cross me.

Fight, Megaman! For everlasting peace! ~ :o

Backer Dragon Man
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Serial Metroid Snuggler
480 posts

ZO Wiki sounds like it'll be awesome when it's finished! I'll help out if you like Sage.

Warning: Boggarts in mirror are closer than they appear!

913 posts

I made my first article now. It's called "Megaman X" and I just gave some basic history on the Megaman X games. UE is trying to help me out with it right now.

o hay

Ice God
247 posts

Wiki? Are you plagerizing wikipedia? The free encyclopedia for megaman zero. Wikipedia is called the free encyclopedia(for everything). Wikipedia has information on megaman zero already. Its how I got my avatar on Fenrir Lunaedge when I saved the picture and did all the other stuff. I have one more question. I'll give you the BOTD and ask is ZO Wiki gonna be a branch for Wikipedia like other branches for other subjects. If you dont believe me on Wikipedia check yourself.

Wikipedia has many languages so its prepared for people around the globe.


Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

I'm going to bite my tongue here because I understand that you might be unfamiliar with the concept. Instead, I'll be a good person and explain it to you.

On the one hand you have Wikipedia which is a general encyclopedia for things.

On the other hand, you have Wikicities, which are not only hosted by Wikipedia, but each Wikicity is also a more specialized encyclopedia that goes into deep detail where Wikipedia only brushes the surface.

Edited by Mega X.exe on June 7, 2006 at 18:37:34.

Ice God
247 posts

Oh I get it now. Can I ask another question(to anybody)?One time when going to Wikipedia I mispelled it on acccident and it said Wekipedia. I thought I'd go to the page where it says no such website but there is a website. I never went again, but is that a wikipedia plagerized copy or a older website and wikipedia is a newer website of it?


Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

It's not Wikipedia, but it isn't even a copy, really. It's just an ad-site leeching off of Wiki's popularity.

All Business.
1763 posts

Lawl, funny real funny.

ZO Wiki, is ran under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2. The wiki itself is ran from the software mediawiki, which is freeware, and is the same as what wikipedia uses, only everyone can use it if your going to start your own encyclepedia, wether it before for a website, or a server of information. My wikipedia is a Megaman Encyclpedia, ranging from everything. If its under GPL Free Documentation license, it can't be plagerized less it was taken word from word. Media wiki is the general owner of Wikipedia foundation, wikipedia just uses Media wikis software.

Fight, Megaman! For everlasting peace! ~ :o

Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

lolz sage u steeler

I'd honestly put up some topics but, you know...I don't gel with the Wiki format well. As in..don't know what the hell I'm doing..type of..thing.