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Princess Celestia
Princess Celestia
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Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
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Unity.EXE emblem
Unity.EXE emblem
Defeat Bass.EXE in the AFD2013 event!
Acquired on 1 April 2013
Lilly Satou
Lilly Satou
Acquired on 1 April 2012

... and 25 more

Unlike the message board, the chatroom runs on a 24 hour schedule. I keep an eye on the place, along with Unknown_Entity/Flaming_Nutmeg, Phatman Dover/Atomsk, and Alia. Of course, the moderators can't hope to be always around to catch things when they happen. As such, I'm looking to add an extra person or two to the team.

I don't expect anyone to stay in the chatroom several hours every day, because it's very likely that you are busy with other tasks. What I'm looking for is someone who can do his possible to look over the channel whenever he has a chance to. If you don't know much how IRC works but are willing to learn, no problem: we'll get you up to speed quickly.

If you are interested or want to nominate someone, reply to this topic and give your reason why. I'll let this run for a week or two before I pick a person or two to help. Please keep in mind that the final decision is mine, and won't be influenced by the number of people who name someone else.

Come forth, Ninja Moderators!

Edited by Dr. Cossack on July 5, 2006 at 23:09:06.

The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!

"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)

The Helldragon
Inquisitor of Zork
-3258 post
Princess Celestia
Princess Celestia
Got all items in the AFD2012 event!
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Shizune Hakamichi
Shizune Hakamichi
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Hisao Nakai
Hisao Nakai
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Lilly Satou
Lilly Satou
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Emi Ibarazaki
Emi Ibarazaki
Acquired on 1 April 2012

... and 18 more

I would like to apply for this job. I have administrator experience at EXE Warriors, and I'm confident that moderating a chat is the same as keeping a board. I am a fair judge, and should conflict arise, I am willing to listen to both sides. In spite of the job I'm seeking for the early morning hours to the afternoon, I'm usually on all day and could keep tabs on anything. The best times I am avaliable are from 6PM to 11-12PM Eastern Time. Please PM me if you require any further information. Thank you.

The Helldragon

Edited by The Helldragon on June 14, 2006 at 0:30:27.

Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

I'm actually going to put a lot of effort into frequenting the chat more often. I'll apply if no one else will.

2647 posts

When I got to the 'Ninja Moderators' phrase, I chuckled.

Anyway, I'd nominate the ones who are responsible, are in the chatroom a lot (perhaps the idle ones are actually watching you >.> ), and are willing to take it upon themselves.

I probably wouldn't care, anyway, I can't even get into the chatroom. >.>

Edited by Morphman on June 16, 2006 at 14:16:35.

All hail the Supreme Comrade Cossack!

-48 post

I wouldn't mind applying. My experience is with my channels at several chat servers. I've been ops one could say for a while, I'm not sure if thats the same, but that is my experience. I'd always check on the room whenever possible. I am slightly strict, but still that means I am fair, and look out for everyones best interest. I'm sure that if given the chance I can be a fair, strict, but still fun mod. Of course I'll be sure to follow the rules as well and to not go to far when using my rights, such as kicking/banning. I'll only do so if the person is breaking several rules or being very rude to our guests. I will not ban at all, I feel I don't have that much experience. I'll wait until I understand the rules and regulations first, as well as the amount of time a person can break the rules until a ban is needed to bring peace once more. I'll be sure to see how anyone else feels about me doing the kick/ban. I really just hope that the chatter will be mature enough in order to avoid that. Nevertheless I feel that I can fullfil this responsibility to it's fullest in time, but will at first be sure to know as much as I can before accutally starting being a mod, if I am chosen.

In conclution; it'd be a privlige to work with you guys and to do my part. Thanks.


King Friday
549 posts

Surprise as it may be, I'd be interested in the position.

I've been frequenting the chat for over 2 years now, having popped in just about every day. I'd like to claim I have gleaned a fair knowledge of IRC workings in that time.

That aside, I'd also nominate Sage over myself. He is extremely well versed in IRC, and relatively just. Additionally, he's around often enough.


1303 posts

I would love to be one, I am a mod at a couple of site's and an admin at another, I would love the position and I have incredible amounts of free time on my hands.

ultimate cookie eater
128 posts

you can count on me i own a board and i run it well and i've
always to shape the chatroom,i enjoy running my site and board thats why i whould be a good member of your team just pm me if want me and i'll honerly exsept it thank you! :) :)

i like pie pie pie pie going down
down now right into my belly if you
love pie clap your hands ,calp,calp
if you like pie clap your hands ,calp
,clap apple cinmon pecon,apple cinmon
pecon,apple cinmon and apple cinmon apple cinmon and pecon,clap,clap

don't forget chun lee's legendary legs, Image thanks again for banner slash

⚠ Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/inter/domains/ on line 275
#0 in /home/inter/domains/ on line 287: CPost::::::output
Deleted account

Post redacted

1396 posts

I'm not as heavily versed in IRC workings as some other applicants may be, but if nothing else I am around the chat quite alot.

Over myself I recommend Sage as well. But not Zal. HE'LL MAKE ME PAY OR HE'LL KICKBAN D:

Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

To be perfectly honest, all of those that have applied, or anyone that was "nominated", I wouldn't personally appoint for power/spam issues alone.

Perhaps it's because of Unknown, he has shown to be a very good mod. I suppose it just comes down to who he genuinely feels comfortable having as another mod.

I'd also take Phat off the list, for I haven't seen him do anything to remedy spammers and/or general problems in the chat.

Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

I think he only uses his powers to make his traditional exit. A self-kick.

Phatman Dover
737 posts

That's not true! I've kick/banned a few lamers off of the chat, trust me. I try very, very hard. D:

I'm not the best at it, but I do try.

Reality swirled in a wholly blue manner, revealing absolutely nothing of merit. Things flashed madly in and out of existence like some entirely other sort of phenomena. On a whim, Kurt Vonnegut imploded, taking a sizeable hunk of Massachusetts with him. However, seeing as Massachusetts wasn't entirely sure it existed, the chunk wasn't all that big.

1027 posts

I would apply and all since I do have Mod experience, but I can't even get into the Chat Room. It won't load. >.>

I could try my Firefox browser, but I'm not so sure I can get in. Oh wait... Firefox works. I can get in! Yay!

Originally posted by doc.mad
you can count on me i own a board and i run it well and i've
always to shape the chatroom,i enjoy running my site and board thats why i whould be a good member of your team just pm me if want me and i'll honerly exsept it thank you! :) :)

One step at a time now. First learn your grammar and spelling.

Edited by Kagome_Sakura on June 15, 2006 at 15:53:21.

Glenn Magus Harvey
Lead character
172 posts

I'd like to apply for the task.

+ I'm decently well-versed in IRC, and can easily summon the help of others if and when needed.
+ I've been managing my own channel for over two years now (albeit its having less traffic, but I have experience with working the technical details).
+ I'm on chat decently often, and have a good idea of what chat culture is like.
+ I've been on IRC for about two and a half years now, and I'm familiar with IRC etiquette and culture. In fact, some things I learned the hard way, so I feel that I have the capacity to be sympathetic and/or judging, depending on the situation.
+ And in that vein, I know how to take things with a grain of salt instead of necessarily freaking out to it.

[edit]As a sidenote, this is the first time I've been back since the new board went up, and this looks REALLY SWEET. fact, so sweet that I think I'm back.[/edit]

Edited by Glenn Magus Harvey on June 16, 2006 at 1:44:48.

It Just Bugs Me! - a place to discuss media, real life, and other topics.

SPT Layzner
The Blue Comet
1476 posts

Even though I idle most of the time, I'd like to apply as well.

I'm currently an half-op on minitokyo's chatroom and I've been an op on several other channels over the past 4 years.

There you have it, the idler of the channel has nominated himself. My computer is online 24/7 (unless I restart it or my ISP decides to have issues) so...erm...yeah.


Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

Yeah, I'll un-nominate myself and instead give my vote to AirMaster/SPT Layzner here. He's really the ideal choice.

Backer Dragon Man
Minecraft op
Serial Metroid Snuggler
480 posts

I'll take the job! I can keep the n00bs at bay! I'll show you, I'LL SHOW YOU ALL! uhh huh huh heh heh hah HAH HAAAHH HA HA HAHAH <insert rediculous amounts of laughing here>

but seriously, I'm the +q of #daq, With UE, Phat, Alia, and teh Doktor on my side, I'm For The Win!

*votes for self*

Warning: Boggarts in mirror are closer than they appear!

halo freak
363 posts

Dang I'd love to have the job but I don't think I could get it seeing all the people that are running. :hehe:

Chris Ray Gun is still cool
844 posts

If this were board mods I'd say Ri, but she rarely goes into chat.

Wind would probably be fine; I KNOW he'd be good at a board, HOWEVER IF HE WAS CHOOSEN AND PERSONAL PROBLEMS GOT IN THE WAY, I WOULD COMPLAIN. Hollow seems to share many opinions as far as dealing with SPAMmers and arguments goes with the doc, however he does not frequent chat enough to be a good choice for mod, IMO. Sage would DEFINITELY not make a good mod; as I have stated in so many other topics any modding or complaining I have seen him do, including recently, is always based upon friendships if he knows the person. If he doesn't know the person and is not annoyed by then at all, he is fair.

Mega X seems like a good choice, if he can avoid getting into arguments with people... I'm not sure how much the arguments X would have would affect the chatroom, but IMO, they are mild enough that he should not be kicked by them for another mod anyway, and I do not believe he would kick anyone based on that, and would probably be fair in other aspects. AirMaster/SPT Layzner seems like another good choice, but I don't know him as well because he doesn't talk a lot (though is usually in chat).

As for the current mods, Phat seems to do a great job, interfering when needed and at no other times. Which is probablay why you haven't seen him kick/ban so many members simply upon request as Unknown_Entity has (for example, a person is talking about a non-sexual, non-violent subject the rest of the chat is not intrested in while not using capitial letters). However, Phat is not around often enough to be an appropiate mod, IMO, if we (well, if Doc) was choosing from scratch. UE does a pretty good job most of the time, but aside from the example I just mentioned which is based request by other chatgoers or something that is not nessecerily against the rules, he does OCCASIONALLY "punish" someone based on personal feelings if he is what we, knowing UE's netural-ness, might consider to be extremely pissed (since I can't se him, I don't know how pissed he actually is in these situations). However, THAT aspect of it is extremely rare. I have also heard UE say recently that he was getting bored of modding, but of course he can put his own input into that.

Anyone else who has nominated themselves, or "applied" as we're calling it, I have not seen in the chatroom (or have seen much more rarely then other frequenters), unless I am missing someone. I am sorry I do not have any suggestions for people that have not already been mentioned.

Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

Oh boo-hoo, we'd be out a psychopath. Woe is the chat.

Again, you all can post all you like but I really think Unknown should choose. He needs a mini-Unknown to do all the kickbanning while he's away.

Glenn Magus Harvey
Lead character
172 posts

As discussed in chat, I hereby nominate a truck to be chat mod.

It Just Bugs Me! - a place to discuss media, real life, and other topics.

The Helldragon
Inquisitor of Zork
-3258 post
Princess Celestia
Princess Celestia
Got all items in the AFD2012 event!
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Shizune Hakamichi
Shizune Hakamichi
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Hisao Nakai
Hisao Nakai
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Lilly Satou
Lilly Satou
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Emi Ibarazaki
Emi Ibarazaki
Acquired on 1 April 2012

... and 18 more

Because it would fight a raptor.

And WIN.

Black Dranzer.exe
World Traveler
2834 posts

I second the nominations on Airmaster AND Sage here. Either or both of them could make (a) good Choice(s). UE should pick at least one if multiple mods are needed though.

Edited by Black Dranzer.exe on June 21, 2006 at 18:16:28.

Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.

Staff Unknown_Entity
Minecraft op
634% more 1337
463 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016
Princess Celestia
Princess Celestia
Got all items in the AFD2012 event!
Acquired on 2 April 2012
Unlock all of the main forum features!
Acquired on 2 April 2014
Shizune Hakamichi
Shizune Hakamichi
Acquired on 2 April 2012
Hisao Nakai
Hisao Nakai
Acquired on 2 April 2012

... and 24 more

Well, UE's here to give his two cents. Cause extra help makes me go :D

Firstly, posting about yeah, I have board experience. It doesn't matter. IRC works WAY different from boards. I've been there 2 and a half years; I know. And chat experience is good and all, but it's better if you know IRC chats and the commands associated with it, as well as using a client and registering your nick. I'm always willing to help out with learning the ropes and hooking you up with a client if needed.

All that aside, I'd pick Sage to be one for sure. As for a second pick, that's up in the air really, so yeah.

Overall though, it's up to Doc. He's the channel owner and site admin, so it's his decision in the end either way.

And just for fun now...Imma pick apart you people's quotes...

<DrCossack> Come forth, Ninja Moderators!

/cs deop #mmpc
I'm totally not an op waiting to pwn a noob, no no no...

<Morph> I probably wouldn't care, anyway, I can't even get into the chatroom. >.>

Fix removed the Akill on morph idents; you should be able to connect with Morph now.

you can count on me i own a board and i run it well and i've
always to shape the chatroom,i enjoy running my site and board thats why i whould be a good member of your team just pm me if want me and i'll honerly exsept it thank you!

*pulls a mini-Hollow* And this is an example of what to pwn.

<Wind> Also, Hollow would make an awesome mod from what I've seen. Then we'd have UE 0_0 and Hollow o.o

Yes, emotes are fun, aren't they? Too bad . isn't allowed in nicks. I think...

<X> I think he only uses his powers to make his traditional exit. A self-kick.

Normally yes, but he *has* gotten a couple lamers in the short time he's usually around.

<Kagome> I could try my Firefox browser, but I'm not so sure I can get in. Oh wait... Firefox works. I can get in! Yay!

Step 2: Clients ftw. Chatzilla even for firefox.

<Dragon_Man> I'll take the job! I can keep the n00bs at bay! I'll show you, I'LL SHOW YOU ALL! uhh huh huh heh heh hah HAH HAAAHH HA HA HAHAH <insert rediculous amounts of laughing here>

Just a thought...but don't you think you're overdoing it >_>

<God> *snip*

Way to bias yer nomiation on thinking yer gonna get banned for personal reasons. Not like this is based on num votes anyway.

<Hollow> Oh boo-hoo, we'd be out a psychopath. Woe is the chat.
Again, you all can post all you like but I really think Unknown should choose. He needs a mini-Unknown to do all the kickbanning while he's away.

a) Your sarcasm never fails to make me lol.
b) Mini-UE lol...but it's ultimately up to Doc. I prolly just have a little bit more influence ;)

<GMH> As discussed in chat, I hereby nominate a truck to be chat mod.
<TheHelldragon> Because it would fight a raptor. And WIN.

/me runs over GMH with a truck
/me turns into a Velocaraptor and chases Hell around

(off topic) Btw Doc, can there be a post preview button in the post reply? I don't see it here, and I find it useful. espeically with all the quote tags <_<

Edited by Unknown_Entity on June 23, 2006 at 2:39:56.

Spammers make Doc this face > :mad:


[14:33:35] <Lost_To_Apathy> STZ...what the feck is that? Sexually Transmitted Zit?

Noobs can click here for all the Gameshark codes and roms they need

Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

*pulls a mini-Hollow* And this is an example of what to pwn.

Hahaha..for once, I didn't say it.

Fix had akill on anything with Morph in it? Why? O.o

2647 posts

Because my sheer presence was so awesome it would cause bugs in the chat? Xp

No, apparently, there was something with a virus or hacker who used that name.


Edited by Morphman on June 23, 2006 at 22:25:41.

All hail the Supreme Comrade Cossack!

All Business.
1763 posts

FiX had the ident Morph@ on Akill due to bot attacks. The bot was a Morph-bot, and had Morph@ at the beginning. FiX removed it due to the fact they havn't had it attack in awhile.

Fight, Megaman! For everlasting peace! ~ :o

2647 posts

Yeah. I wondered already who that ninja pirate sniper was who was stalking me. ^^;

All hail the Supreme Comrade Cossack!

Staff Backer Masterlink
Super moderator
Minecraft op
Yes, I'm kosher.
566 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Well, I might as well post.

I wouldn't mind the job, I idle there enough, just watching people and trying to remain neutral on arguments.
I have common sense and am able to remain just on either side.
I am well versed in IRC, knowing most of the commands, if not all, and I have even shown UE a thing or two about it.
Also, if you ask UE, he can link you to a log of the April 1st event in the chatroom. Due to him working on one of his computers/knowing there would be more lamers working their way in, he assigned me as op for that day, leaving me, for the most part, alone in the job.

I am on most times UE isn't, but not all the time, just whenever I can.

To whoever gets the operator's @, I just hope they do not abuse any powers.
Just remember, IRC is a place to be responsible, meet new people, and have plain good fun. Let's keep it that way, shall we?

This my signature area... mine, yes.. so... stuff.