Well, UE's here to give his two cents. Cause extra help makes me go :D
Firstly, posting about yeah, I have board experience. It doesn't matter. IRC works WAY different from boards. I've been there 2 and a half years; I know. And chat experience is good and all, but it's better if you know IRC chats and the commands associated with it, as well as using a client and registering your nick. I'm always willing to help out with learning the ropes and hooking you up with a client if needed.
All that aside, I'd pick Sage to be one for sure. As for a second pick, that's up in the air really, so yeah.
Overall though, it's up to Doc. He's the channel owner and site admin, so it's his decision in the end either way.
And just for fun now...Imma pick apart you people's quotes...
<DrCossack> Come forth, Ninja Moderators!
/cs deop #mmpc
I'm totally not an op waiting to pwn a noob, no no no...
<Morph> I probably wouldn't care, anyway, I can't even get into the chatroom. >.>
Fix removed the Akill on morph idents; you should be able to connect with Morph now.
you can count on me i own a board and i run it well and i've
always to shape the chatroom,i enjoy running my site and board thats why i whould be a good member of your team just pm me if want me and i'll honerly exsept it thank you!
*pulls a mini-Hollow* And this is an example of what to pwn.
<Wind> Also, Hollow would make an awesome mod from what I've seen. Then we'd have UE 0_0 and Hollow o.o
Yes, emotes are fun, aren't they? Too bad . isn't allowed in nicks. I think...
<X> I think he only uses his powers to make his traditional exit. A self-kick.
Normally yes, but he *has* gotten a couple lamers in the short time he's usually around.
<Kagome> I could try my Firefox browser, but I'm not so sure I can get in. Oh wait... Firefox works. I can get in! Yay!
Step 2: Clients ftw.
Chatzilla even for firefox.
<Dragon_Man> I'll take the job! I can keep the n00bs at bay! I'll show you, I'LL SHOW YOU ALL! uhh huh huh heh heh hah HAH HAAAHH HA HA HAHAH <insert rediculous amounts of laughing here>
Just a thought...but don't you think you're overdoing it >_>
<God> *snip*
Way to bias yer nomiation on thinking yer gonna get banned for personal reasons. Not like this is based on num votes anyway.
<Hollow> Oh boo-hoo, we'd be out a psychopath. Woe is the chat.
Again, you all can post all you like but I really think Unknown should choose. He needs a mini-Unknown to do all the kickbanning while he's away.
a) Your sarcasm never fails to make me lol.
b) Mini-UE lol...but it's ultimately up to Doc. I prolly just have a little bit more influence ;)
<GMH> As discussed in chat, I hereby nominate a truck to be chat mod.
<TheHelldragon> Because it would fight a raptor. And WIN.
/me runs over GMH with a truck
/me turns into a Velocaraptor and chases Hell around
(off topic) Btw Doc, can there be a post preview button in the post reply? I don't see it here, and I find it useful. espeically with all the quote tags <_<
Edited by Unknown_Entity on June 23, 2006 at 2:39:56.