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OK, I'm a Castlevania fan and I own a Nintendo DS. I'm currently thinking about buying either Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow or Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin for it and I'd like to know which one should I get? How would you recommend other over another? Impressions, opinions, love or hate, all types of criticism or praise is welcome in this thread.

I did play Aria of Sorrow for Gameboy Advance and I didn't like the soul farming in that game, some of the souls were unnecessary by the time you got better ones.

Dracula, in the name of my mother, I will defeat you again!

The Helldragon
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Even though you may not like soul farming, none such things are required for the endings in Dawn of Sorrow, which is still a great game despite the damn boss seals. Portrait of Ruin is also very solid, but Dracula suddenly decided in that game that he wasn't going to roll over for you this time-he's actually HARD. My vote goes to Dawn of Sorrow since I like the Sorrow series more, but you may dig Portrait of Ruin more than I do.

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Both games are solid, really. Dawn of Sorrow requires you to have played Aria to know the characters and settings, while Portrait of Ruin follows Bloodlines for it's plot. It's hard to pick a single one. They both feature strong graphics, a great soundtrack, some extra play modes...

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4th Cousin to Doc
874 posts

I prefer the Bloodline plot to the Sorrow plotline, personally, and I never did like the soul system that much (I'm not disparaging it, I'm just saying I prefer Portrait's system better). Plus, as Helldragon pointed out, this is actually a hard Dracula. Or decently hard until you figure out how to stop all his attacks cold. Then he's just difficult.
Hope that helps, if you even decide to read this. :P

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Slash Beast
Irken Invader
544 posts

I personally like both games but if you've played Aria, Dawn is a good ending for it if you really wanna finish it's story. If you want somethin completley new from Aria then you should go for PoR, besides the Wi-Fi is the big difference between the two.


199 posts

Definatly Dawn of sorrow, I think Konami should remake a sequel for especially for its title, and they should make it sort of like Simons quest back in the days on the nes, that would rock like hell, wait no, HEAVEN. ^_^

Edited by Catman on April 29, 2007 at 8:22:29.


Phatman Dover
737 posts


Well, first of all, know your roots. Bloodlines > Aria series.

PoR is far better. Soma's a whiny little pain, and emo to boot. And we all know what that means...he's going to kill himself at some point or another. Charlotte and Jonathan are completely safe because they're badass.

I disliked soul farming, and in PoR it is so easy to find weapons, and side abilities for both characters. SO EASY. PoR gets my vote for being like Castlevania, not like SoTN.

Reality swirled in a wholly blue manner, revealing absolutely nothing of merit. Things flashed madly in and out of existence like some entirely other sort of phenomena. On a whim, Kurt Vonnegut imploded, taking a sizeable hunk of Massachusetts with him. However, seeing as Massachusetts wasn't entirely sure it existed, the chunk wasn't all that big.

The Helldragon
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Aria wins in my opinion for the soul idea and the whole main dramatic lunge of the storyline. I won't say it here, so I don't have to bother with the spoiler tags.

Rioni Riishu
729 posts

Oh, come on, Dover, I happen to really like Dawn of Sorrow myself. =P Just 'cause you like something better doesn't mean it IS better, just means you like it better. I'm not trying to stick up for Catman here, just the game I like, lol. My favorite Castlevania, though, is Circle of the Moon, and always will be. Nathan Graves ftw!


Goat Herder
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Emi Ibarazaki
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I don't have any of the games, but THD is trying to convince me to go get a game or three.

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"I worship the supreme comrade Cossack!"
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The Helldragon
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Rin Tezuka
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Hanako Ikezawa
Hanako Ikezawa
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Buying both will make a Castlevania fan happy period.

199 posts

I have all of them downloaded from the net, Ive tryed them out, not really devoted so much time and mental energy on them though, Castlevania is always so complicated, because its RPG, Like i stated about MM battlenetwork before, its got to stop sometime, but Castlevania is good with so much production, i hope Konami keeps goin with it. ^_^


Slash Beast
Irken Invader
544 posts

Well if were counting GBA games too you can buy one of the DS games & if you still have money left buying Circle of the Moon is a very good choice as well, I still have mine.
It shouldn't be too expensive, well for a good Castlvania game.
