Originally posted by megaman x rocks!
I heard that the movie is coming out and I was reading a movie magazine when I found out it was Rated 13...I mean....Thats stupid~!Transformers is a long-time favorite show for kids but the movie gave a Rated 13??Please comment in this topic and if its stupid,I don't mind it being locked
First off, your grammar hurts my eyes. Books are friendly, unless by some freak coincidence they attacked and killed your parents.
Second off, have you SEEN the G1 movie? Holy crap. They swear a fair bit, and to be honest, eating people alive isn't necessarily PG. Not to mention on the junk planet there was a lot of gibberish that would make kids laugh, but it was aimed at an older generation. So yes, I can believe that the Transformers movie is PG-13...the question you should be asking is why Freakazoid was only rated Y7 instead of something more appropriate. THAT is the fine question.
Edited by Phatman Dover on May 5, 2007 at 20:13:45.
Reality swirled in a wholly blue manner, revealing absolutely nothing of merit. Things flashed madly in and out of existence like some entirely other sort of phenomena. On a whim, Kurt Vonnegut imploded, taking a sizeable hunk of Massachusetts with him. However, seeing as Massachusetts wasn't entirely sure it existed, the chunk wasn't all that big.