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Lil' metool
3 posts

<Possible Spoiler>I Think Zeros having dreams of wiley because hes secretly PROTOMAN! Protoman always had a habit of saving Megaman, coincidently so does Zrero, and they're both colored red and white.

Lil' metool
3 posts

I've heard rumors that theres suppossed to be a battle between Megaman x and Zero, this could be triggerd by (if true) Zero remmembering hes Protoman, and finally making a choice.

Goat Herder
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1. Don't double post.
2. It has been stated officially by Capcom officials that Proto Man and Zero are two completely different robots.
3. The Mega Man X vs. Zero battle was already done in Mega Man X5.
4. Anything you hear about a Mega Man X9 game is purely insubstantial rumor; all Mega Man work lately has been devoted to Mega Man ZX, Mega Man ZX: Advent, Mega Man Star Force, Mega Man Star Force 2, and a Mega Man Legends cellphone game. If there was going to be anything about a Mega Man X9 any time soon, Capcom would've spilled something by now.

"Why do you care that I care that you care enough to care that I care for caring?" "Conversation isn't your strong point, is it?"
"I worship the supreme comrade Cossack!"
"OugharagarraaahhHHH: When 'Ow' just won't cut it."

CAPCOM: We put the "No" in Innovation.

1050 posts

*hits head on keyboard*

I thought we were done with discussions like this years ago...

~ Nothing is foolproof to a truly talented fool.

Goat Herder
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Lilly Satou
Lilly Satou
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Originally posted by MaceMan
*hits head on keyboard*

I thought we were done with discussions like this years ago...

The hell never ends. >.>

"Why do you care that I care that you care enough to care that I care for caring?" "Conversation isn't your strong point, is it?"
"I worship the supreme comrade Cossack!"
"OugharagarraaahhHHH: When 'Ow' just won't cut it."

CAPCOM: We put the "No" in Innovation.

Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

No. No and no.

Did I mention that the answer is no?

1396 posts

If you played Power Fighters, you'd know that

Spoiler (click to toggle)
Protoman eventually asplodes. Also it shows Zero being constructed at the end.

Therefore, your opinion = wrong.

PR070 M4N
Lil' metool
9 posts

i find mega man x9 a very very unlikely possibility.
i think it's pretty much safe to say the x series is over other than maybe some remakes, crossovers, or side game possibilities, which i doubt capcom will follow up with.
they couldn't even make mega man 9 for crying out loud.
they were to afraid people would confuse mega man x as being mega man 10 or something stupid like that.
even though mega man x was a follow up to the original series, so i don't see what they were so worried about anyways.

but regardless, if they won't make a mega man 9 i find it hard to believe they will make an x9.

Edited by PR070 M4N on December 20, 2007 at 18:49:47.

god of darkness
61 posts

axl would turn evil.
x would use mother elf to turn axl into scrap metal.

this is far from over

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1 post

The 50th anniversary pic is missing zero(mmx)
and x(mmz).

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Be careful: it's the 20th Anniversary, not the 50th! Mega Man's not that old yet!

The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!

"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)

Black Dranzer.exe
World Traveler
2834 posts

Originally posted by Dr. Cossack
Be careful: it's the 20th Anniversary, not the 50th! Mega Man's not that old yet!

Megaman in 50 years said, "Rush, knock off that barking! Roll, where's my oatmeal?! Light, I don't wanna fight no robot masters!"

Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.

god of darkness
61 posts

my picture is for the 20th Anniversary.

this is far from over

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Yllisos Zanon
Free Lance Bestiality
32 posts

I believe that X9 could end both the Original Series, and the X series. Give X and Zero a reason to dig up thier pasts, like Duo could come back to Earth, informs X and Zero about a possible threat, the only key to defeat the new enemy, dwells within the past.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Their coming to take me away, hee hee haw haw hoo hoo
You cannot kill what you did not create

god of darkness
61 posts

and omega can make an appearance.

this is far from over

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Yllisos Zanon
Free Lance Bestiality
32 posts

I'd say, save Omega for the Elf Wars as a final boss in the second or third game. However, that doesn't mean he can't make a minor appearence before the Elf Wars, as a good guy.


Their coming to take me away, hee hee haw haw hoo hoo
You cannot kill what you did not create

DMN #007
1176 posts

Let me use my highly scientific deductive skills to determine, based on previous X-plots, what X9 would be like.



Alright. I got it.

First, a mysterious guy in a cloak. It's obviously Sigma, but we play along and pretend we don't know who it is. He does some bad stuff. Cue Maverick Hunters.

Hunters X, Zero, and Axl arrive on the scene. They look around and fight some giant mechaniloid, and head back to base.

EXACTLY 8 MAVERICKS APPEAR IN 8 SPECIFIC LOCATIONS SYMBOLIC OF THEIR POWERS. In the short time that X and crew were out wasting a wimpy giant, Maverick-Hunter HQ knows everything and anything about these mavericks EXCEPT that Sigma built them. EVERYTHING EXCEPT THAT.

X and crew proceed to lay waste to the villainous curs.

Halfway through, (exactly 4 bosses defeated), a crisis. Someone attacks the base. A shady new character who will be included as a new Biometal in the new ZXObligatorySequal (Name pending). X and crew kick his (or her? Naw.) sorry ass to the curb and get back to business.

X and crew pillage some more Maverick hideouts.

All of a sudden, they get to base and X goes "Hey! I bet Sigma's behind all this!". Almost on cue, Sigma appears on a screen and announces: Yes. He did it. Furthermore, you killed his poker-buddies so now he has to blow up the earth.


We like Earth. All our porn is there. X and crew now attack Sigma's fortress, and GUESS WHAT. They have to fight the same 8 guys all over again. Oh, and that mysterious guy from before, who turns out to be under Sigma's control, but a couple charge-shots and Saber-wounds to the head will fix that right up.

Now we fight Sigma.

And now we fight Sigma again.



Naw, I'm kidding. We fight Sigma some more.

And now we discover, it wasn't really Sigma!

So now we fight the REAL mastermind, because three Sigmas just isn't enough.

And now that we've beaten him, we get to fight him a second time!

And a thi-no, wait. Yeah. We're done.


Back from another thousand-year hibernation.

god of darkness
61 posts

if they have a mega man X9 i am hoping the real enemy is not sigma.

X, Zero and Axl turn a bunch of mavricks into scrap metal and durring the battles axl becomes more like a mavrick and starts to become more violent and zero and mega man x and axl turns evil and tries to destroy the old reploids and humans and Lumine returns and takes over his body and is the final boss after beating them and killing axl mega man and zero or the humans blow up every next generation repliod to ensure that sigma can not return ever.

humans become more catious of reploids.
later on mega man X can use the Sigma Anti-Body program known as the Mother Elf to erase the Maverick Virus from reploids.

this is far from over

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DMN #007
1176 posts

Originally posted by omegaX
if they have a mega man X9 i am hoping the real enemy is not sigma.

X, Zero and Axl turn a bunch of mavricks into scrap metal and durring the battles axl becomes more like a mavrick and starts to become more violent and zero and mega man x and axl turns evil and tries to destroy the old reploids and humans and Lumine returns and takes over his body and is the final boss after beating them and killing axl mega man and zero or the humans blow up every next generation repliod to ensure that sigma can not return ever.

humans become more catious of reploids.
later on mega man X can use the Sigma Anti-Body program known as the Mother Elf to erase the Maverick Virus from reploids.

Hey, there's no reason for MegaMan-X to end at X9.

Hell, Classic MegaMan doesn't have to end at 9, either. Since we've already concluded that X does not mean "10". So the classic could end at MegaMan 23 for all we know.

Anywho, I'm sick of someone being the "greater evil" as opposed to Sigma. Like, the only thing awesome about Sigma is that there's no evil greater than him. That was IT. Now some jerk called Lumine goes and takes that from him, too. Sigma is now nothing more than a minor headache. That kinda pisses me off.

Back from another thousand-year hibernation.

Goat Herder
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Originally posted by FlareMan
Hey, there's no reason for MegaMan-X to end at X9.

Hell, Classic MegaMan doesn't have to end at 9, either. Since we've already concluded that X does not mean "10". So the classic could end at MegaMan 23 for all we know.

Do we really want to beat the horse to death that much?

"Why do you care that I care that you care enough to care that I care for caring?" "Conversation isn't your strong point, is it?"
"I worship the supreme comrade Cossack!"
"OugharagarraaahhHHH: When 'Ow' just won't cut it."

CAPCOM: We put the "No" in Innovation.

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Originally posted by FlareMan
Anywho, I'm sick of someone being the "greater evil" as opposed to Sigma. Like, the only thing awesome about Sigma is that there's no evil greater than him. That was IT. Now some jerk called Lumine goes and takes that from him, too. Sigma is now nothing more than a minor headache. That kinda pisses me off.

Actually, I enjoyed the plot twist of Lumine stepping out of Sigma's shadow in X8. It proves that these so-called "new generation reploids" are more than just for show: they actually ARE powerful!

I'm really hoping that, if a Mega Man X9 is done, that Sigma WON'T be involved in any major way. X8 provided a clear opening to move forward: let's use that momentum to go in a new direction. That way, Sigma won't be a "minor headache" in the way.

The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!

"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)

DMN #007
1176 posts

Originally posted by Dr. Cossack
Originally posted by FlareMan
Anywho, I'm sick of someone being the "greater evil" as opposed to Sigma. Like, the only thing awesome about Sigma is that there's no evil greater than him. That was IT. Now some jerk called Lumine goes and takes that from him, too. Sigma is now nothing more than a minor headache. That kinda pisses me off.

Actually, I enjoyed the plot twist of Lumine stepping out of Sigma's shadow in X8. It proves that these so-called "new generation reploids" are more than just for show: they actually ARE powerful!

I'm really hoping that, if a Mega Man X9 is done, that Sigma WON'T be involved in any major way. X8 provided a clear opening to move forward: let's use that momentum to go in a new direction. That way, Sigma won't be a "minor headache" in the way.

If X9 is going to be the "final" game in the X series, it HAS to have Sigma in it.

Originally posted by RisingDragon
Originally posted by FlareMan
Hey, there's no reason for MegaMan-X to end at X9.

Hell, Classic MegaMan doesn't have to end at 9, either. Since we've already concluded that X does not mean "10". So the classic could end at MegaMan 23 for all we know.

Do we really want to beat the horse to death that much?

Just because you always know who it is doesn't mean it isn't fun anymore.

It worked for Dr. Wily.

Back from another thousand-year hibernation.

god of darkness
61 posts

Originally posted by FlareMan
Originally posted by Dr. Cossack
Originally posted by FlareMan
Anywho, I'm sick of someone being the "greater evil" as opposed to Sigma. Like, the only thing awesome about Sigma is that there's no evil greater than him. That was IT. Now some jerk called Lumine goes and takes that from him, too. Sigma is now nothing more than a minor headache. That kinda pisses me off.

Actually, I enjoyed the plot twist of Lumine stepping out of Sigma's shadow in X8. It proves that these so-called "new generation reploids" are more than just for show: they actually ARE powerful!

I'm really hoping that, if a Mega Man X9 is done, that Sigma WON'T be involved in any major way. X8 provided a clear opening to move forward: let's use that momentum to go in a new direction. That way, Sigma won't be a "minor headache" in the way.

If X9 is going to be the "final" game in the X series, it HAS to have Sigma in it.

Originally posted by RisingDragon
Originally posted by FlareMan
Hey, there's no reason for MegaMan-X to end at X9.

Hell, Classic MegaMan doesn't have to end at 9, either. Since we've already concluded that X does not mean "10". So the classic could end at MegaMan 23 for all we know.

Do we really want to beat the horse to death that much?

Just because you always know who it is doesn't mean it isn't fun anymore.

It worked for Dr. Wily.

but after a while fighting the same final boss gets old.
if sigma is involed in it X9 it should be a backup plan he made incase he died and could not come back.

and the destruction of the next generation reploids could be used as forshadowing for the events in megaman zero where reploids are forced to be retired.

this is far from over

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Goat Herder
-4276 post
Lilly Satou
Lilly Satou
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Emi Ibarazaki
Emi Ibarazaki
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Its not Wily I'm concerned with. You can't really get rid of him. Its the plot I'm worried about. And there's always the chance that Wily would be kicked out of his spot of main bad guy. Happened to Sigma, didn't it?

Besides, with new games, I'd hate to see what bullshit excuses Capcom makes up for questionable plot twists.

"Why do you care that I care that you care enough to care that I care for caring?" "Conversation isn't your strong point, is it?"
"I worship the supreme comrade Cossack!"
"OugharagarraaahhHHH: When 'Ow' just won't cut it."

CAPCOM: We put the "No" in Innovation.

god of darkness
61 posts

how they could end mega man 9 is have wily create a few robot masters to distract mega man long enough for him to make zero after mega man beats the robot masters and rush is killed he and bass fight and right before they can finish you zero appears after killing wily and fight mega man and bass who decide to team up to stop zero.

after a long battle zero kills bass and mega man is saved by duo and proto man who quickly distract zero and escape.

some time later a robot that wily created but did not get a chance to activate is activated as a back up plan incase of his death. proto man fights this robot and is defeated and destroyed by it.

zero easly beats duo and the other robot and kills dr.light and roll. mega man fights zero and blows his own arms up when he uses a full charge shot from both buster cannons to try and destroy zero and zero kills him.

this is far from over

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As far as having the main bad guy always involved, I liked how they pulled it in the Battle Network series. Spoilers follow!

Spoiler about entire Battle Network series (click to toggle)
Ultimately, Dr. Wily was responsible for the events that happened in each game, even if it wasn't straightforward.

BN1: Obvious.
BN2: As we learned in BN3, he pushed Sean to create Gospel in order to reach out to Bass.EXE.
BN3: Obvious.
BN4 and 5: Dr. Regal was in charge, but considering that he's none other than Wily's son...
BN6: Obvious, along with being the foster parent of Baryl, who staged some of the in-game events.

That's one nice way to have the main villain always involved in the plot without having to confront him at the end of each game. :)

The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!

"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)

DMN #007
1176 posts

Originally posted by Dr. Cossack
As far as having the main bad guy always involved, I liked how they pulled it in the Battle Network series. Spoilers follow!

Spoiler about entire Battle Network series (click to toggle)
Ultimately, Dr. Wily was responsible for the events that happened in each game, even if it wasn't straightforward.

BN1: Obvious.
BN2: As we learned in BN3, he pushed Sean to create Gospel in order to reach out to Bass.EXE.
BN3: Obvious.
BN4 and 5: Dr. Regal was in charge, but considering that he's none other than Wily's son...
BN6: Obvious, along with being the foster parent of Baryl, who staged some of the in-game events.

That's one nice way to have the main villain always involved in the plot without having to confront him at the end of each game. :)
That's a very excellent point. I don't mind Sigma not being IN the game, but I prefer him to be the mastermind behind all things. In X9, he could just be in virus-form controlling everything, and the final boss could just be one of his pawns. That's Sigma's THING, being the evil mastermind. I don't like the idea of handing those reins over to someone else...

Edited by FlareMan on May 8, 2008 at 21:59:14.

Back from another thousand-year hibernation.

Hail to the King, baby!
1269 posts

Maybe it's just me, but I think you guys are worrying over the story more than necessary. Megaman came from a simpler time when the story didn't matter, where you pretty much expected to keep facing the same villain over and over again. The story never mattered in the old days because the gameplay was there and personally that's all that would really matter to me.

It's almost comical to see the same villain pop up over and over again, though Megaman always seemed to carry itself more seriously than say, Mario; Bowser could keep kidnapping Princess Peach but it seemed like down the road Nintendo was almost doing it as a parody of itself, kinda in a nudge-nudge wink-wink fashion.

Though, for games that are abit more story intensive like say Battle Network, I can understand why people wouldn't want it to get repetitive. But since when has Megaman X ever really been about the narrative?

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Originally posted by Necro
But since when has Megaman X ever really been about the narrative?

Since Mega Man X5 came out and basically set the plot for the remaining X games, along with the two follow-up series.

The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!

"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)

All Business.
1763 posts

Originally posted by Dr. Cossack
Originally posted by Necro
But since when has Megaman X ever really been about the narrative?

Since Mega Man X5 came out and basically set the plot for the remaining X games, along with the two follow-up series.

Which believe it or not, was actually the good turning point of the series, something Capcom actually did right.

Now only if they could fix some of the voice casting issues, and plot holes, they could patch up the story.

Fight, Megaman! For everlasting peace! ~ :o