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Simple question, but the answer can be both tricky and interesting...

Over the last 20 years or so, a lot of things have come and gone related to the Mega Man universe. Characters were introduced, plot lines were started, games were released... However, we pretty much all have one specific element of annoyance with the series. I'm sure that, at some point, you've said to yourself "this could have been so much better if...". Maybe you'd have liked a proper closure to the Original Series? Maybe you'd have liked the Mega Man Zero series to take a better care of the Elf Wars? Maybe you'd have liked to get less games every year, yet each one being more polished and innovative? Or maybe you'd have appreciated great voice acting through all games? Where do you believe that Capcom dropped the ball?

My personal opinion is that the Mega Man Battle Network series was underdeveloped. As I've already mentioned, the whole concept *screams* to be converted into some sort of MMORPG, yet Capcom officially closed the curtain with Mega Man Battle Network 6. For some time, I told myself that a MMORPG would've been great, but it would have been odd to see that as a PC game... until I realized that this should have happened on the Nintendo DS. The portable unit could have been allowed to connect to some sort of massive, virus-busting universe through the Wi-Fi connection. Besides, if you think about it the DS itself is close in concept to a PET! A sort of game similar to Rockman.EXE 4.5, with an online component to browse the virtual net and battle friends and foes, could have been among the system's finest titles!

On your end, what is the one element where you believe that Capcom missed a great opportunity?

I'm placing this in the Original Series forum as it seems to be a series that Capcom abandonned suddendly after Mega Man 8 and Mega Man & Bass. While we received several side games, the main story has kind of faded away...

The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!

"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)

Goat Herder
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Lilly Satou
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Emi Ibarazaki
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I'd say that I think that the original timeline, as a whole, could've been done better so that we don't need some comprehensive book to find out all of these details. Each game should've had the relevant data explained in-game. And as an extension, they need better plot explanations. The crap about the Guardians being killed by the destroyed Omega is just plain bull.

"Why do you care that I care that you care enough to care that I care for caring?" "Conversation isn't your strong point, is it?"
"I worship the supreme comrade Cossack!"
"OugharagarraaahhHHH: When 'Ow' just won't cut it."

CAPCOM: We put the "No" in Innovation.

The Helldragon
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Originally posted by RisingDragon
And as an extension, they need better plot explanations. The crap about the Guardians being killed by the destroyed Omega is just plain bull.


I HATED finding that out. It's clearly lazy, and reads like a big "F.U." to Mega Man Zero fans.

Staff Backer Doctacosa
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You've got a point there. I'm surprised at how badly they pulled that part since the Mega Man Zero storytelling is quite solid overall. I didn't really understand what did happen with the Guardians until I checked online...

The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!

"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)

1166 posts

I personally think there were more times then just one that Capcom dropped the ball for the Mega Man Series.

#1. Mega Man 4-6 should have been released on the SNES. Okay, so that's going pretty far back, and even if they had, people probably wouldn't care much at this point in time. However, the fact that Capcom had released MM4-6 for the NES because it was inexpensive for them to develop, is bull. If they had spent as much time on the Original Series as they ended up spending on the X Series, they would have made a perfect two separate series duo on the Super Nintendo, without one overshadowing the other. Sure, many people leaned more to the X Series at that time anyways, but many people still retained close to the easier light-hearted feel of the Originals.

#2. Switching from anime cut-scenes, back to the old tired comic strip style story telling in the X Series. Evidently found in X5, when compared to it's predecessor X4. If they had found better voice actors( like the ones they currently use from The Ocean Group), and appended to the art style, it could have made a better visual impact if they had continued with that idea for the rest of the Series (which would later change to 3D character models as the series progressed). It also would have been easier to get into the story. Let's not forget that annoying typing sound effect for every single letter during every single conversation in X5. Also, what's with the Japanese voice overs in the North American version of X6? I'm not even going to point out the lousy translations. I think they speak for them self.

#3. Inconsistent gameplay progression among the X Series. It seems typical of Capcom, to explore a new idea, fail miserably, then retaliate with their tried-but-true ideas. I thought that X7 had much potential. Unfortunately, it didn't hold up as people had hoped. I thought it was strange, that you could carry over the Chips you accumulated in your previous game, but not the Heart Tanks and other items when playing New Game Plus.

X8 was good, but it also had its share of flaws. No crouch, ugly character models and ridiculous level designs are among them. With X8, Capcom had sucked out all that what made previous X Games so fun and made into a frustrating experience. Also the bosses were pretty lame too. If there is one thing that stands out about X8, it would be the Chip Development System. Collecting Metals and Leveling up your characters worked fantastically. Hopefully Capcom uses this idea again in possible future X games.

I thought that a New Game Plus would have worked well in X5. You should carry over all the Parts you collected from bosses, so you can obtain the others that you had to disregard. Something else, notably from X5-X7, was how unbalanced the distribution of Heart Tanks was. I think Capcom could have at least made exclusive Heart Tanks for each individual character, indicated by representing colors (X=Blue, Zero=Red, Axl=Purple) or whatever.

Anyways, I probably have more to rant about, but I think I'll save some for later.

Connoisseur of all beauty
49 posts

Wow, everyone here has already listed a lot of the issues that really disappointed me too! Sometimes I think I'm the only one. To go along with Rising Dragon's comment, I've always disliked the idea of having to buy a book just to understand the storyline of the games. I'm not saying they should never release books that have extra details, but there really needs to be better in-game storytelling. You should be able to make sense out of everything you're shown and told in the actual games.

As Arkane mentioned, the unbalanced distribution of heart tanks was really troubling. And just about everyone that knows me knows that my own heart sank when I first bought X5 6 years ago and saw that there were no anime cut scenes. It seemed that X4 made so many steps in the right direction, and then afterwards they took several steps backwards. Why???

It's no secret that X4 is my favorite game... period. But it had its flaws too. I noticed that Split Mushroom, Cyber Peacock, and even Dragoon all worked for Sigma. If you defeat these guys first, you should be able to resolve the conflict with Colonel peacefully when you meet him at Memorial Hall, even if the rest of Repliforce still continues the coup. Colonel clearly came there to talk, not to fight (at least in Zero's game). They made you powerless to stop Sigma's plot, even if you knew exactly what was going on. I always thought they could have given you the option of a happier ending, even if it wasn't canon. Just look at Metal Gear Solid, where they allow you to save Meryl.

Now I'll move on to a more controversial issue, that I'm sure most people will disagree with. I felt that the X series was a missed opportunity in a way. The story of robots that have their own free will is good. On some level the Maverick rebellion is an understandable situation, because of reploids' free will. When I first played X1, I thought the whole point was, what would robots do with free will? The virus takes away from that story element, because it basically robs reploids of free will. Many of them are clearly not in control of their actions after they get infected, such as Squid Adler. I'm not saying that the virus is a completely bad idea for the story. I just think they should have dealt with it a long time ago (in X2 or X3) and ended it by now. It's an overused story element. The games are more interesting when your opponents aren't brainless war machines. Otherwise what's the point of it being the X series anymore? X4 did not feature the virus and it's my favorite game. Command Mission is another good one.

I have another big one for you all. It's about the fight between X & Zero. They hyped this event up throughout several games over the years. But when it finally happened in X5, it was anticlimactic! It wasn't big enough for all the build-up. What was all the ominous talk of them being destined to destroy one another, when it turned out to be a lame fight over a stupid misunderstanding? That brings me to the next big, missed opportunity: The Zero series! It would have been so much more exciting if X and Zero had fought each other to the death in that series. The real X should have been the "villain" of the series, instead of Copy X. Not that Copy X is a true villain anyway, and neither is X. It's within X's personality to be that loyal to the humans. Maybe he got tired of fighting over the decades and decided his harsh new policies were the only way. I may have given away what I had planned for my future fanfics, but I always thought of that as a huge missed opportunity.

Now I've gotten all that off my chest, so I'll try not to go on whining about it all the time anymore.

Staff Backer Doctacosa
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Originally posted by Arkane
#1. Mega Man 4-6 should have been released on the SNES. Okay, so that's going pretty far back, and even if they had, people probably wouldn't care much at this point in time. However, the fact that Capcom had released MM4-6 for the NES because it was inexpensive for them to develop, is bull. If they had spent as much time on the Original Series as they ended up spending on the X Series, they would have made a perfect two separate series duo on the Super Nintendo, without one overshadowing the other. Sure, many people leaned more to the X Series at that time anyways, but many people still retained close to the easier light-hearted feel of the Originals.

I'd like to politely disagree, here. The videogame system doesn't make the game good or bad, it's the dev team responsible for putting it together. I don't think that we'd have seen much difference by having Mega Man 4 to 6 on the SNES.

There's something else that crossed my mind: the plot progression of the X series. I'm not referring to the usual "boo too many plot holes" element: I'm talking about how the events evolved from Mega Man X1 forward. Dr. Wily's involvement was obvious almost from the start: there's a slight reference to him at the end of X2, we can see him in X4, and they barely avoid to name him directly in X5! We even got to see his personal logo during the X vs Zero battle. By that point, some people (myself included) were almost expecting to have him show up as the final boss of the game in some form or another. In X6, there's a bit of data pointing out that he might be in Isoc's body, but X7 and X8 completely avoided the issue. It felt like the series was building up to something big, but after the climatic X5, it quietly died down.

With that said, I love how Mega Man X5 took the plot, shook it around, and went to do some near-permanent damage to the Earth. It was different, it was big, and it made a lasting impression on the Mega Man series as a whole (even up to Mega Man Zero 4, more than a century later).

The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!

"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)

Goat Herder
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Emi Ibarazaki
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I think the reason why they didn't have Wily as the final boss in X5 was because if they did, they'd have to make him like the Wizard of Oz, a giant floating head.

... yeah, wouldn't go so well there. >.>

"Why do you care that I care that you care enough to care that I care for caring?" "Conversation isn't your strong point, is it?"
"I worship the supreme comrade Cossack!"
"OugharagarraaahhHHH: When 'Ow' just won't cut it."

CAPCOM: We put the "No" in Innovation.

Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

Originally posted by Androcles
Wow, everyone here has already listed a lot of the issues that really disappointed me too! Sometimes I think I'm the only one. To go along with Rising Dragon's comment, I've always disliked the idea of having to buy a book just to understand the storyline of the games. I'm not saying they should never release books that have extra details, but there really needs to be better in-game storytelling. You should be able to make sense out of everything you're shown and told in the actual games.

No disagreement there. I think though, that it would have been all right if they made some things implied within the source material, then concretely clarified them within the databooks.

As Arkane mentioned, the unbalanced distribution of heart tanks was really troubling. And just about everyone that knows me knows that my own heart sank when I first bought X5 6 years ago and saw that there were no anime cut scenes. It seemed that X4 made so many steps in the right direction, and then afterwards they took several steps backwards. Why???

Because fan reaction convinced Capcom that X4 hadn't been done right. I did like the idea of the cutscenes, the execution left everything to be desired.

It's no secret that X4 is my favorite game... period. But it had its flaws too. I noticed that Split Mushroom, Cyber Peacock, and even Dragoon all worked for Sigma. If you defeat these guys first, you should be able to resolve the conflict with Colonel peacefully when you meet him at Memorial Hall, even if the rest of Repliforce still continues the coup. Colonel clearly came there to talk, not to fight (at least in Zero's game). They made you powerless to stop Sigma's plot, even if you knew exactly what was going on. I always thought they could have given you the option of a happier ending, even if it wasn't canon. Just look at Metal Gear Solid, where they allow you to save Meryl.

I'm not sure they had anything to do with the Repliforce plot. Remember, Sigma met with the General directly. There was no middleman. The General had been convinced that humans meant them harm.

Now I'll move on to a more controversial issue, that I'm sure most people will disagree with. I felt that the X series was a missed opportunity in a way. The story of robots that have their own free will is good. On some level the Maverick rebellion is an understandable situation, because of reploids' free will. When I first played X1, I thought the whole point was, what would robots do with free will? The virus takes away from that story element, because it basically robs reploids of free will. Many of them are clearly not in control of their actions after they get infected, such as Squid Adler. I'm not saying that the virus is a completely bad idea for the story. I just think they should have dealt with it a long time ago (in X2 or X3) and ended it by now. It's an overused story element. The games are more interesting when your opponents aren't brainless war machines. Otherwise what's the point of it being the X series anymore? X4 did not feature the virus and it's my favorite game. Command Mission is another good one.

You could argue that it makes the virus a better story element because of it. Yes, the virus distorts your view of reality and makes you ebil. But isn't that a better threat? What's worse than a terrorist faction? A virus that robs people of their free will and forces them to be part of a terrorist faction is potentially worse because yesterday's heroes could become tomorrow's despots through no fault of their own.

Then again, I've always felt that despite what Capcom says, X1-X5 was all the work of the Zero Virus trying to gain control of Zero's body, and that Post-X6 was all Sigma.

I have another big one for you all. It's about the fight between X & Zero. They hyped this event up throughout several games over the years. But when it finally happened in X5, it was anticlimactic! It wasn't big enough for all the build-up. What was all the ominous talk of them being destined to destroy one another, when it turned out to be a lame fight over a stupid misunderstanding? That brings me to the next big, missed opportunity: The Zero series! It would have been so much more exciting if X and Zero had fought each other to the death in that series.

You're right. They should have made it a bit more epic. Though you could say that X and Zero were stronger than the prophecy and so managed to defy it. But were that the case, it too should have been stated.

The real X should have been the "villain" of the series, instead of Copy X.


Not that Copy X is a true villain anyway, and neither is X. It's within X's personality to be that loyal to the humans.

X's personality isn't about human loyalty. It's about peace. X would never do anything to harm anyone unless he felt there was no other choice. If he heard even the slightest hint about alternative energy being developed, you'd better believe that he'd be the first to fund and support it.

Maybe he got tired of fighting over the decades and decided his harsh new policies were the only way.

(He tires of war and enacts harsh policies that demand war as their enforcement...?)

Objection! There's a fatal contradiction in your testimony

I think you're expecting too much from Megaman. You want deep? Play Planescape: Torment.

Goat Herder
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Originally posted by Mega X.exe
I have another big one for you all. It's about the fight between X & Zero. They hyped this event up throughout several games over the years. But when it finally happened in X5, it was anticlimactic! It wasn't big enough for all the build-up. What was all the ominous talk of them being destined to destroy one another, when it turned out to be a lame fight over a stupid misunderstanding? That brings me to the next big, missed opportunity: The Zero series! It would have been so much more exciting if X and Zero had fought each other to the death in that series.

You're right. They should have made it a bit more epic. Though you could say that X and Zero were stronger than the prophecy and so managed to defy it. But were that the case, it too should have been stated.

Zero: X, I don't want to fight you.
X: I don't want to fight you either. So now that we've agreed that we don't want to fight, let's fight.
Zero: …what?
X: I don't get it either. Have at you!

"Why do you care that I care that you care enough to care that I care for caring?" "Conversation isn't your strong point, is it?"
"I worship the supreme comrade Cossack!"
"OugharagarraaahhHHH: When 'Ow' just won't cut it."

CAPCOM: We put the "No" in Innovation.

Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

Or maybe have Zero claim it's their destiny, and then have X deliver some long-winded speech about how destiny can kiss his ass.

Or something.

Connoisseur of all beauty
49 posts

Rather than to say X was just tired of fighting, I should say he was tired of humans being in danger and took steps to ensure that mavericks would be eliminated forever. The whole point would be that X changed over the years when he and Zero were apart, so the player (as Zero) would be shocked to discover this; even if Zero didn't have most of his memory he would be shocked too. Obviously it would require some other adjustments to the story for it to play out this way. I don't really think that an energy shortage should have been the main issue in this case. And the sollution to the energy crisis might not have been found so easily either. But the main point would be how X & Zero both changed over time and end up going in different directions. And of course X wouldn't be the main enemy ultimately.

There was even some build-up to this if you look at how harsh the Hunters became in some of the X games. You hear many reploids complain about the unfair and excessive tactics of the Hunters if you're paying attention. Grizzly Slash was only hunted down when he had something you wanted. You didn't know or care if he was infected, and you didn't care about him selling weapons. Squid Adler quit being a Hunter because of their overly agressive tactics, not just because of Launch Octopus. Many of the Mavericks in X6 had been retired unjustly.

I realize X becoming a fascist seems even stranger than Cody from Final Fight going "bad" in SFA3. Of course I didn't expect everyone to agree with me on this or the virus issue. That's perfectly OK! But to me MMZ was a missed opportunity to make X & Zero's final conflict more dramatic. My opinion remains the same. But more importantly I'm still interested in hearing everyone else's "missed opportunities".

Goat Herder
-4276 post
Lilly Satou
Lilly Satou
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Emi Ibarazaki
Emi Ibarazaki
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Well, you also have to realize, the X series was SUPPOSED to end with Mega Man X5. Had X6 never come out, the Zero series would've been done a lot differently.

"Why do you care that I care that you care enough to care that I care for caring?" "Conversation isn't your strong point, is it?"
"I worship the supreme comrade Cossack!"
"OugharagarraaahhHHH: When 'Ow' just won't cut it."

CAPCOM: We put the "No" in Innovation.

Black Dranzer.exe
World Traveler
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*looks at topic decription*

Where did Capcom dropped the ball?


I personally think they dropped the ball the second X6 came out. Not only was the story obviously forced, but it truly was useless extension of a flawless series up 'til then.

Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.

The Helldragon
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Rin Tezuka
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Hanako Ikezawa
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It's a recurring trend, I notice, with Capcom. They've got something really neat, and as time goes on and sequels come out, they drop those hot potatoes and it leaves a mess I ain't cleaning up. Happened with Megaman, happened with Street Fighter...probably'll happen with Devil May Cry.

And yet, we all keep buying their stuff, like fools...

Not that they can't put out awesome games. It's just inconsistent, especially where sequels are involved.

But yeah, X6 was sloppy overall, and I can only imagine the horror stories I get from X7.

Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

Originally posted by Androcles
Rather than to say X was just tired of fighting, I should say he was tired of humans being in danger and took steps to ensure that mavericks would be eliminated forever. The whole point would be that X changed over the years when he and Zero were apart, so the player (as Zero) would be shocked to discover this; even if Zero didn't have most of his memory he would be shocked too. Obviously it would require some other adjustments to the story for it to play out this way. I don't really think that an energy shortage should have been the main issue in this case. And the sollution to the energy crisis might not have been found so easily either. But the main point would be how X & Zero both changed over time and end up going in different directions. And of course X wouldn't be the main enemy ultimately.

There was even some build-up to this if you look at how harsh the Hunters became in some of the X games. You hear many reploids complain about the unfair and excessive tactics of the Hunters if you're paying attention. Grizzly Slash was only hunted down when he had something you wanted. You didn't know or care if he was infected, and you didn't care about him selling weapons. Squid Adler quit being a Hunter because of their overly agressive tactics, not just because of Launch Octopus. Many of the Mavericks in X6 had been retired unjustly.

I realize X becoming a fascist seems even stranger than Cody from Final Fight going "bad" in SFA3. Of course I didn't expect everyone to agree with me on this or the virus issue. That's perfectly OK! But to me MMZ was a missed opportunity to make X & Zero's final conflict more dramatic. My opinion remains the same. But more importantly I'm still interested in hearing everyone else's "missed opportunities".

It just wouldn't be believable. X was conflicted about fighting. Even when it came to Mavericks that he knew could not be saved, he still preferred to talk things over and try to come to a peaceful conclusion. It would take some storytelling genius to justify a sudden 180 in his character, and even then I would have disliked it.

It's like in Diablo, where the villain in the second game was the protagonist of the first. People tend to dislike that.

The Helldragon
Inquisitor of Zork
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Princess Celestia
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Rin Tezuka
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Hanako Ikezawa
Hanako Ikezawa
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Originally posted by Mega X.exe
It's like in Diablo, where the villain in the second game was the protagonist of the first. People tend to dislike that.

I was more irritated by the fact that my warrior was stupid enough to stick the Soulstone in his forehead, when there was lava around him he could've just thrown the thing into. /momentary aside

Connoisseur of all beauty
49 posts

Originally posted by Mega X.exe

It just wouldn't be believable. X was conflicted about fighting. Even when it came to Mavericks that he knew could not be saved, he still preferred to talk things over and try to come to a peaceful conclusion. It would take some storytelling genius to justify a sudden 180 in his character, and even then I would have disliked it.

It's like in Diablo, where the villain in the second game was the protagonist of the first. People tend to dislike that.

I see your point. It's not necessarily fair to blame everything that went wrong with the Hunters on X. But they really went overboard with how many Mavericks were treated unfairly in X6. It's like they went out of their way to show that there was sometimes corruption with the humans and the Hunters. They hinted at corruption in X5 too, and even in X4 you weren't really heroes. You were pawns of Sigma because he knew you would accuse Repliforce of those crimes. Command Mission was simmilar because you always go after the wrong person at first, even though one of your own people is the real enemy, like Redips (or Dragoon in X4). Then you say Epsilon wasn't a Maverick after all, once he's already dead. The General in X4 overreacted, so he was to blame too. But it never would have escalated to that point if it weren't for the presumptuousness of the Hunters. Then they have him sacrifice himself to show he wasn't such a bad guy after all, as they did with Ferham in CM.

If you look at the X series there's often a common theme that the Hunters and the humans aren't always in the right. You could say it was leading up to the eventual conflict of MMZ. But is it really connected? It seems like X should have done something about any flaws in the way the Hunters opperate back in the X series, instead of waiting til the Zero series to suddenly oppose the human government. I thoguht that's what he would do in X7 since he quit the Hunters (another missed opportunity there). If they address all these issues in X9, I'd be satisfied. Or there could be a game set in between the X & Zero series where X totally reforms the Hunters and finishes the Maverick Wars with his four generals/guardians. But the fact that they leave all these matters hanging without ever dealing with them is the major flaw of the X series in my opinion.

Goat Herder
-4276 post
Lilly Satou
Lilly Satou
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Emi Ibarazaki
Emi Ibarazaki
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Originally posted by Androcles
Or there could be a game set in between the X & Zero series where X totally reforms the Hunters and finishes the Maverick Wars with his four generals/guardians.

Um, wasn't the Guardians the tools of Copy X? I don't think those four were around when X was still alive, before he sealed the Dark Elf using his body. After all, the Four Guardians thought that Copy X was the real X... everyone did. The only ones who knew differently were X and Ciel.

"Why do you care that I care that you care enough to care that I care for caring?" "Conversation isn't your strong point, is it?"
"I worship the supreme comrade Cossack!"
"OugharagarraaahhHHH: When 'Ow' just won't cut it."

CAPCOM: We put the "No" in Innovation.

god of darkness
61 posts

Originally posted by RisingDragon
Originally posted by Androcles
Or there could be a game set in between the X & Zero series where X totally reforms the Hunters and finishes the Maverick Wars with his four generals/guardians.

Um, wasn't the Guardians the tools of Copy X? I don't think those four were around when X was still alive, before he sealed the Dark Elf using his body. After all, the Four Guardians thought that Copy X was the real X... everyone did. The only ones who knew differently were X and Ciel.

even copy X thought he was the real X.

this is far from over

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Goat Herder
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No, he believed himself to be a hero, but knew he wasn't the real X. But, keep in mind, he did think he was better than X...

"Why do you care that I care that you care enough to care that I care for caring?" "Conversation isn't your strong point, is it?"
"I worship the supreme comrade Cossack!"
"OugharagarraaahhHHH: When 'Ow' just won't cut it."

CAPCOM: We put the "No" in Innovation.

is almost to Epsilon
804 posts

Originally posted by The Helldragon
But yeah, X6 was sloppy overall, and I can only imagine the horror stories I get from X7.

Is it a problem that those were two of my favorites? *runs*

Mach Jentra: I heard you were dead.
Zero: You know me - never say 'die.'

Goat Herder
-4276 post
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I enjoyed X6. I'd prefer a Japanese-sounding X over a girly-sounding X.

"Why do you care that I care that you care enough to care that I care for caring?" "Conversation isn't your strong point, is it?"
"I worship the supreme comrade Cossack!"
"OugharagarraaahhHHH: When 'Ow' just won't cut it."

CAPCOM: We put the "No" in Innovation.

Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

Originally posted by Androcles

I see your point. It's not necessarily fair to blame everything that went wrong with the Hunters on X.

I'm not sure how any of can get traced back to X.

But they really went overboard with how many Mavericks were treated unfairly in X6. It's like they went out of their way to show that there was sometimes corruption with the humans and the Hunters.

Yeah. I'll give you that one.

They hinted at corruption in X5 too, and even in X4
you weren't really heroes.

In X5 it was a life or death situation. If reploids did not comply and hand over the Enigma/Shuttle parts, they may have felt justified in taking it by force in order to protect the earth.

You were pawns of Sigma because he knew you would accuse Repliforce of those crimes. Command Mission was simmilar because you always go after the wrong person at first, even though one of your own people is the real enemy, like Redips (or Dragoon in X4). Then you say Epsilon wasn't a Maverick after all, once he's already dead. The General in X4 overreacted, so he was to blame too. But it never would have escalated to that point if it weren't for the presumptuousness of the Hunters. Then they have him sacrifice himself to show he wasn't such a bad guy after all, as they did with Ferham in CM.

Note: Neither X nor Zero--who were the hunters present at the scene--accused Colonel--the representative of the Repliforce present--of committing the crime. All they said was that they wanted to bring them in for questioning.

Guess what? Police do that to people everyday. It may not even be because there's suspected guilt, but merely because they feel that those present may have knowledge that could piece together a coherent picture of the event so that the real culprit can be discovered.

And here's the kicker, Colonel wasn't pissed about that. He was pissed that X and Zero wouldn't let the Repliforce have weapons while they were being questioned. Does that seem like an unreasonable demand? I don't think so. But then again, Colonel was kind of a pompous ass.

If you look at the X series there's often a common theme that the Hunters and the humans aren't always in the right. You could say it was leading up to the eventual conflict of MMZ.

You could say that. But when the humans aren't always right and neither are the hunters, I can still sleep easy when I realize that for the majority of the circumstances, they're fighting real mavericks. They're never right.

But is it really connected? It seems like X should have done something about any flaws in the way the Hunters opperate back in the X series, instead of waiting til the Zero series to suddenly oppose the human government.

Except X doesn't oppose the government, he supports Zero. It's kind of a different thing. But X has never really felt like he had the time to turn his attention to reform anyway. He and Zero always have to worry about Sigma, since it's become clear that only they can stop Sigma. Axl might have that potential too, but he's too much of a spaz.

I thoguht that's what he would do in X7 since he quit the Hunters (another missed opportunity there). If they address all these issues in X9, I'd be satisfied. Or there could be a game set in between the X & Zero series where X totally reforms the Hunters and finishes the Maverick Wars with his four generals/guardians. But the fact that they leave all these matters hanging without ever dealing with them is the major flaw of the X series in my opinion.

My issue with the X series is that many things are underdeveloped, shallow, and the things that are supposed to be epic... aren't.

Rok H.S Flunkie
140 posts

*Looks at topic* *Blink, Blink*
Theres something that has been irritating me about a particular MM Series. Legends(Dash)...It had closed alot, almost completely finished. What bothers me is not so much the storyline but Capcom had finally used the Action-RPG element with the Megs element. That's when I really fell back in love w/ Megaman. Not some open ended story where rock beats scissors and scissors beats paper.
Yes I agree that the stories need to end but I mean who wouldn't want to play like say MM9 Legends style? Lol may only just be me. Capcom dropped the ball when they made 2 Action-Rpgs for MM and then stopped and went to this weird panel RPG (MMBN).

*swears alligience to clean undies*Corrupted Mr.Prog in MMBN1 " All your Base are Belong to us".......God I Love Cameos
Why I have that particular Avatar:" Hey Man Dont Roll around in that Kerosine" me~"Ill do what I wanna do!" My smoker friend~"Got a Light?" me again~"Oh Sure *lights a Match* OHHH GOD IM ON WATER......ER.....FIRE!!"
Rok High School "Because We'll teach those kids no one else wants to"

Black Dranzer.exe
World Traveler
2834 posts

You know, as I read through th topic it may have been even sooner, say around X4 even. By then the plots could be boiled down so easily that from a player's point of view it just wasn't fun anymore.

In a way, I compare Capcom's treatment of the canon X4 and beyond to if they wrote a book on how to live life, which would be like Uwe Boll shooting a gun/auto safety video. We'd all be dead in like a week...

Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.

PR070 M4N
Lil' metool
9 posts

i always felt that mega man 5's (for nes) storyline/plot should have happened before mega man 4.
it just seemed strange that after having proven proto man(blues) was really a good guy at the end of 3, and also during part 4, to try and convince people he is a bad guy again in part 5 was corny.

especially since he rescues kalinka in part 4 and wily says "you betrayed me proto man".
it all just seems like wily should have used the "blame proto man" idea, before he revealed himself to be alive again.
another element that i think would have made the original series even more intriguing is if proto man became a playable character along with his own personal story/plot from mega man 4 onward.
maybe if they had made it a 2 player co-op game with split screen teamwork missions.
or even given proto his own series to explain his backstory (what he was doing during 1-3) and what he was doing during 4-8.

i really think there were a lot of things capcom could have done had they just kept all the series alive rather than killing them off for the sake of another.
mega man soccer could have just been the beginning.
sure it turned out pretty screwed up, but they could have learned from it's flaws to make follow up side games better.
mario did it, so could mega man.
the potential was definitely there, they just didn't follow up on it.

i personally would like to see some crossover games that probably would not happen in our plane of existence.
by the way is there a topic for this on this forum (mega man game ideas or crossover game ideas)?

i have plenty of ideas for games for mega man, but i guess they will remain in the imagination.
oh well.

all in all i would have to say they drop the ball everytime,

1. they don't answer the gap questions between one series to the next series.

2. they bring no conclusions to unresolved plotlines or make them extremely stupid explanations. (kind of related to point 1.)

3. they do away with one series whenever they start a new one. (most people will probably disagree with me on this, but that's okay. it's just my opinion on it.)

i really think the original series should not have ended though, there's still so much that could be done with it.

[i]Edited by PR070 M4N on December 20, 2007 at 17:17:05.[/i]

[i]Edited by PR070 M4N on December 20, 2007 at 17:37:18.[/i]

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Originally posted by PR070 M4N
maybe if they had made it a 2 player co-op game with split screen teamwork missions.

As such as Capcom was able to pull some impressive stuff out of the NES, there's no way that the console could have managed split-screen gameplay. While the idea might have been neat under other circumstances, it just couldn't be done on the NES.

The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

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"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)

Hail to the King, baby!
1269 posts

Capcom dropped the ball by not continuing the original and legends series. I know there are people who will disagree with me but the stories in these games really aren't that important. Especially in the original series. Megaman has always been about gameplay and as long as Capcom deilvered solid gameplay in each new release, the stories could keep rehashing themselves as far as I care.

There honestly isn't much room for me to complain about what else hasn't been done right in any of the Megaman series. Sure, Alia in X5 pretty much ruins the game for me and X7 is abit of a dud. But those are both related to gameplay. As far as the story goes in any incarnation of the series.. I just don't think it is important. I played Megaman because I enjoyed the gameplay; if I wanted to be immerged in an engaging storytelling experience I'd play something else.

Shlorpian in disguise
1786 posts

Originally posted by Necro
Capcom dropped the ball by not continuing the original and legends series. I know there are people who will disagree with me but the stories in these games really aren't that important. Especially in the original series. Megaman has always been about gameplay and as long as Capcom delivered solid gameplay in each new release, the stories could keep rehashing themselves as far as I care.

I would only agree if we were talking about anything but the Legends series. I don't think it would feel like a Legends game if there wasn't a strong story with it. Try taking out the story in the first Legends. Would you really play it? I wouldn't have because it would have been a shallow average platformer with (for some strange reason) RPG elements. There were a lot of those in the Playstation/N64 era (shallow platformers, I mean). Now take the story out of the X and Zero's games. They would basically be an Original game with different sprites.

I can stretch that the EXE series also wouldn't work every well without a story too. (But I'm not too keen to those games...)

And so, I think that's why the Legends series wasn't as poplar as the other spin-offs. People wanted something that was simple, not "bothered" every few minutes with cutscenes that furthered the storyline.

Like it or not, think about it, when the Legend series came out, the other games started following suit in storytelling. After defeating a boss in the X4+ games, you would get someone to talk about the boss that was defeated, a storyline event would happen, or something. That didn't happen in the older games. You might get a cutscene before going to Doctor Wily's Castle, but other than the intro (before the title screen) and the ending, that was all of the story for that game. At that time, who really cared why Doctor Wily sent that robot master to that part of the world or what that robot was doing before you found it?

You can obviously see this change in the new games. And interesting enough, ever since this had happened, people haven't been extremely happy where the Megaman universe is going. You get a strong story in the first few games (such as Zero 1+2 and EXE 1-3), then it dies off. They are expecting the Original's longitude. It just can't happen.

Did I ramble? Yes. Yes, I did. ^^;