Originally posted by Androcles
Wow, everyone here has already listed a lot of the issues that really disappointed me too! Sometimes I think I'm the only one. To go along with Rising Dragon's comment, I've always disliked the idea of having to buy a book just to understand the storyline of the games. I'm not saying they should never release books that have extra details, but there really needs to be better in-game storytelling. You should be able to make sense out of everything you're shown and told in the actual games.
No disagreement there. I think though, that it would have been all right if they made some things implied within the source material, then concretely clarified them within the databooks.
As Arkane mentioned, the unbalanced distribution of heart tanks was really troubling. And just about everyone that knows me knows that my own heart sank when I first bought X5 6 years ago and saw that there were no anime cut scenes. It seemed that X4 made so many steps in the right direction, and then afterwards they took several steps backwards. Why???
Because fan reaction convinced Capcom that X4 hadn't been done right. I did like the
idea of the cutscenes, the execution left everything to be desired.
It's no secret that X4 is my favorite game... period. But it had its flaws too. I noticed that Split Mushroom, Cyber Peacock, and even Dragoon all worked for Sigma. If you defeat these guys first, you should be able to resolve the conflict with Colonel peacefully when you meet him at Memorial Hall, even if the rest of Repliforce still continues the coup. Colonel clearly came there to talk, not to fight (at least in Zero's game). They made you powerless to stop Sigma's plot, even if you knew exactly what was going on. I always thought they could have given you the option of a happier ending, even if it wasn't canon. Just look at Metal Gear Solid, where they allow you to save Meryl.
I'm not sure they had anything to do with the Repliforce plot. Remember, Sigma met with the General directly. There was no middleman. The General had been convinced that humans meant them harm.
Now I'll move on to a more controversial issue, that I'm sure most people will disagree with. I felt that the X series was a missed opportunity in a way. The story of robots that have their own free will is good. On some level the Maverick rebellion is an understandable situation, because of reploids' free will. When I first played X1, I thought the whole point was, what would robots do with free will? The virus takes away from that story element, because it basically robs reploids of free will. Many of them are clearly not in control of their actions after they get infected, such as Squid Adler. I'm not saying that the virus is a completely bad idea for the story. I just think they should have dealt with it a long time ago (in X2 or X3) and ended it by now. It's an overused story element. The games are more interesting when your opponents aren't brainless war machines. Otherwise what's the point of it being the X series anymore? X4 did not feature the virus and it's my favorite game. Command Mission is another good one.
You could argue that it makes the virus a
better story element because of it. Yes, the virus distorts your view of reality and makes you ebil. But isn't that a better threat? What's worse than a terrorist faction? A virus that robs people of their free will and
forces them to be part of a terrorist faction is potentially worse because yesterday's heroes could become tomorrow's despots through no fault of their own.
Then again, I've always felt that despite what Capcom says, X1-X5 was all the work of the Zero Virus trying to gain control of Zero's body, and that Post-X6 was all Sigma.
I have another big one for you all. It's about the fight between X & Zero. They hyped this event up throughout several games over the years. But when it finally happened in X5, it was anticlimactic! It wasn't big enough for all the build-up. What was all the ominous talk of them being destined to destroy one another, when it turned out to be a lame fight over a stupid misunderstanding? That brings me to the next big, missed opportunity: The Zero series! It would have been so much more exciting if X and Zero had fought each other to the death in that series.
You're right. They should have made it a bit more epic. Though you could say that X and Zero were stronger than the prophecy and so managed to defy it. But were that the case, it too should have been stated.
The real X should have been the "villain" of the series, instead of Copy X.
Not that Copy X is a true villain anyway, and neither is X. It's within X's personality to be that loyal to the humans.
X's personality isn't about human loyalty. It's about peace. X would never do anything to harm anyone unless he felt there was no other choice. If he heard even the slightest hint about alternative energy being developed, you'd better believe that he'd be the first to fund and support it.
Maybe he got tired of fighting over the decades and decided his harsh new policies were the only way.
(He tires of war and enacts harsh policies that demand war as their enforcement...?)
Objection! There's a fatal
contradiction in your testimony
I think you're expecting too much from Megaman. You want deep? Play Planescape: Torment.