Well, at least let's hope not.
I've been plugging away at a drawing for about the past week, and within the past few times I've saved and resumed later, I've noticed that the applet isn't saving some of the changes I made. This morning I spent an hour working on it, saved, and went to do something else. When I went back to it, all the changes I had made were gone, and the drawing was back to the same way that it was before I started that hour-long progress.
The funny thing is that I can see all the changes I made when I go to the "view and post to the board" function. They just don't show up on the applet itself.
I guess we didn't think of stress-testing the beta with a drawing that takes this long, eh Doc? Anyone run into this problem themselves? -_-;;
Topic: Resume Glitch?
Time for another irremedibable glitch that makes Met lose his work