YAY for Contractor!!!
...and run from creepy computers? 😉
Edited by Coneva on July 8, 2016 at 13:47:45
Topic: Status of Ouroboros
Update by Masterlink
To the Netizens of Miranda,
I wanted to get Ouroboros back up for those who use it, so I'm hosting it on another machine at this moment. The main machine, Tartarus, still needs a harddrive, but for the end-user, you won't notice any difference.
My problems aside: Ouroboros is ONLINE.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience this has caused any builders of Miranda. Although thanks to DrCossack for conveniently having a contest that kept everyone busy during the downtime. If you experience any issues or if Ouroboros is down, please feel free to contact me on IRC or on the forums and I'll see about resolving any issues as soon as I can.
Also a fun note! Today Tartarus decided to somehow revive itself while I was at work. Glanced at the IRC and suddenly Tartarus connects.
1: The machine had stopped recognizing several DLLs.
2: It got bad enough to stop recognizing the OS.
3: The HDD when trying to access it would go offline after ten minutes of accessing/copying things off it while booted from USB.
4: I wasn't even home to turn on the power. It somehow turned itself on, uncorrupted the OS enough to boot and launch IRC.
Even though it somehow revived itself, still aiming to replace the HDD and am not running Ouroboros on the machine until I do. This is just a strange creepiness of the day to share!
- Masterlink
YAY for Contractor!!!
...and run from creepy computers? 😉
Edited by Coneva on July 8, 2016 at 13:47:45
What's Ouroboros?
Chuck Norris doesn't need garbage collection because he doesn't call .Dispose(), he calls .DropKick().