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Event: Racing, Mario Kart-style!, Update by Doctacosa

It's time to go to the races!

I'm inviting you all to do some laps at our racing minigame, accessible from the lobby. We will do three runs of both Bowser's Castle and Donut Plains. You've never tried this before? Don't worry, it's easy to grasp! Feel free to go do some Time Trials before we begin to learn the tracks.

The rankings will be determined Mario Kart-style, with points assigned to each player based on their position at the end of each race. Whoever scores the most points at the end wins the following:

  • First Place: 15 Merit Points. 3 Merit Vouchers.
  • Second Place: 10 Merit Points. 2 Merit Vouchers.
  • Third Place: 3 Merit Points. 1 Merit Voucher.

We will start at around 10pm Eastern time this Saturday, an hour after the start of Events Night.

See you at the races!

This event will be run by Doctacosa. Interested in running your own events such as this one? You can do that by yourself!

Check out our pre-made templates, then reserve your event on the forums!

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