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Event: TNT Tag blow out!, Update by Doctacosa


You're invited to join us next Saturday for a TNT Tag tournament! The game is simple and you don't need any experience to jump in: all participants enter the arena, some get tagged with TNT, and you can hit others to pass the tag. Once the countdown ends... boom! Multiple rounds will happen until winners can be determined. As for the prizes:

  • First Place: 15 Merit Points. 3 Merit Vouchers.
  • Second Place: 10 Merit Points. 2 Merit Vouchers.
  • Third Place: 3 Merit Points. 1 Merit Voucher.

Andrew will also offer extra in-game rewards for the top three positions.

We will start at around 10pm Eastern time this Saturday, an hour after the start of Events Night.

See you then!

This event will be run by AndrewDowning. Interested in running your own events such as this one? You can do that by yourself!

Check out our pre-made templates, then reserve your event on the forums!

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