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New storage and door protections!, Update by Doctacosa

We have updated today to a new plugin to protect your doors, trapdoors, gates, chests, barrels, shulkers, signs, armor stands and any other, past and future! Bolt is replacing LWC as our do-it-all option. Check the Tips & Tricks page for the new commands, or read on for the most important changes.

The new basic command to change a protection is /lock. A quick /lock public lets you set a door or chest to public access. For the more advanced features, you can rely on /bolt to access them all. Again, the Tips & Tricks page is your friend!

Two major improvements are worth pointing out:

  • You no longer need to remove a permission first to set a new one! Just /lock to the new type and punch it.
  • You can give someone access to all your content automatically, good for relatives and friends you trust! Do /bolt trust add player to add someone. You need to do this on each server you want to allow them.

Otherwise, Bolt behaves like LWC did, with auto-protecting anything you place down with the same settings: chests and other storage lock to private, while doors and related gates will start as public.

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