What\'s the best game I ever played was um... um... that\'s hard Devil May Cry or DMC.
Mess with me it's over.
What\'s the best game I ever played was um... um... that\'s hard Devil May Cry or DMC.
Mess with me it's over.
Chrono Trigger. The game is what, 7 years old? And it still, STILL, gives me surprises.
Mhmhmhmhmhm...:lol: PERSONA!!!!
nothing says fun than controlling a handful of highschool kids to fight hordes of demons to save the world! That, and you can engage in quirky conversations with them too! MEGAMI TENSEI RULEZ!!!!!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
The second one on the list for me is FF7.
Mess with me it's over.
Good gravy.. You youngun\'s don\'t know what good games are.
Ok for the third on the list is FFX and trust me all these games are tight.
Mess with me it's over.
I like Pac-Man! Wucka wucka! :miam:
TFC before everybody started cheating like the little whores that they are.
The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.
I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!
"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)
Online games die. Quickly. Due to lamers.
Indeed. If only they\'d just be deserted on some island with no internet access...
Yeah, but the animals would complain about them. and the plants.
I know. Well, lets get back on the topic I can\'t can\'t really decide another good one except for GTA III (Grand Theft Auto 3)
Mess with me it's over.
GTA 3... forgot about that game... uber fun it is. =P
Chrono Trigger,I would have chose MMBN2 but many of NPC Navis don\'t talk, and Gutsman.EXE seemed so mindless
: *Sigh* I wish I was the avatar now it's time for the random quote...
: It's umm kinda alive yeah it is..
I'm gone on,be back next week or sometime...
FF7 or 6... I\'ve gone back to not being able to decide... I\'m getting a migraine trying to figure out which one I like better! Urgh!!!
... or maybe Metal Gear Solid 2. I can\'t decide!!! *collapses and holds head* IT HURTS!!!
Site under construction, but the forums are up!
Any RPG that doesn\'t reduce the female characters to be awfully dependent on the hero gets my support... But what I really like is...Lunar and Lunar 2...*giggles*:)
YES! Lucia and Luna KICK BUTT!!!
lucia got her butt kicked by zophar..hehe...uhh...i\'m kinda undecided...i\'ll say chrono trigger...not sure though.
I have been told that the essence of being Splash Woman is not in attaining perfection, but in the attempt.
If so, then Splash Woman in general does not qualify as, well, human.
For me.. Varies on the Genre, and nature of the story.
It\'s kinda hard to pick a favorite game, I mean there\'s so much to take into consideration. age...system...genre
I just can\'t decide!
metal slug x hands down i own the game never stop playing:lol:
Megaman 1 Its got me in!:D:D
"I worship the Supreme Comrade Cossack!" yeah, I passed the n00b test.
Poor Hardman.
It completely depends on the type. For Rpg its definatly Icewindale.
Megaman 64, Lufia: The Legend Returns, Lufia 2, and Final Fantasy 3 were all good.
Monster Rancher 3 was good. I can\'t wait to get Monster Rancher 4...:D
Join the DevART Megaman Legends Club:
The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind on Xbox for me
Warning: Boggarts in mirror are closer than they appear!
The best game I\'ve ever played...was for the the real world.
The game was called:
Magic The Gathering.
It rocks.
Oh, you\'re talking about electronics?
Then my fav game is:
Star Wars Battle Grounds.
Are you not? What? You don't understand me?
Well, ?ƒ?†¥?§©ç??§´ƒß? to you too!
I dare you to ban me Dr.Cossack!