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Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

I have heard people on this board say that you can own a Rom if you have the game, or that you can have one for 24 hours. Here\'s a good answer

What are Nintendo ROMS?

A Nintendo ROM (\"Read Only Memory\") is the type of chip used in Nintendo\'s video game cartridge which contains the game software. However, this term is commonly used on many gaming sites on the Internet and refers to game data that was copied from an authentic Nintendo video game cartridge.

What is a Nintendo Video Game Emulator?

A Nintendo emulator is a software program that is designed to allow game play on a platform that it was not created for. A Nintendo emulator software allows for Nintendo console based or arcade games to be played on personal computers. The video games are obtained by downloading illegally copied software, i.e. Nintendo ROMs, from Internet distributors. Nintendo ROMs then work with the Nintendo emulator to enable game play on the computer.

Can I Download a Nintendo ROM from the Internet if I Already Own the Authentic Game?

There is a good deal of misinformation on the Internet regarding the backup/archival copy exception. It is not a \"second copy\" rule and is often mistakenly cited for the proposition that if you have one lawful copy of a copyrighted work, you are entitled to have a second copy of the copyrighted work even if that second copy is an infringing copy. The backup/archival copy exception is a very narrow limitation relating to a copy being made by the rightful owner of an authentic game to ensure he or she has one in the event of damage or destruction of the authentic. Therefore, whether you have an authentic game or not, or whether you have possession of a Nintendo ROM for a limited amount of time, i.e. 24 hours, it is illegal to download and play a Nintendo ROM from the Internet.

How Does Nintendo Feel About the Emergence of Video Game Emulators?

The introduction of video game emulators represents the greatest threat to date to the intellectual property rights of video game developers. As is the case with any business or industry, when its products become available for free, the revenue stream supporting that industry is threatened. Such emulators have the potential to significantly damage a worldwide entertainment software industry which generates over $15 billion annually, and tens of thousands of jobs.

What Does Nintendo Think of the Argument that Emulators are Actually Good for Nintendo Because it Promotes the Nintendo Brand to PC Users and Leads to More Sales?

Distribution of a Nintendo emulator trades off of Nintendo\'s goodwill and the millions of dollars invested in research & development and marketing by Nintendo and its licensees. Substantial damages are caused to Nintendo and its licensees. It is irrelevant whether or not someone profits from the distribution of an emulator. The emulator promotes the play of illegal ROMs , NOT authentic games. Thus, not only does it not lead to more sales, it has the opposite effect and purpose.

How Come Nintendo Does Not Take Steps Towards Legitimizing Nintendo Emulators?

Nintendo Emulators promote piracy. That\'s like asking why doesn\'t Nintendo legitimize piracy. It doesn\'t make any business sense. It\'s that simple and not open to debate.

People Making Nintendo Emulators and Nintendo ROMs are Helping Publishers by Making Old Games Available that are No Longer Being Sold by the Copyright Owner. This Does Not Hurt Anyone and Allows Gamers to Play Old Favorites. What\'s the Problem?

The problem is that it\'s illegal. Copyrights and trademarks of games are corporate assets. If these vintage titles are available far and wide, it undermines the value of this intellectual property and adversely affects the right owner. In addition, the assumption that the games involved are vintage or nostalgia games is incorrect. Nintendo is famous for bringing back to life its popular characters for its newer systems, for example, Mario and Donkey Kong have enjoyed their adventures on all Nintendo platforms, going from coin-op machines to our latest hardware platforms. As a copyright owner, and creator of such famous characters, only Nintendo has the right to benefit from such valuable assets.

Isn\'t it Okay to Download Nintendo ROMs for Games that are No Longer Distributed in the Stores or Commercially Exploited? Aren\'t They Considered \"Public Domain\"?

No, the current availability of a game in stores is irrelevant as to its copyright status. Copyrights do not enter the public domain just because they are no longer commercially exploited or widely available. Therefore, the copyrights of games are valid even if the games are not found on store shelves, and using, copying and/or distributing those games is a copyright infringement.

Haven\'t the Copyrights for Old Games Expired?

U.S. copyright laws state that copyrights owned by corporations are valid for 75 years from the date of first publication. Because video games have been around for less than three decades, the copyrights of all video games will not expire for many decades to come.

Are Game Copying Devices Illegal?

Yes. Game copiers enable users to illegally copy video game software onto floppy disks, writeable compact disks or the hard drive of a personal computer. They enable the user to make, play and distribute illegal copies of video game software which violates Nintendo\'s copyrights and trademarks. These devices also allow for the uploading and downloading of ROMs to and from the Internet. Based upon the functions of these devices, they are illegal.

Can Websites and/or Internet Content Providers be Held Liable for Violation of Intellectual Property Rights if they are Only Providing Links to Illegal Software and/or Other Illegal Devices?

Yes. Personal Websites and/or Internet Content Providers sites That link to Nintendo ROMs, Nintendo emulators and/or illegal copying devices can be held liable for copyright and trademark violations, regardless of whether the illegal software and/or devices are on their site or whether they are linking to the sites where the illegal items are found.

From Nintendo themselves.

[Edited on 1/4/2004 by Mega X.exe]

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Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

Some people though, have been stating rules that Nintendo says aren\'t true.

Off-topic: Have you read my sig?

Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

People will say anything to try and make it seem that they\'re not the badguy.

For instance, I\'ve come across many a person who gets angry that the RIAA is cracking down on illegal MP3 distribution. They download the aforementioned MP3\'s frequently, they\'re angry because the RIAA is making it harder for them to do.

But yet, they get very angry when someone says they\'ve stolen something from a store. Say that it affects the business, affects taxes and so forth. There is no difference from stealing a piece of candy from a grocery store, stealing a television from Best Buy, or downloading illegal programs or MP3s. It\'s all stealing.

So yeah, if you\'re downloading a ROM you\'re stealing. Don\'t try to glorify your case otherwise.

913 posts

Why would anyone care? I use a lot of ROMs incuding Nintindo ones. You can\'t make us stop. It\'s not your guys problems if we get in trouble.

o hay

Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

I do too, it\'s just I think people need to know the rules before they do it

King Friday
549 posts

Originally posted by Mega X.exe
I do too, it\'s just I think people need to know the rules before they do it

Quite true. At last, someone speaks the words I have been waiting to hear: ROMS are illegal. Quite simply, I know too many people who use ROMS, emulators, and the like. What disturbs me furthermore, is that they are set in belief that these programs are perfectly legal!


Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

I use them, even though I know better :P

Just A-Lurkin' Now
1624 posts

One word tells most intelligent people that copying a thing is illegal: copyright. This means a company has the RIGHT to COPY something and no one else does unless permission is given! ROM\'s and copied games are illegal. No one ever listens if they can get something free...

The Future of the Net Sprite Comic

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~Dwarven Vow #4~
Don't depend on others. Walk on your own two feet.
^ Apply the above to video game help unless you have no other choice.

"94% of all teenagers have tried drugs at one time or another. If you are one of the 6% that haven't, put this message in your signature."

913 posts

Why would you care. Like I said: It\'s not the board\'s problem, it\'s the one who gets it. We know it\'s illegal, but nobody really finds out. If someone finds out who\'s... Well, a guy who is really against this stuff, well, he/she won\'t see whats coming...

o hay

Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

It is the boards problem if someone posts ROM links. Which Doc would take care of and stuff, but still..I think Mega X was just trying to prevent arguements with cold hard facts. So no one will say that \'24 hour\' deal anymore and such.

And yeah, nobody really finds out until the government decides it wants to start doing computer audits. :lol: I\'m kidding. I hope.

Discount Ninja
230 posts

Like some sorta MIB is going to rush into my room, trashing my computer, throwing it out of the window and killing my neighbours dog since I\'m using sh*tloads of roms.... sheesh!

Thou cannot fight LAG, Thou can only accept it. (GEN 3:17)

For all of the MM/MMX roms, click here.

No pointless pictures in my siggy atm, my humble apolagies.

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Originally posted by kenshin1001
Like some sorta MIB is going to rush into my room, trashing my computer, throwing it out of the window and killing my neighbours dog since I\'m using sh*tloads of roms.... sheesh!

You\'re exaggerating here of course, but sites have been shutdown and people arrested by the FBI before.

The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!

"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)

913 posts

Hmm.... I\'m not sure if your being starcastic... :lol:

o hay

Shlorpian in disguise
1786 posts

Legally, I can\'t use this avatar of Astro Boy. Also think of the many, many sprite sheets out on the internet. All of these are freely distributed usually without permission. What I\'m trying to say is that people can\'t really stop ROM sites from popping up on the web because there are many other copyrighted things on the internet being used without permission born everyday.

How is downloading a game hurting the company? If they say \"yes, it does\", then they should outlaw game rentals, letting people borrow games from friends, or close down used game stores. There\'s no money in that for them, is there? Not saying that this should be a reason why people download. Just saying not all gamers buy their games (from the publisher or the first-hand store) and therefore does not help the company.

Hey, games I like are not on the shelves anymore so I have to buy them from the person who bought it originally or (if they are rare or overseas) download them. Believe me, I don\'t think many people, even in Japan, has a copy of Tetsuwan Atomu for the NES (for sell, if they have it) or one that works (I dislike NES cartridges...).

Strange argument, huh?

Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

It is strange, because I wouldn\'t think using an official image that was copyrighted, just as an avatar, would be illegal. It\'s not like you\'re saying it\'s yours, or you\'re making any profit off of it. o.o And it\'s not like you have an entire page of scanned manga as the avatar..

With ROMs though, I can see the point. Nintendo doesn\'t want ROMs to be downloaded (well, their ROMs anyways) because of the GBA ports and the freebie NES games on Animal Crossing and so forth. They know that people wouldn\'t want to buy the new games, if they had ROMs of the NES versions on their computers. So I can see why they get after ROM distribution.

Kawaii Fox
77 posts

Originally posted by Dr. Cossack
Originally posted by kenshin1001
Like some sorta MIB is going to rush into my room, trashing my computer, throwing it out of the window and killing my neighbours dog since I\'m using sh*tloads of roms.... sheesh!

You\'re exaggerating here of course, but sites have been shutdown and people arrested by the FBI before.

Normally thats the case though Doc. If you guys notice, most of time when hear how someone gets in trouble becuase they had Roms or anything illegal of the sort is usually a site owner or someone who distributes that illegal stuff in any way shape or form to other people. At the moment, companies are targetting people who run places that distribute that kind of stuff. So in most cases, the people you hear who get in trouble are the ones who are prodving this stuff and giving out. Ofcourse, even though thats mostly the case, doesn\'t mean someone who is not distributing that kind of stuff and is just owning it for themselves won\'t get in trouble, especially if the FBI finds out ;)

[Edited on 7-1-2004 by Orengefox00]

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Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

Well it doesn\'t seem like the government is really trying either

Shlorpian in disguise
1786 posts

Originally posted by HollowTorment
It is strange, because I wouldn\'t think using an official image that was copyrighted, just as an avatar, would be illegal. It\'s not like you\'re saying it\'s yours, or you\'re making any profit off of it. o.o And it\'s not like you have an entire page of scanned manga as the avatar.

I think so too but why did they mention any shape or form? Ahh... here read this:

\"... No portion of this publication may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without the express written permission of the copyright holders. ...\"

Am I wrong or what?

I agree, it\'s just a small image, not a page scan.

SPT Layzner
The Blue Comet
1476 posts

Like Breakman said, if the game isn\'t in stores anymore, why would Nintendo be losing money????


4037 posts

They\'re saying that you shouldn\'t because of the small posibility that the game will be ported to another console like the GBA.

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553 posts

I mostly play arcade games on MAME.

Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

Originally posted by WindRider~
Nintendo... kiss my ass. Your products break so fast, it\'s not even funny. I\'ll keep a ROM if I feel like it, and hack my own off of my cartridges if I want to. B**W ME!

If you worked for Nintendo (or any game company for that matter) you\'d be singing a different tune.

ED: And well, I have a 11 year old SNES that works perfectly but had god-knows-what happen to it. Are all your Nintendo products bootlegs or something, or do you let elephants walk on your Gameboy? :lol:

[Edited on 12-1-2004 by HollowTorment]

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Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

I thought things built for kids are supposed to be really durable... O.o Hence why PS2\'s are the mother of all breakable systems. :lol:

Ah well, just haven\'t had a Nintendo console go awry on me thank goodness. Hell, my mom spilled Coca-cola -inside- of the N64 and it stills works just as good as the day we bought it..

Staff Backer Doctacosa
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Lilly Satou
Lilly Satou
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Originally posted by WindRider~
Hollow, these things are built for kids, and they are not durable.

Err, usually, stuff build for kids is made to be resistant, not the opposite ;) And for the record, none of my consoles ever needed repairs. The worst problem I have is a sticky Reset button on the N64 :)

The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!

"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)