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Topic: What is to you?
No, stop laughing, I\'m serious.
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I consider Interordi, the actual breaking point in which I got to fully understand how other message boards run and act (behaverior wise) compared to the one I first joined as well as stayed in (which was Sonic Classics). There was actually one board that I joined before this one but it didn\'t make much of an impact on me as what this board has done. I feel this board was the branch that would soon eventually take me from out of Sonic Classics to many other different message boards in which I\'ve joined (mostly on stuff that is about Megaman or Sonic the Hedgehog) .
[Edited on 27-1-2004 by Orengefox00]
I totally agree with you there, WindRider. I see this place as another neighborhood to live in, and create new friends. Yes, I have more friends here than I do at school. I think this place is awsome!
Do I look like I'm joking?
I didn't want to have to do this, but.....
Read Me!
Random Guy: Who are you? What planet are you from? Who is your leader?
Me: Dude, it's Toast...
Random Guy: Oh...Hello, Toast! Take me to your leader!
Quote of the Week... "Butter Toast! Hello Chicken!"
Quote of the Month... "D.A.R.E. Drugs Are Really Exciting"
This place is a lot of different things to me.
This is a place to give my opinion and to offer advice where it is needed. A lot of people have questions that I sometimes have the answers to. It\'s good to help people out because I know I don\'t help out enough people in real life.
This is a place where I can get feedback for my work. Sometimes there are things that I don\'t think are ready for anyone else except for the people on this board. Most of my friends aren\'t... Supportive, to say the least. I think the people here are kind enough that I can show them silly works I\'ve done and still get positive (or neutral) responses.
This is a place that is my home away from home. I don\'t think I\'ve ever felt I fit in anywhere else but here. Here and Playdium but the one downtown closed and yeah, that was very depressing. Now that I\'ve found this place I can\'t imagine my world without it.
Jack of all trades.
Master of none.
Well, it\'s like my school, I learn stuff here (not like video game info, because I rarley play games anymore). It\'s my little community which I think I have my little slice of. Besides, my life outside the computer is great. I have lots of friends and I\'m pretty popular. I don\'t ask much, the only reason I stay here anymore is for feedback from my art, it the better feedback were you can speak your mind, you know like nobody would insult your art to your face (except for jerks) but on the board you can say nearly anything.
I think of this place, as sort of a hangout...the equivelent of the mall to a tennage girl. I have some good friends here and at school. At school about 12 good friends, and aqquatinces with all the rest. (I go to a Christian school, \'tis why I betteth you) I\'d have to total my friends/allies/town drunks/random hobos, to see my friends/allies/town drunks/random hobos on this board
A peice of toast.
#mmpc lurker
I request that Doc bans every single last member of this board, then does a merry little dance in his underwear. Just for the hell of it. Don't copy and paste this into your signiture.
note; I don't post much anymore.
I believe that interordi is a place to speak to people such as I, nerds. Not the the kind that are uber-smart, but the kind that can get into fist fights about video games.
I'm older school than you are.
Yeah I can imagine some of the people here wrestling over whether Serenade is a guy or a girl. Lol.
Jack of all trades.
Master of none.
Well, I practically live here! (When I\'m not at school) I say this place is great. No one really knows who you are. In ways that can be good. People like to say \"Psssst, hey newb. Don\'t hang around that Megaman likin\' queer! He is really a loser. You lost popularity when your around him. Trust me.\" I don\'t know how many times I\'ve heard that at school. Everyone hates Megaman. Is it because I like it? Well, here, I have nothing to worry about. Everyone here respects you for who you are. Not \'cuz you talk and sound cool.
This place has been a great experience to me, and I don\'t think I\'ll ever leave as long as I have DSL, an Imac in my room, and you great people at my side!:cry:
It\'s so beutiful.
[Edited on 27-1-2004 by Zero EXE]
Do I look like I'm joking?
I didn't want to have to do this, but.....
Read Me!
Random Guy: Who are you? What planet are you from? Who is your leader?
Me: Dude, it's Toast...
Random Guy: Oh...Hello, Toast! Take me to your leader!
Quote of the Week... "Butter Toast! Hello Chicken!"
Quote of the Month... "D.A.R.E. Drugs Are Really Exciting"
Jack of all trades.
Master of none.
No one knows I like MM. I fact, I really wasn\'t more than just a guy who knew what it was about and liked it. I became a big fan because of this board. Lots of fond memories...
If I was a net navi, I would consider this my home... until Doctor_Cossack.EXE come chasing me off with a shotgun to get off his property. ^^
I have very few friends on and off line. I\'m quite antisocial offline and too leery to make friends online. ;^^
[Edited on 1/28/2004 by Breakman]
Jack of all trades.
Master of none.
Interordi to me is just a place to express myself. Some of the members have encouraged me indirectly to make animations and sprite comics. It\'s also helped my social skills a little.
The Future of the Net Sprite Comic
My deviantART
~Dwarven Vow #4~
Don't depend on others. Walk on your own two feet.
^ Apply the above to video game help unless you have no other choice.
"94% of all teenagers have tried drugs at one time or another. If you are one of the 6% that haven't, put this message in your signature."
Nothing wrong with that, Guttermouth.
And Breakman, Doc with a shotgun is a cool idea.
Well, here\'s some rambling that no one will read:
I arrived at Doc--err, \'\' back in 2001. And the reason for this was because Servbot 20 had conned Doc into putting up an oekaki board. I had heard of the things before so I came over to try it out. So yeah, I didn\'t come here for Megaman or the message board or anything, just to draw. I honestly don\'t like Megaman all that much and never really have, but my favorite boards are Megaman boards. *shrug*
So to me is an oekaki board. A very nice oekaki I may add. But yeah, I like the message board too..just not as much. I\'m not friends with any of you people so that doesn\'t make a difference to me. >(
This place is good enough to pique my interest, which is hard to do. VERY HARD!!! Also, I helps me finish anything i wish to achieve. Really! After coming here, I have a little more to think about. Like Kei\'s questionable topics. Those keep me occupied. This place is awesome.
Site under construction, but the forums are up!
I\'d quite agree with Bass X: The assortment of members here is friendlier in comparison to various other boards.
To me, this board is a town of sorts.
In this town, I can confide in the friendly locales (members) my personal ideas, and thoughts. I enjoy the overall warm atmosphere here, and the friendliness of a great majority of the members to each other.
EDIT: Fixed spelling error.
[Edited on 2-2-2004 by Zaleon]
I\'m new so all i find about this board so dar is it\'s overall blueness <the color>
It\'s a place where I can talk and draw stuff about my interests and not get multiple replies of \"is that a Pokemon?\" or odd stares. Actually, I\'m not certain about the odd stares, but I doubt any of you make awkward gestures at your computers, at least, that is, without reason.
Basically, I find this to be a place where I can be with people who share my interests, which is always welcome.
I feel all warm and fuzzy.:D
Join the DevART Megaman Legends Club:
to me Interordi is a good forum.
At least 2 hours of every day of my life. ;D
It\'s kind of weird, actually. I\'d like to say that nobody at my school knew about Megaman. But I was drawing a Servbot during my first month at my new school, and one of them said \"Hey, it\'s a Lego-Man!\" I started to explain it to him, but then he said \"From that Megaman game, right?\"
I come here sometimes to argue with you guys (You know who you are), to find something to do with my free time, to try to sprite edit worth my socks... but I really have a great time griping you guys into the ground.
When I first came to Interordi Message Board, it was during my \'Internet inept\' phase. I didn\'t know how to make a website, I was obsessed with trying to find email, and didn\'t understand philosophy, or the minds of others, or my own life for that matter.
And then, I opened my eyes. I see that the people here aren\'t just geeks without lives toiling away at their computer because they have no lives. The people here are intelligent. They solve their own damned problems, and they learn. And they\'re really nice to talk to.
When I came to Interordi, I came only because it had a HUGE section on MMBN. I also spammed a lot. I was just OBSESSSED with trying to make Five Stars. I never made it. I got up to 3....and then, I had to stop because I couldn\'t come here anymore.
But then the new school year started, and I found more and more opportunities to come on. That, and I had finally seen the anime I was destined to see. Furi Kuri. That show changed my life. It changed the way I view other changed me. Everytime I\'m morally troubled, I seek its consel.
Now, I\'m much wiser. I don\'t spam as much, and I write more and more philosophy. But I believe, that if I hadn\'t come here, in order to see how humans could behave without the inhibitions of social dominance and social reputation, I realize that I might not be the person I am now.
Interordi isn\'t just a message board that I go to to commune. It\'s a message board that I go for consel. I seek wisdom from a lot of the people here. I trust them....kind of. Although they\'re not ALL my friends, I do value their views and opinions.
Especially Windrider~, who is after all, a close ally.
Interordi is a place that I can be myself, without having to worry about looking cool.
That\'s what it means to me.
Are you not? What? You don't understand me?
Well, ?ƒ?†¥?§©ç??§´ƒß? to you too!
I dare you to ban me Dr.Cossack!
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Yes, I believe that was one of my more insightful posts.
BTW: This has nothing to do with the topic, but your \'mood\' that form the scene of the Matrix where Morpheus is telling Neo to hit him?
If so, not to be a smart alleck, but:
Come on, stop TRYING to hit me and hit me
...maybe that\'s too long...
Are you not? What? You don't understand me?
Well, ?ƒ?†¥?§©ç??§´ƒß? to you too!
I dare you to ban me Dr.Cossack!
I thought he changed his mood because he\'s a \'fallen masochist\'. It\'s somewhat reflected in his avatar.
Jack of all trades.
Master of none.
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