Topic: What are you known for at Interordi?
Or at least...what you THINK you\'re know for...
769 posts
I\'ve been thinking a little bit about this, and got to wondering what people thought I was at Interordi. I asked Windrider, and he said that some people think I\'m a part of the Big 3, which is the philosphy ring. Well, I will hold claim to that. But I\'m pretty sure that I\'m known for other things too...just not realizing it. And then I realized that there a lots of people who are known for other things too. And, I want to know. Well...not really, but I wanted to find out the opinions of what I\'m known for, because I know people will post them, and I wanted to know what people thought of themselves.
In the event that this is spam, please specify.
Are you not? What? You don't understand me?
Well, ??ฅ?งฉ็??งด฿? to you too!
I dare you to ban me Dr.Cossack!
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231 posts
Once a samurai the heart of sword will always be with you.Trust in it,your instinct,and you will be led down the right path.
944 posts
Unknown Entity, for his hospitality.
Pocket, for his posting.
Lizardman EXE for his constant spamming.
Dr. Cassock, for this great site.;)
This is not a member, but I know DSL for its recently slow behavior...:rolleyes:
Well, what do you guys know me well for? I am quite curious.
Oh, Keiyoushy, I have no comment on you, \'cuz I can\'t think of anything right now.
Do I look like I'm joking?
I didn't want to have to do this, but.....
Read Me!
Random Guy: Who are you? What planet are you from? Who is your leader?
Me: Dude, it's Toast...
Random Guy: Oh...Hello, Toast! Take me to your leader!
Quote of the Week... "Butter Toast! Hello Chicken!"
Quote of the Month... "D.A.R.E. Drugs Are Really Exciting"
307 posts
A person to talk to. Some one whos around to help.... Not really much of anything. I don\'t really care much for what I\'m known for... IF any one wants to post opinion, feel free, I don\'t get offened easily.
Wee. x.o Uhh. . . [Insert smart idea for isgnature here] And uhh. . . A quote from my hero, The Punisher.
"If You Want Peace,
Prepare for war."
-Frank Castle
2437 posts many crudy over pixilated avi\'s or my occasional craziness.Please tell me if I\'m accurate!
782 posts
I just post a lot and voice an opinion. I try to explain things when I understand them, and even sometimes when I don\'t. I try to keep the peace and do as much good as I can on this board.
I don\'t know how many of you agree with me on that.
Jack of all trades.
Master of none.
463 posts
my extremely disturbing collection of avatars
Which is up to how many now? And I think you about hit it all.
Unknown Entity, for his hospitality.
Heh, a compliment...not used to that:lol:
but I know DSL for its recently slow behavior..
Funny, mine seems to be moving faster:P
my many crudy over pixilated avi\'s
Your one now isn\'t.
Since I don\'t really keep up much, I really can\'t say much of anything concretely about anybody (except that Kei & Wind are the board\'s resident philosophers)
Myself...I\'d say my techiness and spinning avatars.
760 posts
Hey, can some one tell me what I\'m known for? I seriously don\'t know. I\'m not even aware of doing anything besides the ocasinal misspelled words and sarcasim.
I'm older school than you are.
835 posts
I think I\'m most known for the -ONB-...and maybe the fact that I was a good n00b in the begining.
NO spam for me!
"I worship the Supreme Comrade Cossack!"
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1861 posts
I\'m probably known for nothing unless these count ............<---those dots, ya know how I always put them in my posts?
466 posts
Love of swords,friedns,love help and advice,poems.
In retrospect thats alot for not doing much.
The last of the Raven Guild
57 posts
being foolish loving yugioh and referring to himself in third person thats what the kosmic fool is known for
foolishness fact 1:the kosmic fool refers to the kosmic fool in third person
foolishness fact 2: thekosmicfools new role model is Michael Jackson
favorite song:you turn me on by Kevin Little
just got out of jail on 9/29/05
2437 posts
Originally posted by Unknown_Entity
Your one now isn\'t.
Only because I learned that you can resize the MSPaint screen to 65x65....:P:rolleyes:
[Edited on 9/2/2004 by Saito Hikari]
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683 posts
i REALLY dont know what im known for here....
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434 posts
Originally posted by Zuppahiko
Fred = Liking Samus, being insane and PEPSI!!!
You forgot to mention his old addiction to alia. =P
I\'m not sure what I\'m known for... Zup did say rpg comic but that\'s mainly by the old members. Otherwise I think I\'m just known as a person who doesn\'t post much. ^^;
737 posts
[font=comic sans ms]I think I am known for my proper way of spelling and capitalising things. That and my inane ramblings, not to mention my strange addiction to Retro Video Games.
Other than that, just your basic, average, sarcastic bastard at work. :D[/font]
[Edited on 9-2-2004 by Phatman Dover]
Reality swirled in a wholly blue manner, revealing absolutely nothing of merit. Things flashed madly in and out of existence like some entirely other sort of phenomena. On a whim, Kurt Vonnegut imploded, taking a sizeable hunk of Massachusetts with him. However, seeing as Massachusetts wasn't entirely sure it existed, the chunk wasn't all that big.
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57 posts
Originally posted by thekosmicfool
being foolish loving yugioh and referring to himself in third person thats what the kosmic fool is known for
isnt that what the kosmic fool is known for
foolishness fact 1:the kosmic fool refers to the kosmic fool in third person
foolishness fact 2: thekosmicfools new role model is Michael Jackson
favorite song:you turn me on by Kevin Little
just got out of jail on 9/29/05
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229 posts
I think I\'m known for, not being known. Okey that doesn\'t make much sense. Everyone seems to ignore me. Another thing is a have a short temper at things.
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Ten Bucks to anyone who can break the code, PM me if you know
307 posts
Originally posted by ProtoStar
Originally posted by Zuppahiko
Fred = Liking Samus, being insane and PEPSI!!!
You forgot to mention his old addiction to alia. =P
I\'m not sure what I\'m known for... Zup did say rpg comic but that\'s mainly by the old members. Otherwise I think I\'m just known as a person who doesn\'t post much. ^^;
I think your known for animations an stuff like that. Some one to talk to as well... AT least, thats my opinion, but I\'ve been around for a while. Just haven\'t posted much.
Wee. x.o Uhh. . . [Insert smart idea for isgnature here] And uhh. . . A quote from my hero, The Punisher.
"If You Want Peace,
Prepare for war."
-Frank Castle
1624 posts
I\'m probably known for hardly ever giving bad critisism, always becoming a newbie at something (animator, spriter, sprite comic maker, etc.), and for good grammer. Or not. I\'ve always wondered, what do YOU guys think I am, anyways? PLEASE TELL ME! I MUST KNOW! Oh, and I think Zaleon is probably one of the most sophisticated of us all.
The Future of the Net Sprite Comic
My deviantART
~Dwarven Vow #4~
Don't depend on others. Walk on your own two feet.
^ Apply the above to video game help unless you have no other choice.
"94% of all teenagers have tried drugs at one time or another. If you are one of the 6% that haven't, put this message in your signature."
782 posts
Yeah, I\'m going to agree with BladeMan.EXE and say that he is probably best known for his diverse array of... Sprite-related hobbies. 
Jack of all trades.
Master of none.
1624 posts
My purpose is finally known to me! *does happy dance* Ok, that was random. Anyways, I think that AirMan is probably best known for th highest number of posts.
Ultramegaman for PETs.
Master_Tiger for really detailed and well made sprites.
Mana for great artwork.
The Future of the Net Sprite Comic
My deviantART
~Dwarven Vow #4~
Don't depend on others. Walk on your own two feet.
^ Apply the above to video game help unless you have no other choice.
"94% of all teenagers have tried drugs at one time or another. If you are one of the 6% that haven't, put this message in your signature."
549 posts
I think maybe I\'m known for being a MMBN folder rater, over on the respectable board. Also for complementing others oftenly...
Pocket, for having the best grammar and spelling, coming from a \'newbie\', in a considerably long time. He voices his worthy opinions tactfully and is well spoken.
Dr. Cossack for rather obvious reasons...
Me, I don\'t know what else...
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