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Someone pretending to be other members...
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Yeah... that bastard added me... Something about shooting cool beams up my @$$.... The perverted bastard... He is indeed a guy btw. If you have MSN... dont accept. He called my brother (Shiromaru) \"supa\" sexy....
Everyone should know I don\'t even use MSN.
I have like, screen names for all of the IM services BUT MSN.
I hate microsoft. (That should be obvious...)
--Mod of Ioekaki--
Best quotes from IRC:
* DrCossack hits Evan on the head with Zero's thong.
<Kia_Purity> wat <Kia_Purity> "Queen of Interordi" <Kia_Purity> who did that? XD (from april fools '06)
* DragonBlayde thwacks Mega_X with Kia's thongs <Kia_Purity> NOT MY THONGS
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Hey today when i opened msn somebody added me to their list that i dont know.... there name is....
email: crawfs123@hotmail
do you think this could be that one person? they havent been online today so i havent had a chance to talk to him.... i might just email him tomorrow if i dont figure this out.....:rolleyes:
If anybody is talked to on msn and says their me be all like \"piss off and uhh dont talk to me. I know your not him...\" The only person i talk to on MSN is EL BURRITO. if i add you to my list ill pm you telling you first.............sigh:zzz:
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well did any of you guys catch the email of the fraud guy?
What you see below me is what I use as far as Instant Messengers go. Sounds to me like its some kind of lamer who doesn\'t even go here though. Becuase a link to someones IM s/n is out in the open to click into on this board, its easy for someone who\'s not even a member here to get ahold of that s/n and do whatever they\'ll do to it.
[Edited on 18-2-2004 by Orengefox00]
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Well, I can understand why people are mad, but (In my oppinion) it is\'nt a very good idea to post your e-maill and msn in your profiles. (I didn\'t....)
Some find it WERY funny going to places like this and monkey around all they want, the posts are not going anyware so they can check your info any time they want.
Sorry that I don\'t have any additional info to post, just trying to help...:rolleyes:
The world is a flaw in a perfect nothing...
Bleh. MSN. I stick with AOL. It\'s the best so far.
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Spammers make Doc this face >
[14:33:35] <Lost_To_Apathy> STZ...what the feck is that? Sexually Transmitted Zit?
Noobs can click here for all the Gameshark codes and roms they need
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I feel like the net is going crazy... Virus infected e-mail saying: Interodi, blaster virus, and now... odeji. We need Megaman.EXE & Protoman.EXE!
Hackers? Now I\'ve seen everything. I\'ll look out for this \"Oedij\" and if I learn something, I\'ll let ya know. Kay?
Do I look like I'm joking?
I didn't want to have to do this, but.....
Read Me!
Random Guy: Who are you? What planet are you from? Who is your leader?
Me: Dude, it's Toast...
Random Guy: Oh...Hello, Toast! Take me to your leader!
Quote of the Week... "Butter Toast! Hello Chicken!"
Quote of the Month... "D.A.R.E. Drugs Are Really Exciting"
Well, I like people on MSN bothering me. *shrug* So I won\'t have a problem with him.
And bothering as in going crazy and making no sense. Not being a lamer and asking for favors.
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