Hard choice for me. Though lets see what you people think.
Hard choice for me. Though lets see what you people think.
I think Duel Masters is a rip-off of Yu-Gi-Oh
Wrong forum...
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The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.
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Should of put butter toast I wanted to vote for it but heh I think they both are,nt good so I chose they both suck dun like it?Deal with it.
Fight, Megaman! For everlasting peace! ~ :o
I think the world just made another name for crap.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
We pikmin have feelings to, but we uslley kill you before you find that out.
its not that i suffer from insanity, i enjoy every moment of it
What about magic magic cards are good so are yugioh I like magic more thorgh;)
yu gi oh the best.
Every trading card game on the market is some sort of rip-off of Magic The Gathering(and I\'m sure that Magic is a rip-off of somethin\' else as well...). I haven\'t played Magic in ages \'cuz I was tired of wasting my money in buying cards all the time. So when another trading card game comes along, I normally don\'t care...:rolleyes:
Dual Masters is the biggest rip off from Yu-Gi-Oh!:madgo:
I am the Dark Assasion you are my next target.BWAHAHAHA!!!!
I shall destroy the puny mortals!
One of my favorite sites.
Yu-Gi-Oh! is better for me. The card graphics appeal more and so do the characters. This doesn\'t mean I won\'t watch or like Duel, but it means I definitely prefer Yu-Gi-Oh!
Eh, I kind of like both, but I still highly prefer Yu-Gi-Oh to Duel Masters.
And yes, as true as it may or may not be that all collectable card games are MTG ripoffs, take into consideration that almost every card game you play has different rules, so everyone can have there own tastes. MTG focuses on a sort of fantasy setting involving conquering territories and smiting opposition with hordes of monsters and warriors. Yu-Gi-Oh focuses on a fight between two specific duelists who summon different monsters from the shadow realm to create teams. Duel Masters pits two duelists against eachother, and involves a system that focuses much more on the duelist than his actual monster. So, while the others may be off-brands, remember that this doesn\'t make them obsolete.
Also, I like being able to battle using the Thunder Nyan-Nyan.:D
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Yugioh RULES! Duel masters is some dumb copier of Duel Monsters!!! :madgo: Yami from Yugioh kills the little kid(I don\'t care whatever his name is) from Duel Masters!
Demons usually don't care much for happy endings.-Suzaku
Duel Masters seems to incorporate things from Magic the Gathering (summoning sickness) and Yu-Gi-Oh (attack power levels (2000 as opposed to 2 or 20)). It also includes a little of the Pokemon TCG.
I don\'t really like either, though.
To AirMaster: Magic the Gathering literally is the original TCG. It only has rip-offs. It\'s not ripped-off of anything.
[Edited on 2-5-2004 by BladeMan.EXE]
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Ok, Duel Masters if aBIG rip-off of Magic: The Gathering. It has mana costs for goodness sake(lands in MTG). They ripped the attack powers from Yu-Gi-Oh, i mean, Poke mon had 20s-and 100, at most, Yu-Gi-Oh had the 1000\'s, and magic was fine with the single digits, but mixing 2 games into 1, now thats just uncool.
Take just a second everyone to consider what I originally said. Even with similar gameplay, one must admit that many characters and concepts of the MTG TCG share ABSOLUTELY nothing with the other series. So while they may incorporate even carbon copies of the same gameplay, they\'re designed for different audiences.
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mmm,duel master against yu-gi-oh TCG?
you gotta be kidding!!!
compare Magic the gatheringTCG with yu-gi-oh! TCG and then we talk...:)
"I have tasted the blood of many gods before,they cursed my soul into a great ancient dark,now they shall pay with theyre life"
Yugioh will win.It maybe hard but I will put money on it.;D
im sorry but its true ,yu-gi-oh is really better than duel masters,because yu-gi-oh apports more intensity to a game:D
Sorry for been ausent all this time,but,dude darkeness its some serius bussiness....
just kidding just a long vacation and a really long
'duh.....I must do something but I can tell what it is'
duel master is a bad elaborated way to earn money from senseless productors,sorry my man,thats the truth...
Sorry for been ausent all this time,but,dude darkeness its some serius bussiness....
just kidding just a long vacation and a really long
'duh.....I must do something but I can tell what it is'
yu-gi-oh cards
duel master looks a little boring,doesnt it?
I rater widely yu-gi-oh,porque(because)
it has a faster gameplay:D
Sorry for been ausent all this time,but,dude darkeness its some serius bussiness....
just kidding just a long vacation and a really long
'duh.....I must do something but I can tell what it is'
Sorry for been ausent all this time,but,dude darkeness its some serius bussiness....
just kidding just a long vacation and a really long
'duh.....I must do something but I can tell what it is'
The World of Warcraft TCG will EAT Yu-Gi-Oh.
Yeah I know Pokémon is the best. Mewtwo is fucking hawttttzore!!!!111
i like both Yu-Gi-Oh and Duel Masters...but i am better at Duel Masters than Yu-Gi-Oh...hmmmm...and really i don\'t consider any card game to be a rip=off of others...sure there are some similarities...but very few...in any case..i like both games..and as for MTG, whats it like?...i\'ve heard alot about it but i\'ve never tried it.