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Chaotic Child
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According to Planet Megaman the game Megaman X8 has been confirmed to being showing at some sort of game convention called E3 this April. There hasn\'t been a release date or any real information on it yet.

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All Business.
1763 posts

Woohooo E3 i\'m so going yey:rolleyes:,I can\'t wait to see what new games are coming out>_>,MMX8 omgwtfbbq!!11
Heh dunno what came out of me but I hope it\'ll be as great as X7 just without the 3D thingy of affectsx.x

Fight, Megaman! For everlasting peace! ~ :o

Mega X.exe
Forum Nun
6445 posts

Damn! I couldn\'t even play play X7 (no system above a PSX) :cry:

Then how do you play GBA games?

...Um.......Look that Way! Yoink! *runs off*

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PS3 Trophy betch.
683 posts

My friend swore he saw it in a EB games store. I didn\'t beleive him, if I havent heard of it yet, he sure hasn\'t. :P

Ultimate X
Robot master
79 posts

X8?! This I\'ve gotta\' look for!
I WILL be buying this, as soon as it comes out over here! I\'m not gonna\' miss this, no way! :P

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391 posts

I never like the idea of converting it into 3d in the first place. Oh well. Maby this one will be better? let me think, sequal = reused 3d models + short development time = same thing with a new function.... Conclution: X8 in a nutshell. I don\'t mind though, as long as they pay more attention to the gameplay... and release it to other consoles, namely GameCube! Not fair *sob*

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Originally posted by Snakeman.EXE
and release it to other consoles, namely GameCube! Not fair *sob*

I\'m still waiting for X7 on GameCube :P It\'s still possible, you know: Capcom often does ports to other consoles a few years after the original game came out. Also, Command Mission, which shares about the same graphics as X7, is coming out on both PS2 and GC: that means that the code is probably not too difficult to port.

The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

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301 posts

Why do I think us Europeans are going to get an half arsed conversion about a year after it gets released in America?

Cus it happened with X7. *Sob*
If it\'s coming out on Game Cube as well (fat chance, Capcom are idiots), then screw waiting for it - i\'ll just order it and use my Freeloader.

1166 posts

Originally posted by Dr. Cossack
I\'m still waiting for X7 on GameCube :P

Join the club! :P

I agree with you on companies re-releasing games on different systems. All it takes is time.

Many submissions/requests via email may help too! :P

I say we should go bug Capcom until they release both X7 and X8 on Gamecube! :lol:

Nayus Dante
907 posts

I think we would all be happier if they took out the full 3d mode and made it a 3d side scroller. I didnt like the feel of x7 as it was not at all like the previous games. sliding down a wall in 3d mode is very annoying.

All Business.
1763 posts

Oh so Final Fantasy is annoying as well because of it being in 3D?A 3D scroller would be horrible Nayus.

Fight, Megaman! For everlasting peace! ~ :o

Nayus Dante
907 posts

Originally posted by ShadowZeroX
Oh so Final Fantasy is annoying as well because of it being in 3D?A 3D scroller would be horrible Nayus.

I never said that. Final Fantasy is good because Square actually puts TIME into it. Also, its the kind of thing that naturally conforms to the 3d style. Action games like rockman have a feel that doesnt transition over to 3d well at all.

3d side scrollers arent bad at all. I particularly liked the 2d segments in x7. if they made x8 all like that it would be really good. play control was excellent in those parts. Now if only they ported the x4-6 engine to gba, or even x1-3 engine, they would have a REALLY good xtreme 3.

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Originally posted by ShadowZeroX
Oh so Final Fantasy is annoying as well because of it being in 3D?A 3D scroller would be horrible Nayus.

Mega Man Network Transmission, maybe? That game has full 3D graphics, but is a 2D side-scroller as far as the controls are concerned. I think it\'s control are pretty good, too. Having the same game with 3D controls would have been much worse, in my opinions. Some games just aren\'t meant to go 3D...

The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

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"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)

Nayus Dante
907 posts

Exactly my point. I dont mention that game as i have yet to play it and really cant comment on its quality.

All Business.
1763 posts

There for...they should stick to side scrolling games like X-6,Eh?Yes,That would be much better they could just work better on the sprites:P

Fight, Megaman! For everlasting peace! ~ :o

Nayus Dante
907 posts

Thats another reason why x7 was bad. It didnt give me any new sprites to work with.

769 posts

Geez...and I only JUST got done with 7.

There were a lot of misgivings about X7....wonder if 8 could alleviate them???

Are you not? What? You don't understand me?

Well, ?ƒ?†¥?§©ç??§´ƒß? to you too!

I dare you to ban me Dr.Cossack!


R/W Dragons
Dragon Master
72 posts

What it takes to tell Sigma that he cannot beat the Maverick Hunters! I beaten him 7 times already! Enough is enough! :madgo:

R/W Dragons
Dragon Masters
Dragons Never Gives Up!

Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

Sigma isn\'t the bad thing, it\'s the horrible plot and new \'kawaii\' playable characters that should make people angry. :lol:

Hail to the King, baby!
1269 posts

Anyone see the trailer for X8 yet? The artistical style for the game looked different than in X7. The trailer also has several lines of text that appears while the footage of gameplay plays. I\'m under the impression it\'s someone talking to X, my guess Zero. Maybe, that\'s who I hope it\'s with at least. :lol:

The trailer has someone saying that Sigma isn\'t returning, either. That makes me sad.. I like Sigma.

Fear Factory
1268 posts

Originally posted by Necro
Anyone see the trailer for X8 yet? The artistical style for the game looked different than in X7. The trailer also has several lines of text that appears while the footage of gameplay plays. I\'m under the impression it\'s someone talking to X, my guess Zero. Maybe, that\'s who I hope it\'s with at least. :lol:

The trailer has someone saying that Sigma isn\'t returning, either. That makes me sad.. I like Sigma.

Sigma isn\'t returning? Yay! I was getting annoyed at that virus. Tough luck for you though. :P

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Originally posted by Necro
The trailer has someone saying that Sigma isn\'t returning, either. That makes me sad.. I like Sigma.

That one makes me feel uneasy. On one hand, Capcom might have done the jump and actually killed Sigma for good. On the other hand, I have some doubts. After all, in the introduction to Mega Man 6, Mr. X says that he doesn\'t need Dr. Wily\'s help anymore. We know how that one turned up :P

On another note: I want a GameCube release!!

The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

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"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)

Nayus Dante
907 posts

What ever happened to the pc releases? In my experience, they run faster than the console versions, and play a lot better. I think capcom has lost touch with consoles. X7 for some reason just didnt feel right on PS2. Oh well. I dont really expect a whole lot from X8, considering what ive seen from the screenshots. Ill watch the trailer later, but i think that the cell shading killed the look of X7. I would prefer higher poly models over a cartoon effect. Anyone played Xenosaga Ep1 yet? Why not models of THAT quality? The textures could use a tune up too. But thats just me speaking. I look at these things from a developers point of view. ^_^

Splash Cadet
613 posts

You know...I don\'t care if Jesus Christ himself appeared from the heavens and told me Sigma won\'t be back.......Because Sigma will be back.

Spoiler (click to toggle)
I doubt very much what happened to Sigma at the end of X7 was the final nail in the coffin. I\'d like to think it would take more than a lil shot in the face from Axl\'s pea shooter to keep him down.

I liked the 3D parts of MMX7, But if its gonna be a side scroller again, I really wish they would make the game a lil bit more fast paced. That was my only complaint with X7(Okay thats a lie..) Everything moved a lil too slow for me. At this point..
Spoiler (click to toggle)
At the very least they could shed some light on what the hell the Wily is up to. Wily actually seems to be playing an active role in X\'s world.
Knowing Capcom though, That will never be explained, Nor the disappearance of Dr. Cain and Dynamo will be just be a blip on the radar. :rolleyes:

Edit: Sorry Doc...I forget.

[Edited on 5/18/0404 by Dr.chaos]

I have been told that the essence of being Splash Woman is not in attaining perfection, but in the attempt.

If so, then Splash Woman in general does not qualify as, well, human.

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Dr.chaos, remember to mark your spoiler! X7 isn\'t that old yet, and some people probably haven\'t played it.

The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!

"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)

Mega X.exe
Forum Nun
6445 posts

I felt it was obvious that Wily was involved from X5

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"You've never considered yourself much of a music person, which means you'll have a lot of adjusting to do after a high-speed collision with a harpsichord leaves you tragically harmonious."


Nayus Dante
907 posts

Originally posted by Mega X.exe
I felt it was obvious that Wily was involved from X5

No, those Wily logos in X5 were random static. Gee, ya think? lol

I was very disappointed with the amount of story in X7 and the lack of background revealed in the past few games. I havent gotten through the final stages in x7, but there hasnt been any mention of Zero\'s origin since X5. Even then, it was one line and a few logos. Not much has been revealed about X throught the whole series. Ive been waiting since i was VERY young for a game that was purely story. Maybe Command Mission will satisfy the lack of plot. I still dont like the look of X8. I preordered X7, and wasnt happy, so it might be a little while after its released before i get it.

Ultimate Bass SP
698 posts

Do you think that X and zeros past will finally be revealed?

just enjoying the last month in a half of summer, and keepin it real

Hail to the King, baby!
1269 posts

Originally posted by Dr. Cossack

That one makes me feel uneasy. On one hand, Capcom might have done the jump and actually killed Sigma for good. On the other hand, I have some doubts. After all, in the introduction to Mega Man 6, Mr. X says that he doesn\'t need Dr. Wily\'s help anymore. We know how that one turned up :P

On another note: I want a GameCube release!!

There was also your namesake in Megaman 4. Obviously Capcom getting rid of a villain will arise suspicion by now.

Originally posted by Dr.chaos

I liked the 3D parts of MMX7, But if its gonna be a side scroller again, I really wish they would make the game a lil bit more fast paced. That was my only complaint with X7(Okay thats a lie..) Everything moved a lil too slow for me.

I concur with this statement full heartedly. The 3D segments in X7 put gamers into either a love or hate relationship, but I gotta say I found them to be quite fun. I honestly wouldn\'t mind seeing more 3D stages in X8.

The gameplay needs to be put at at faster rate too, like you said. The sidescrolling elements felt abit clunky.

[Edited on 23-5-2004 by Necro]