if and when they do continue the game series, i think everyone will probably have to expect the game concept and plot to go through a massive overhaul.
there is a very high chance that it will not play like any previous mega man games we've played thus far.
it also may turn out to be a multi-player co-op first person shooter styled game.
there will probably still be evil robot bosses along with gaining upgraded weapons from beating them and what not, but i really believe the next logical step to be expected with this generation of gamers, is an online team oriented first person shooter.
you will probably also be able to design your own "mega man and/or woman" to look however you please.
pretty much, i imagine it will be an alternate halo styled game, with it's own unique mega man flare to it.
personally i don't like that idea, but it presently looks like this is what people like the most nowadays.
i can't stand first person shooters myself.
they are way to dissasociated from what makes a game replayable and NOT BORING, which is of course, the STORY.
yeah, i could go around blowing stuff up for no reason, but after a while it's just that.
same old blowing stuff up repetitiously for no reason.
the reason we go back and play mega man games is definitely not just to blow stuff up, now is it?
we could have played something else for that.
no, we all know it's the story that ultimately brings us back, as limited, unfinished, and ruined as it sometimes is.
and more than likely we will all probably play the next incarnation of mega men/women games as well.
we just Love these games, what else can we say?
[i]Edited by PR070 M4N on December 20, 2007 at 18:13:13.[/i]