The scariest game is probably the ps1 title called
Micheal Jackson zombie rampage!
a game about micheal jackson zombies that if you die they rap*
Topic: What is the Scariest game you have ever played?
The scariest game is probably the ps1 title called
Micheal Jackson zombie rampage!
a game about micheal jackson zombies that if you die they rap*
All those above aren\'t that scary I think.
The most scariest game I ever played was Half-Life.
I stopped playing after I got my first handgun by killing the only surviver I found in the game,
and the surviver I killed become \'meat\' scattering around the place.:sick:
i am cold,
but i am cool.
oh yeah and the skull and lungs and intestines are I think half life opposing force is the scariset
Rather Resident Evil (It\'s fun.....but not super scary), Silent Hill, or Eternal Darkness. Eternal Darkness scared the CRAP out of me. Though when Priest comes out, I\'m goin\' to be wetting myself. For those of you who don\'t know, you can be a templar (cowboy) or heritic (hellish demon) and then you fight the oppisite race in a hellish (yes, I like that word) enviroment. You also fight zombies demons and anything to hell and back again.
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Ten Bucks to anyone who can break the code, PM me if you know
Metroid prime not a fun game when u turn all of the lights off and then get shoot at by some thing when u don\'t see it