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Robot master
54 posts

I have played a lot of scary games, but Siren scared the crap out of me. I want to know what the scariest game you ever played is, and what it is about.

It's cute that you think I'm listening.

957 posts

Resident Evil 3, I stopped playing it after I beaten it. (And returning it to EB)

This is in the wrong forum.

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The Red Comet
1438 posts

I don\'t remember. I don\'t really play a lot of scary games...
... I thought anything with zombies was creepy when I was little. :lol:
But I can never remember being scared of Duke Nukem or Hexen... kinda weird.
It makes sense that Siren scared you Arch. It was like one rank under Resident Evil 4 in the scariest games section in this month\'s GamePro.

Originally posted by Breakman:
Saturdays: The day Protoman comes over. He doesn't do or need anything, but Roll insists Rock to sit down and talk to him. So commences the 12-hour awkward silence treatment until Protoman disappears when everybody's back is turned.

Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

The Res Evil games are pretty scary...especially 3. Nemmy\'s (yes I gave Nemesis the nickname \'Nemmy\') music always made me freeze in place, trying to think where the hell the nearest save room is, so I can hide in it for awhile. :lol:

Oddly, the only game that\'s made me scream like a pansy, is Double Dash.

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Post redacted

The Red Comet
1438 posts

Hey, Wind, you played Silent Hill 4 yet? I heard the gameplay had some bugs, but that most people thought it was insanely creepy.
Gorrila torsos with double porceilan baby masks... bizarre...... :eek:

Originally posted by Breakman:
Saturdays: The day Protoman comes over. He doesn't do or need anything, but Roll insists Rock to sit down and talk to him. So commences the 12-hour awkward silence treatment until Protoman disappears when everybody's back is turned.

AimMan v2.5
2429 posts

Sob, I\'m way too much of a wimp to play anything even reletively scary. I mean, erm, I just don\'t find them er... entertaining. Yeah. That\'s it.:D

Man, Silent Hill looks like it would make me scream like a little girl. The only thing scarier than zombies that want to kill you is the threat of zombies who want to build up suspense before killing you.:eek:

Join the DevART Megaman Legends Club:

1027 posts

Well I was playing some game where you shoot people and if you die blood comes up on the screen and says\"Your dead\",I hate any games with scary stuff.

Also,there was a level in Mario 64 in a ghost mansion that always freaked me out.Hey I ain\'t a the best at being brave but I can be sometimes(rarely).

The Red Comet
1438 posts

Originally posted by Kagome_Sakura
Also,there was a level in Mario 64 in a ghost mansion that always freaked me out.Hey I ain\'t a the best at being brave but I can be sometimes(rarely).

Yeah, I hear ya. That piano... creeped me out too. Get too close to it, and it starts going
with all those spooky teeth... *shivers*

Originally posted by Breakman:
Saturdays: The day Protoman comes over. He doesn't do or need anything, but Roll insists Rock to sit down and talk to him. So commences the 12-hour awkward silence treatment until Protoman disappears when everybody's back is turned.

Shlorpian in disguise
1786 posts

Resident Evil is not scary. It\'s only fun to play (and I mean only the first 4ish games. The new ones are just showing how stale the series is getting... so those are boring and not scary.). Oh, I found Enzan/Chaud in Resident Evil Outbreak. Well, it sure looks kinda like him if it\'s not. He\'s on a poster, in the bar\'s first stairway, talking to someone. (?) If anyone is bored and wants to check this out, PM me.

The scariest game I played was Silent Hill. I never played though any of them. ...oh wait, I did play through SH2 but I got some dumb ending. That was scary. ;^^ I also didn\'t like all the witchcraft in it and the children, with eating utensils, trying to kill you in the school (although that is funny ^^). The \"changing dimensions\" thing was cool though. ;;^^

Another scary game is Alone in the Dark 2. The only thing scary about that one is the controls. I could never get use to them. (So, I didn\'t finish the game... ¬_¬) Also, you have to turn off the lights in that game to figure out different puzzles but the monsters only attack you if it is dark. I liked the few little \"creepy tricks\" they played on the player (the random (?) scream, blood leaking out of the walls, the moving grandfather clock, the whisper room).

I also don\'t like any \"scary\" levels in regular, other games. I wouldn\'t really say they scare me, but they do change my mood when playing them...

[Edited on 26-9-2004 by Breakman]

957 posts

[quote]Originally posted by Breakman
Resident Evil is not scary. It\'s only fun to play (and I mean only the first 4ish games. The new ones are just showing how stale the series is getting... so those are boring and not scary.). Oh, I found Enzan/Chaud in Resident Evil Outbreak. Well, it sure looks kinda like him if it\'s not. He\'s on a poster, in the bar\'s first stairway, talking to someone. (?) If anyone is bored and wants to check this out, PM me.

The scariest game I played was Silent Hill. I never played though any of them. ...oh wait, I did play through SH2 but I got some dumb ending. That was scary. ;^^ I also didn\'t like all the witchcraft in it and the children, with eating utensils, trying to kill you in the school (although that is funny ^^). The \"changing dimensions\" thing was cool though. ;;^^

Another scary game is Alone in the Dark 2. The only thing scary about that one is the controls. I could never get use to them. (So, I didn\'t finish the game... ¬_¬) Also, you have to turn off the lights in that game to figure out different puzzles but the monsters only attack you if it is dark. I liked the few little \"creepy tricks\" they played on the player (the random (?) scream, blood leaking out of the walls, the moving grandfather clock, the whisper room).

I also don\'t like any \"scary\" levels in regular, other games. I wouldn\'t really say they scare me, but they do change my mood when playing them...

[Edited on 26-9-2004 by Breakman] [/quote] Can you show me a pic?

On Topic: Metroid Prime, I litterally jump if I see a Beetle pop out.

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Happy 50th Birthday, Godzilla!

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Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

I don\'t buy many horror genre games, but I LOVED Silent Hill *on the hardest mode* because it strayed away from the whole Resident Evil *jump out from around the corner and go BOO!* method.

Yeah, I liked Silent Hill as well, but the enemies were unfortunately not as scary to me, anyway. Silent is more \'creepy\' while Res is more \'scary\'. Course, that\'s just opinion.

And well, Res has Leon. Leon = awesome

Robot master
54 posts

Have you guys ever played Fatal Frame? Tell me if you think it\'s scary or not. Personally, it scared me when you have to fight blinded ( girl ghost with no eyes, and blood is pouring out of the eye sockets), but only because she pops up everywhere, due to her speed. The rest of the game is unbelivably funny!:lol:
A ghost called broken neck with it\'sneck twisted around, and it\'s hanging on by a thread! I died laughing! Its that kind of stuff scary to you?

It's cute that you think I'm listening.

All Business.
1763 posts

Ah....I\'d have to say \"The Suffering\" for the PS2.....I mean serious what guy see things chopping people into little peices and trys to kill them in a prison while his mind is being pshycotic?<<

Fight, Megaman! For everlasting peace! ~ :o

516 posts

Well I was playing some game where you shoot people and if you die blood comes up on the screen and says\"Your dead\",I hate any games with scary stuff.

Also,there was a level in Mario 64 in a ghost mansion that always freaked me out.Hey I ain\'t a the best at being brave but I can be sometimes(rarely).

Off: Maybe you\'re talking about Resident evil 0? And Also, How could you be scared of a piano wimp?

On: The scariest game I ever played was Resident evil: Dead aim. Don\'t know why though. {Hmmmmmmmmmm, maybe it freaked me out because the mosters are black and white and the graphics and gameplay sucked.Hmmmm}

[Edited on 09/12/04 by corte]

[Edited on 09/12/04 by corte]

974 posts

silent hills series, the resident evil series half life zombies, THE THING and the most scariest zombie game (next to resident evil) Count down vampires

The Red Comet
1438 posts

Originally posted by corte
Originally posted by Kagome_Sakura
Well I was playing some game where you shoot people and if you die blood comes up on the screen and says\"Your dead\",I hate any games with scary stuff.

Also,there was a level in Mario 64 in a ghost mansion that always freaked me out.Hey I ain\'t a the best at being brave but I can be sometimes(rarely).

Off: Maybe you\'re talking about Resident evil 0? And Also, How could you be scared of a piano wimp?

On: The scariest game I ever played was Resident evil: Dead aim. Don\'t know why though. {Hmmmmmmmmmm, maybe it freaked me out because the mosters are black and white and the graphics and gameplay sucked.Hmmmm}

Corte, I said that. Not Kagome. And I\'m not scared of it now. I was like 6 or 7 maybe.
That\'s was pretty harsh for not having a fact check.
... Seriously.

Originally posted by Breakman:
Saturdays: The day Protoman comes over. He doesn't do or need anything, but Roll insists Rock to sit down and talk to him. So commences the 12-hour awkward silence treatment until Protoman disappears when everybody's back is turned.

516 posts

I know that Heatman. Its just that I had a feeling that its the piano thats freaks her out whenever she\'s there.

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Wrong forum.

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The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

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"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)

36 posts

There is no game that im friad of

âš  Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/inter/domains/ on line 275
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Deleted account

the one i was afraid of was siren,silent hill,resident evil and the new game called the lost had a look on the internet about it and it don,t half look scary heres a enemy on my display

Random Ultra User
189 posts

I agree with Sage Cryst, The suffering. The music just freaked me out.

957 posts

Originally posted by HollowTorment
The Res Evil games are pretty scary...especially 3. Nemmy\'s (yes I gave Nemesis the nickname \'Nemmy\') music always made me freeze in place, trying to think where the hell the nearest save room is, so I can hide in it for awhile. :lol:

Oddly, the only game that\'s made me scream like a pansy, is Double Dash.
Nemmy scares me alot, its weird for Nemmy to say \"STARS!\" over and over.

Gitaroo Man almost made me shoot the disc with a shot-gun. Or run it over with a Gremlin.

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I am Zero.......
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Winters Soul
121 posts

Well, I don\'t really play horror games that much but once I saw the add for silent hill 4 and ghost hunters, I had nightmares. And I know at the movie theaters they have the game house of the dead. Turok 3 chapter 1, you follow the old man up the ladder and he gets eaten by a monster and half of his body falls down. Then you follow the trail of blood and you see the creature eating the other half. I always liked shouting, \"Look out below!\" when the body falls down.:P

[Edited on 9-10-2004 by BeastmanEXE]

Lewa: OMG! Look at that cute little green bug!
Tahu: Uhh Lewa, thats a kraata.
Lewa: I'm gonna call him Mr.Squishy!
Kraata: Squeek!

Toa Hordika are on sale! W00t!

If you really want to know how stupid you are, then please click the link befor you.

Pronounced Ee-vih-trahn
650 posts

Barney\'s Game Of Happy Goodness.
OK, Ok, I know that game doesn\'t exist, but Barney and any other kid people haunt me. They try to eat me when I sleep.

Or, the poster formerly known as Pri- I mean, rockmaniskool.

Winters Soul
121 posts

Originally posted by rockmaniskool
Barney\'s Game Of Happy Goodness.
OK, Ok, I know that game doesn\'t exist, but Barney and any other kid people haunt me. They try to eat me when I sleep.

Lets just hope they don\'t make a game like that....

Lewa: OMG! Look at that cute little green bug!
Tahu: Uhh Lewa, thats a kraata.
Lewa: I'm gonna call him Mr.Squishy!
Kraata: Squeek!

Toa Hordika are on sale! W00t!

If you really want to know how stupid you are, then please click the link befor you.

957 posts

Originally posted by Kagome_Sakura
Well I was playing some game where you shoot people and if you die blood comes up on the screen and says\"Your dead\",I hate any games with scary stuff.

Also,there was a level in Mario 64 in a ghost mansion that always freaked me out.Hey I ain\'t a the best at being brave but I can be sometimes(rarely).
Well, the piano is scary.

Makes me want to wonder why Mario doesn\'t have his claim to fame: Fire-Balls.

Yeah, pianos that have sharp teeth and bite plumbers are stupid! So, yeah, Kagome, there are things that go E-MAJOR in the night! And who forgot the carosel of DEATH!!!!!! Hah, its stupid.

Resident Evil 4 is possibly the scariest game ever...

All your muffins are belong to us!

Happy 50th Birthday, Godzilla!

I am Zero.......
Follow the glowing link to find a GREAT Godzilla Message Board!

Ned Flanders
Lost but Seeking
279 posts

I don\'t remember the exact name of the game, but you play papa smurf looking for a kidnapped smurfette. The scary part: smurfs stop you from saving the only women in the village by pouring blue liquid on you from a pot. Just imagine what that liquid could be.

Image Fear the Raven Guild!

Lil' metool
5 posts

I forgot wat it was called but i remember u are this guy u only have a knive and a hand gun. U start of by getting surrounded by like 10 zombies.

Fusion X
That one guy you know
264 posts

Resident Evil: Code Veronica. Those damn Bandersnatches... and Cerberus. And Alexia\'s Father was freaky.
