You know that there are different ways to play Mega Man 2 for the NES. Bosses have more than one weakness, Items can help you pass certain parts of stages, different strategies for the level layouts. So, what is your suggested order to get through Mega Man 2? If you'd like to, state your reasons as well.
My order:
1.Airman - fairly simple level and boss.
2.Metalman - There's an easy E-Tank that wants obtaining at the beginning of the stage on a conveyor belt. You can't miss it. Use Item 2 that you obtained from Airman to snag the 1UP and the E-Tank without the need of killing yourself off. Boss's pattern is quite simple.
3. Bubbleman - Nothing special here. Navigate the level and use Metal Blades on the boss.
4. Heatman - Use Item 2 to get pass the the lava pit over the vanishing blocks near the end of the level. There's a 1UP that you can obtain with ease during this part. Use Bubble Lead to vanquish Heatman.
5. Woodman - Nothing special here. The Metal Blades seem to work well against the fire-breathing wolves. Use a fully charged Atomic Fire on Woodman when he's vulnerable to send him packing.
6. Crashman - Using Leaf Shield on the moving platforms will take care of those pesky spinning blue enemies. When you reach the part with the ladders and the mama bird that drops eggs to reveal a bunch of angry babies that will attack you (hey, I'd be angry too if my mom dropped me when I was a newborn) use Leaf Shield to put them out of their misery with ease, and move upward when its safe. If you traveled up the left set of ladders, you should arrive at an E-Tank. Rather then waste anymore trouble by going back down, use Item 1 to go upwards and reach the far left ladder for a 1UP. Once you make it to Crashman, use the longly eager Air Shooter to smite him.
7. Flashman - With Crash Bomber added to your arsenal, you can chose different paths to make it to the end although, none of them are really useful. There's a 1UP near the start that can be collected using either Item that you've obtained. When you make it to the vertical area where you must fall to get to the next area, stick with the right side. When you make it to the room with Sniper Joe with the Kangaroo Armor and a Life Capsule, fall down the right hole. This will take you to an above level in the next area. Cross the mini blocks either with Item 2, or a series of significant jumps to obtain another E-Tank. Use Crash Bomber (if you have any left) to blow open the wall at the end to avoid Sniper Joe contact and to take you directly to the boss. Use Metal Blades to finish Flashman.
8. Quickman - the mother lode of levels. Yes, I saved the best for last! Use any Item to obtain the 1UP right at the start of the level. When you reach the first set of laser beams, stick with the right side of the screen as much as you can. This will eventually lead you to a 1UP, a Weapon Capsule and an E-Tank. On the second set of laser beams, you can either run yourself stupid through them or use Time Stopper. It's energy is limited and there are only a couple of Weapon Capsules that once obtained, never respawn. To obtain the 1UP, you must use Time Stopper. I suggest you use in just in the area before this room. Once you make it through, more annoying Sniper Joes with Kangaroo Armors, then Quickman himself. Time Stopper will hack off half of his health, Crash Bombers can hit him multiple times as well as do lots of damage to him. Shoot one of the Bombers against either wall facing the middle of the screen in the lowest parts of the terrain and then jump to the second level platform and wait and watch for Quickman to jump over you, fall into the low part where you fired the Bomber, and run right into the explosion! Bye, bye Quickman! Run to the other side and repeat if it doesn't kill him. Mega Buster works well too, if you've got the accuracy.
So, anyone else got a better order?
BTW, there are slight differences between the Original and the Anniversary Collection Version. For one, the AC version doesn't have one hit kills on bosses, even on easy mode. Sucks, yes?
Topic: Mega Man 2 Suggested Order
What MM2 is famous for!