What do you do when your bored? What are some reeeaalll cool websites?!
what do you do when your bored?
What do you do when your bored? What are some reeeaalll cool websites?!
Cool as in nasty or as in games?:conf:
Cool as in entertaining, as in, sawing off my arm would be fun.
go to Badger badger badger.com trust me? or not.
addictinggames.com is always fun. Everyone needs to check out Mysteries of Time & Space.
Protoman wasn't the first robot built by Dr. Light. I was! MWAHAHAHAHAAA!
go to http://www.dabombe.com/badgerphone/
bananaphone rock rock on!
war is not a game. sure, one side wins and one loses, and it is fun....well....maybe it is a game...
How about some Webcomics?
Bob and George
Sluggy Freelance
8-bit Theatre
You could go to Shockwave it has some pretty entertaining games. Or you could go to the Altoids Site. The games may have some pretty shameless plugs for Altoids, but they can be very entertaining. Just click the link and go to the arcade. Curiously Strong all night long is a very funny puzzle game. Have fun.
EDIT: Fixed some typos
[Edited on 21-6-2004 by the_dreamer36]
Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.
-Benjamin Franklin
When I\'m bored, I go to Sprites Inc. if I\'m online. If I\'m offline, I get off my lazy but and go outside and do whatever in my back yard.
The Future of the Net Sprite Comic
My deviantART
~Dwarven Vow #4~
Don't depend on others. Walk on your own two feet.
^ Apply the above to video game help unless you have no other choice.
"94% of all teenagers have tried drugs at one time or another. If you are one of the 6% that haven't, put this message in your signature."
Whenever I get bored I just make random avatars and banners. Sometimes I check out layouts to make sites. Results are not too good though...
^Makes me laugh everytime.
Of course when I get REAL bored, I go to the chatroom to see what\'s up and if I\'m bored there, I annoy someone on MSN. *points to Airmaster*
When I\'m bored...I either sprite, draw, or make skins for my message board...
~When light and darkness combine the world will see what the apocalypse looks like.~
Join my Spriting Message Board: http://s3.invisionfree.com/EvanJPForums/index.php
You could try homestarrunner.com. My cousin just showed it to me, and it\'s pretty funny... an insult to intelligence, but still pretty funny.
... Ever tried neopets?
I Skateboard, play Video games, call a friend up, make plans, go for bike rides, listen to music, check out websites (eBay, MMPC, Ebaumsworld.com, Newgrounds.com, ect.) watch tv/movies...
Geez, alot of these sound like my hobbies. You\'re probably bored because you\'re a boring person, especially if you can\'t entertain yourself. There\'s a whole world of things to do! You just have to get off your ass and do it!
If I\'m really bored, I go here. Sometimes I listen to MIDI files on the internet, but I mostly go here if I\'m bored. So....tada!
The past is all that's gone. The future is yet to come. For now is forever.
I'm not here often. I've usually been at overmyhead.net, but fear not. I shall return.
I'm the drum major of my band, I get all the girl's to take off their underpants
and the drum major of my band,
my salsa makes all the pretty girl's want to dance,
My salsa
Well, this site always helps me out :lol:.
i always check www.psyguy.com for new sprite comics (those dudes got HUMOR, wish i had that in my comics...),
or make a new one myself.
I sit on the couch and try to focus on a dot in the ceiling.If that doesn\'t work I mope around my house moaning \"i\'m board\".And if THAT doesn\'t work I call my friends and talk f an hour or so:lol:
What do i do when im bored, well lets see here, first, i brainstorm and get to the bottom of why im bored, heres thee equation,
Inactive> Old/New- refer
Old> New=Brainstorm=New- %< $, fun, org
New> Active= Old=New>Motif
And their you have it!
I thought you just bumped old topics in an endless fashion when you get bored.
No, the only reason i bump old topics is because some of them happen to greatly interest me, and its good to bring them back to life a little sometimes.
Your bumps are worthless and infinite.
..I thought this said "Bored Popples"
Popples were strange.
Ummm....you can sleep when you're bored,that's always fun.
My mom can still beat your dad up!!
I...break things.