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Originally posted by Mega X.exe
An Ode to Sony--since fanboyism must be countered.

"Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Sony will kick the Wii's ass
And it'll kick yours too."

DON'T TELL ME THAT YOU'RE GONNA WASTE $500-600 ON A STUPID CONSOLE THAT DOESN'T INCLUDE FREE GAMES WITH IT!!! I want a PS3 also but I waitng until the price drops below $300. Only then will I get it. Otherwise I still got a PS2 that can play movies and games just like the PS3.

974 posts

Ya know, at the rate of the economy and all, I seriously doubt that once the PS3 comes out that the price will fall under $300 in the first five years.

Shirt Ninja
560 posts

I think that the PS3 package will include games. They'll have to if they hope to sell them for that much.

Then again it comes back to die-hard fanboys willing to dish out. Like I've said, I'll get one, but it doesn't mean I agree with the price.

2647 posts

Let me simply say this:

"Wii. A lame name, yet still OWN-ing the competition's asses."

All hail the Supreme Comrade Cossack!

Red Abaranger
403 posts

Originally posted by BassGospel
I think that the PS3 package will include games. They'll have to if they hope to sell them for that much.

Then again it comes back to die-hard fanboys willing to dish out. Like I've said, I'll get one, but it doesn't mean I agree with the price.

No it costs that much bnecause Sony decided to try and pack too much crap into the PS3 the games alone will be around 70 bucks so that makes iteven harder to pack a game with the system.

On the other hand nintendo has stated that they think games over $50 are a rip off and will charge no more than $50 for the games on the Wii.

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Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

Who says this is a final decision? They may change the price after seeing the reaction.

All Business.
1763 posts

I read a couple things about the Wii, I'll have to find it in google news, it was several peoples report of E3 that were there, said that the Wii was made from 'Third Party Devlopment kits'. I guess, here's a quote I posted in the #mmpc chat.

'Did Nintendo succeed? Partly, yes. But there is a long way to go before the mainstream is convinced, due to it being apparent most Third Party development kits were nothing more than GameCube standard.'

Fight, Megaman! For everlasting peace! ~ :o

Shirt Ninja
560 posts

Meh, to me this discussion is merely something to do :)

Unless there end up being massive glaring problems, excluding the price tag, I will be getting a PS3.

Why? The games. I want AC4, I want MGS4, I want the titles that PS has and will most likely keep.

I might end up doing what I did with the PS2 and GC, getting a PS2 first, then a GC cheap later down the line.

Oh yeah, that 70 bucks? Well it turns out to be around £40 GBP, which is the average price for new PS2 games. And even if it goes to £45-£50, that's around 360 game price.

So yeah.

Edited by BassGospel on May 15, 2006 at 22:38:22.

Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

Anyway, as I understand it, Sony is seeling far below it's true value, what with all the spiffy features. Wheras the Wii, supposedly is being sold above it's market value.

True or not, it still indicates that the 360 is the weakest of the generation.

The Helldragon
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I must agree. 360 got rushed and that's why it's crap. At least we can expect great things of Sony's overpriced box.

913 posts

Gah, the Nintendo fanboys...

Just because the PS3 cost that much doesn't mean the Wii is automatically going to be better. The blue ray drive is costly, plus the 60 gigabyte hard drive can be expensive. Add those two plus all the other stuff.

This is a video leak that I found a little while ago... Video quality sucks, but it's still amazing... look here:

Also, this site,, also shows the main screen place for the PS3.

Edited by Zera on May 15, 2006 at 20:19:31.

o hay

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Originally posted by Sage
I read a couple things about the Wii, I'll have to find it in google news, it was several peoples report of E3 that were there, said that the Wii was made from 'Third Party Devlopment kits'. I guess, here's a quote I posted in the #mmpc chat.

'Did Nintendo succeed? Partly, yes. But there is a long way to go before the mainstream is convinced, due to it being apparent most Third Party development kits were nothing more than GameCube standard.'

I think you read that quote all wrong. What it means is that the development kit (hardware and software used to create games) that third party developpers (other game-making groups) received from Nintendo was a boosted GameCube kit instead of something different.

The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

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"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)

Red Abaranger
403 posts

Zera, I think the price tag is not the onely problem. Sony has a history of making systems that like to 'asplode. I got 2 PS2s and you know what they BOTH stoped working, I asked sony to fix it and they told me that I must not have taken very good care of it and if I wanted to send it in they would have to charge me like 50bucks to do it and I told them I would just go play my cube. But that's getting a little off topic I think.

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MKDS code is:330772-112281


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Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

Yeah..didn't Sony redesign the PS2.. 12 times or something? I waited until they were finally done "revising" since alot of people complained of failure to start games, failure to play certain games, disc trays breaking easily, easily overheating and blah blah.

Everyone bought PS2's at first because they were the cheapest DVD players out there. I don't think there's anything too special with the PS3, unless it has a HDTV attached. Therefore, only the die-hard Sony fanboys will buy one (or MGS fanboys). Just like with the 360, no one really cared other than the Micro fanboys and people who enjoy bragging about having a "rare" igloo warmer.

Personally, I think it's bull that Sony is pulling this "cheaper version with less features" crap that Microsoft did. Do they enjoy ripping people off? Just sell the systems full-up at retail, don't give people the option for the "cheaper" one because alot of people will get duped into buying it to save 100 bucks.

Nevermind that it seems like the PS3's 600 dollar version isn't that much better than the 500. Harddrive space isn't exactly expensive.

The Helldragon
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Hell, I bought my PS2 last year for Christmas. Yes, my timing is that bad on technology. See, I'm not a fanboy to any specific console. If a console has a really cool game I want to play, naturally I want said console. This is why I haven't considered the PSP though it does a lot more crap than the DS-the DS has actual games I want. The same so far goes for the PS3. Until I see a game I MUST HAVE, I'm not plopping down a huge chunk of change for it-and of course, a lot of other people won't, either. Wii has that MUST HAVE game-Brawl, of course-and I won't go broke buying one. I don't know exactly what Sony's trying to pull here, but they're not going to win this round with all of the major consumers who don't have a specific console they favor.

SPT Layzner
The Blue Comet
1476 posts

Excuse me, but so far, the PS3 has more MUST HAVE games than the Wii. Wii only has Super Smash Bros Brawl while PS3 has Armored Core 4, MGS 4, RE5 and Gundam.

And don't give me that "You can dl SNES games" crap. That's what emulators/roms are for.


Shirt Ninja
560 posts

You know, I'm not surprised if that's the PS3's Home Screen, it works well for the PSP.

To me, Brawl, I don't even want. I'm not into fighting games...even if it is Mario. I have a GC and don't have Smash Bros for god's sake!

And again, will people listen? I, and most people who WILL get the PS3, won't buy it straight away. We'll wait for any bugs/erroers, package deals and price drops.

And that thing about the PS2s being faulty? It must have only been in the US, cuz I had mine shortly after it was released, and it's still going strong, desptite its age.
You watch it set on fire now...

The Red Comet
1438 posts

Er... SPT? The Wii has a Gundam game, too, and a pretty nice playing one reportedly. It's like "SD Gundam G Breaker" or something. I'm still waiting to see the PS3 one, though. It looks pretty neat by trailers.

I'll buy the one with the games I like. If a game with Megaman Legends was announced for the 360, you can bet that even though I've barely touched an XBOX I'd snatch up the first 360 I could find.

Originally posted by Breakman:
Saturdays: The day Protoman comes over. He doesn't do or need anything, but Roll insists Rock to sit down and talk to him. So commences the 12-hour awkward silence treatment until Protoman disappears when everybody's back is turned.

[One and Only]
500 posts

Originally posted by BassGospel
And again, will people listen? I, and most people who WILL get the PS3, won't buy it straight away. We'll wait for any bugs/erroers, package deals and price drops.

And that thing about the PS2s being faulty? It must have only been in the US, cuz I had mine shortly after it was released, and it's still going strong, desptite its age.

That is what I was going to do: Wait a while, 'cause you know something will be wrong with the first few systems, until everything is settled out. I mean, look at the 360. Rushed, and it has far too many bugs to start with.

And my PS2 is still working fine. I don't have it anymore, gave it to my bro cause he needed one, so I bought the slimmer version... only cause they didn't have the bigger ones anymore. But it is still functioning fine.

Rioni Riishu
729 posts

SPT, don't be rude. Maybe there's more "Must have" games in your opinion on the PS3, but don't shove your opinion off on the rest of us. It all depends on the games you're intersted in. I don't happen to agree with you.

Anyway, on the Wii, I'm looking forward to Brawl and Twilight Princess among other things. I generally enjoy the stuff Nintendo puts out. I like the stuff Sony puts out too, to an extent, but a good share of the recent stuff hasn't been too quality. x_x And I really don't have much interst in dropping money for ANY new system. My Gamecube and my PS2 serve me just fine.


Shirt Ninja
560 posts

Thank you, Enix. And Kingdom Hearts 3 will more than likely be on the PS3, so that's a bonus :)

Amazing. I get "Wii" functoinality...but I don't have to feel like a moron every time I talk about it. God bless you Sony!

-Somebody in a PS3 discussion, in reference to the controller. I had to smile.

And yes, I like KH:P

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Originally posted by SPT Layzner
Excuse me, but so far, the PS3 has more MUST HAVE games than the Wii. Wii only has Super Smash Bros Brawl while PS3 has Armored Core 4, MGS 4, RE5 and Gundam.

Hey, news flash-I don't want to play that shit. Be sure to think about the whole spectrum of gamers, here.

Shirt Ninja
560 posts

Originally posted by The Helldragon
Hey, news flash-I don't want to play that shit. Be sure to think about the whole spectrum of gamers, here.

Ah! Wait, it's not shit, it's personal preference. Like I don't really want to play Smah Bros etc, but I don't call it shit.

Like I said before, a lot of the PS games are more war-based, and grittier. That's my preference. And don't say Nintendo has them too, I prefer the PS games over Nintendo shooters like Metroid etc.

SPT Layzner
The Blue Comet
1476 posts

Originally posted by Heatman.EXE
Er... SPT? The Wii has a Gundam game, too, and a pretty nice playing one reportedly. It's like "SD Gundam G Breaker" or something. I'm still waiting to see the PS3 one, though. It looks pretty neat by trailers.

The GC also has Gundam games, and guess what? They never got released here. I'm expecting that the Gundam game on the Wii suffers the same fate.

Originally posted by The Helldragon
Hey, news flash-I don't want to play that shit. Be sure to think about the whole spectrum of gamers, here.

I tried to find a way to answer that...I seriously did...but man, I can't see where I said that the games on the Wii were "shit". Be sure to think about the whole spectrum of gamers, here.


The Helldragon
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Maybe some of us doesn't like Metal Gear Solid, or Resident Evil, or Armored Core. Perhaps shit was too strong a word, but I think I got my point across.

I'd hate to repeat a phrase, but be sure to think about the whole spectrum of gamers, here.

Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

He was stating his opinion. Hell, when I think about the games I like, I don't think about the whole spectrum of gamers. I just focus on the spectrum that agrees with me. That's what opinions are about.

Red Abaranger
403 posts

Originally posted by SPT Layzner
Excuse me, but so far, the PS3 has more MUST HAVE games than the Wii. Wii only has Super Smash Bros Brawl while PS3 has Armored Core 4, MGS 4, RE5 and Gundam.

And don't give me that "You can dl SNES games" crap. That's what emulators/roms are for.

First off the Wii is going to have Gundam, and an RE game, PLUS games like Project H.A.M.M.E.R(think DMC with a huge hammer) Red Steel(they said that game will have some of the best AI of all time baised off the F.E.A.R. AI), Sadness (think RE with out guns, you survive only with the items you find around you), and disaster: day of crisis
"Survive nature's most devastating catastrophes in Disaster: Day of Crisis, a panic-inducing survival game for Wii. In a devastatingly short period of time, an unprecedented wave of natural disasters has pummeled the United States. On top of this inexplicable series of disasters, a rouge special forces unit has taken advantage of the chaos and seized a nuclear weapon. Only Ray, a former member of an elite rescue task force, has decided to take a stand."

All those are great looking games, and not just the so called "kiddy" games
Also SOME people might not want to download roms, you know seeing as they are illegle, so downloading older games is did you put it..."crap"

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MKDS code is:330772-112281


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Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

Oh would all you fanboys just shut the hell up with your fanboyness, the damn systems aren't even out yet, fight about them later.

Red Abaranger
403 posts

Hollow if we all shut up then we have nothing to talk about ^_^

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MKDS code is:330772-112281


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All Business.
1763 posts

I'm pretty sure that was the point, Hibiki. :(

Fight, Megaman! For everlasting peace! ~ :o