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Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Challenge Areas
Test the limits of your abilities!

Top of the Page
Challenge Area Index - Challenge Areas Key
Challenge Area Index - The Creeper Citadel-Moosemart
Challenge Area Index - Player Created Challenge Areas
Challenge Area Index - The Regenerating Structures
Challenge Area Index - The End
Challenge Area Index - The Lost Woods
Challenge Area Index - The Hunter's Lodge
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 1 - Castle of Famine - Wychwood
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 2 - Castle of Conquest - Snowhead
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 3 - Castle of War - Shattered Sands
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 4 - Castle of Death - Shoals of the Departed
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5 - New Game+ Areas
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.5 - Science Updates and Rebalancing
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.8 - Isle of Insanity and Science Isles
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 6 - ???

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Challenge Areas
Test the limits of your abilities!

Top of the Page
Challenge Area Index - Challenge Areas Key
Challenge Area Index - The Creeper Citadel-Moosemart
Challenge Area Index - Player Created Challenge Areas
Challenge Area Index - The Regenerating Structures
Challenge Area Index - The End
Challenge Area Index - The Lost Woods
Challenge Area Index - The Hunter's Lodge
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 1 - Castle of Famine - Wychwood
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 2 - Castle of Conquest - Snowhead
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 3 - Castle of War - Shattered Sands
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 4 - Castle of Death - Shoals of the Departed
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5 - New Game+ Areas
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.5 - Science Updates and Rebalancing
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.8 - Isle of Insanity and Science Isles
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 6 - ???

Challenge Areas
The children of science and ded

So in the spirit of helping everyone to keep track of everything, we're creating a summary of all the challenge areas and the features within- all in one place that's easily referable, and will be updated constantly with any new content or changes.

While we will always advocate for helping out your fellow player, we ask that players do not freely hand out armor or weapons from Shattered Sands+ (Excluding The Kiln) to players who have not done the content themselves up to that point, just as we suggest not to give vanilla end-tier gear to newer players. We do this in an effort to preserve the play experience for newer players who haven't had a chance to try the content for themselves. Excessive violations may result in science-managing staff action.

Release order and recommended order to attempt each area:
The Creeper Citadel/Combat Training -> The End/Dragon Priests -> The Lost Woods/Hunter's Lodge -> Wychwood -> Snowhead -> Shattered Sands -> Shoals of the Departed -> New Game+ Areas/Hardmode Dungeons

With the advent of the Certificate system, the following areas must be completed in the following order to access the next area in the list. Completing the area involves obtaining the Completion Certificate for that area, via obtaining the mask of the area's Boss and leaving the arena alive.
The Lost Woods -> Wychwood: Barrows/Nomad -> Snowhead: Temple of Ancients -> Shattered Sands: The Heart -> Shoals of the Departed: Divine Tempest

Map Link: A direct link on the map to the area's location
Overworld Directions: Step by step directions on how to get to the area via overworld, if possible.
Nether Directions: Step by step directions on how to get to the area via nether, if possible.
Armor Rating: A grading scale based on the armors recommended to complete each area:
-F Rank: Can be completed using no armor.
-E Rank: Can be completed using enchanted iron armor, or unenchanted diamond armor
-D Rank: Can be completed using enchanted diamond armor, enchanted netherite armor, or C Rank Hunters Lodge armors.
-C Rank: Can be completed using Ancient Knight armor or B Rank Hunters Lodge armors.
-B Rank: Can be completed using Barrow armors, Warpriest armor, Hero of the Woods armor, A Rank Hunters Lodge armors, or Event Rank Hunters Lodge armors..
-A Rank: Can be completed using Anima Core armors, or S Rank Hunters Lodge armors.
-S Rank: Can be completed using Anima Core armors, paired with Elder Artifacts/equal power weapons.
-? Rank: Can be completed using Anima Core armors, paired with Elder Artifacts and top-tier consumables; prepare for a fight!
Completion Requirements: Lists any prior completion certificates required for accessing an area
Noteworthy Prizes: The ultimate goal of visiting the area.
Special Notes: Any additional notes that should be mentioned.

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Challenge Areas
Test the limits of your abilities!

Top of the Page
Challenge Area Index - Challenge Areas Key
Challenge Area Index - The Creeper Citadel-Moosemart
Challenge Area Index - Player Created Challenge Areas
Challenge Area Index - The Regenerating Structures
Challenge Area Index - The End
Challenge Area Index - The Lost Woods
Challenge Area Index - The Hunter's Lodge
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 1 - Castle of Famine - Wychwood
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 2 - Castle of Conquest - Snowhead
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 3 - Castle of War - Shattered Sands
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 4 - Castle of Death - Shoals of the Departed
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5 - New Game+ Areas
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.5 - Science Updates and Rebalancing
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.8 - Isle of Insanity and Science Isles
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 6 - ???


The Creeper Citadel:
Map Link: Creeper Citadel
Overworld Directions: Within the spawn town, Central, there is a small quartz gazebo (dome) immediately on the left-hand side of the spawning platform, also seen centered here. Events Night, any TARDIS or Time Gate -> Creeper Citadel (Main Platform)
Nether Directions: North Nether Rail -> Lily Keep (3rd Stop) -> World Center
Armor Rating: F - E Rank
Completion Requirements: None
Noteworthy Prizes: Everything your heart desires within Moosemart, as well as the Combat Training Certificate armor set, best to start off new players.
Special Notes: Due to the divine protection of the Moose, Flight is possible within the airspace of the entire Citadel and surrounding islands!

Before getting into the combat-oriented areas, we'll be covering the central hub of the science on the server, the Creeper Citadel!
The citadel itself is a floating fortress positioned exactly at the center of the server, accessible via a warp platform next to spawn in Central, via the Nether out of the Lily Keep station, and from the main platform of the End of Time during events night.

The island will have many varied uses over the course of future events; but currently, it serves the below primary functions:
-Quick-access NPC vendors and a 'save' point directly at the entrance, making for easy access to potions, food, or material trade-ins
-The Cavern of Science, a massive cave within the island itself that serves as a catalog of all available "science" items (Unique items not usually obtainable in normal play) found across the server, as well as where to obtain them among these new areas.
--Index of The Cavern Here.
-The Post Office, a universal meeting place where you can create a mailbox and leave other players mail! Or Items!
-The Science Workshop, the basement of the Post Office, a gathering area for any science items that need repairing or updating!
-Combat Training, located within the trunk of the large tree on the second Citadel platform. This is an area that allows a beginner-type tutorial on the basic Minecraft mobs, letting you fight weakened versions to acclimatize yourself to the game's combat. Complete all the courses and assemble a decent set of armor and tools!
-Moosemart, a collection of all unique NPC traders on the server, as well as Moosemart's own unique vendors offering various wares for emeralds- it's highly advisable that everyone visit the mart at least once, as it's an incredible resource for fighters and builders alike!
--Index of Moosemart Here.
-Cannon Platform, a special cannon accessible during Events Night that has a shortcut to all the science areas!
-Frank's Hut, a small hut on an equally small floating island that leads to Death's Office.
--Death's Office, manned by Frank while Death is away. All Horsemen Point trades are available here! Click here for a guide on Horsemen Points.
-Horseman Island, an island shared by all 5 of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, used for the hosting and collection of their individual quests.
-The Guild Council Hall, where the Guild Grand Masters meet and offer trades to those who complete each level of a respective Guild!

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Challenge Areas
Test the limits of your abilities!

Top of the Page
Challenge Area Index - Challenge Areas Key
Challenge Area Index - The Creeper Citadel-Moosemart
Challenge Area Index - Player Created Challenge Areas
Challenge Area Index - The Regenerating Structures
Challenge Area Index - The End
Challenge Area Index - The Lost Woods
Challenge Area Index - The Hunter's Lodge
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 1 - Castle of Famine - Wychwood
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 2 - Castle of Conquest - Snowhead
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 3 - Castle of War - Shattered Sands
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 4 - Castle of Death - Shoals of the Departed
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5 - New Game+ Areas
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.5 - Science Updates and Rebalancing
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.8 - Isle of Insanity and Science Isles
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 6 - ???

Player Created Challenge Areas:
All entries under this category are part of science and balanced with the challenge areas, but are created by players! (With staff assistance, of course!)


Carnival Island:
Map Link: Carnival Island
Overworld Directions: By boat, otherwise inaccessible by Overworld.
Nether Directions: East Nether Rail -> Super Shroom (3rd Stop) -> Room of Divine Transportation -> Scythe Hub -> Carnival Island
Armor Rating: F Rank
Completion Requirements: None
Noteworthy Prizes: Maaany, many, many custom player heads.
Special Notes: One of the few science areas without any sort of combat.
Full release news post for full details: News Post
Cavern of Science entry

Created by Mediaklepto, one of the islands within the 'Scythe' chain of islands in the far East, this island is full of fun minigames and numerous vendors akin to- you guessed it, a carnival! Multiple roller coaster and rides are around the island too, including a Spleef arena. And Llama-go-round!

This event debuted on 8 June 2019 along with the official start of the '9-9' schedule for Events Night, replacing the single-night Events Night of the past!



The Watcher's Eye Scavenger Hunt:
Map Link: Starting Platform
Overworld Directions: In the front yard of the Creeper Bazaar, first stop of the Commercial Line in Central.
Nether Directions: Inaccessible via nether
Armor Rating: F Rank
Completion Requirements: None
Noteworthy Prizes: Access to C rank combat equipment with no combat required: Dormin's Sword of Light, Lens of the Watcher, Apples of the Nephilim.
Special Notes: As a scavenger hunt, you begin at the Creeper Bazaar and have to find your way to the end to claim the prizes!
Full release news post for full details: News Post
Cavern of Science entry

Created by Mikey_el16, this event is a scavenger hunt to find the next clue and explore Laurasia, our oldest server!

This event debuted on 17 October 2020, as a way to provide something fun for new and current players to do during Event's Night. Knowing a little about the server sure does help with figuring out the clues! For new Players, all you need to do is ask for a tour from an older player!

The Watcher's Eye Event starts in Central, by the Creeper's Bazaar. Bring 1 Merit Voucher to the starting area to experience it for yourself!



The Guilds of Creepers Lab:
Map Link: Laurasia Apprentice Guild Hall, Rodinia Journeyman Guild Hall, Superia Expert Guild Hall, Gondwana Master Guild Hall
Overworld Directions:
Laurasia Guild Hall: Central, end of the Commercial Line.
Rodinia Guild Hall: Left turn after leaving the West spawn exit; next to Rail Station.
Superia Guild Hall: Left, then right after leaving Spawn platform.
Gondwana Guild Hall: Left out of spawn, next to beginning of North Rail.
Nether Directions: Inaccessible via nether; Progress checkpoints in all major Nether Substations.
Armor Rating: F Rank
Completion Requirements: None
Noteworthy Prizes: Multiple challenge-grade items available via non-combat means.
Special Notes: Complete them all for powerful rewards!
Full release news post for full details: News Post
Cavern of Science entry

Created by Twixxi_,The Guilds are based in a Guildhall located in each of the four main world's spawn towns. New members start at the Laurasia Guildhall, and can work their way up the ranks in order to gain access to the next via Guild Quests.

There are six guilds within the Guildhall, and you are welcome to join any or all of them. Each provides you with unique challenges for you to go away and complete, then come back to the Guildhall to claim your rewards! Each challenge can be done up to five times a month. Prizes are unique to each guild and themed with the guild’s activity. The guilds available are The Miner's Guild, The Builder's Guild, The Farmer's Guild, The Fisher's Guild, The Hunter's Guild, The Blacksmith's Guild.

Ready for a slightly harder challenge? Turn in challenges and save up your vouchers, and purchase a rank certificate to progress in the guild! This will allow you access to the next Guildhall which has harder challenges but with stronger rewards!

For more information, please also see the resource guide here!



The 2021 Easter Maze:
Map Link: Easter Island
Overworld Directions: Floating island to the right of Moosemart.
Nether Directions: Inaccessible via nether.
Armor Rating: F Rank
Completion Requirements: None
Noteworthy Prizes: Pirate's Treasure Chest, containing an assortment of rare materials.
Special Notes: It's a-MAZE-ing!
Full release news post for full details: News Post
Cavern of Science entry

Created by Rebbica007, this event is a multi-floor maze, with an additional Egg Hunt built in!

This event debuted on 3 April 2021 as the year's Easter event, adding that year's Easter basket and some unique rewards for the launch event. This maze is of the sky itself, meaning naturally it can't be seen! Use the clouds to move between levels, and find the way to the Eggs on the small islands and in the clouds! Reach the pirate ship at the end to claim your prize!

1 free entry was available to all during the release event, but the maze is re-runable by use of a Merit Voucher!


Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Challenge Areas
Test the limits of your abilities!

Top of the Page
Challenge Area Index - Challenge Areas Key
Challenge Area Index - The Creeper Citadel-Moosemart
Challenge Area Index - Player Created Challenge Areas
Challenge Area Index - The Regenerating Structures
Challenge Area Index - The End
Challenge Area Index - The Lost Woods
Challenge Area Index - The Hunter's Lodge
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 1 - Castle of Famine - Wychwood
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 2 - Castle of Conquest - Snowhead
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 3 - Castle of War - Shattered Sands
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 4 - Castle of Death - Shoals of the Departed
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5 - New Game+ Areas
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.5 - Science Updates and Rebalancing
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.8 - Isle of Insanity and Science Isles
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 6 - ???

The Regenerating Structures:
All entries under this category are accessible via the End of Time platform, through the 'Challenge Areas' warp.


-The Halls of Nyx
Map Link: Nyx
Overworld Directions: Events Night, any TARDIS or Time Gate -> Challenge Areas -> Halls of Nyx - Inaccessible outside Events Night.
Nether Directions: Inaccessible via nether.
Armor Rating: E - D Rank
Completion Requirements: None
Noteworthy Prizes: Gold, Sponges, and a Heart of the Sea if you can defeat Nyx herself! Smithing Templates, see guide here.
Special Notes: The entire place is flooded, as a normal monument would be- bring a pumpkin for unlimited breathing!

A regenerating Ocean Monument available during events night- that is, it can be 'raided' multiple times in succession without end! There's everything available within it that a naturally spawning ocean monument would contain, including sponges and more. Beat the bosses for extra prizes! In addition, there's Nyx herself roaming the halls, with a special prize if you can defeat her...


-The Overlook Hotel
Map Link: Overlook
Overworld Directions: Events Night, any TARDIS or Time Gate -> Challenge Areas -> Overlook Hotel - Inaccessible outside Events Night.
Nether Directions: Inaccessible via nether.
Armor Rating: E - D Rank
Completion Requirements: None
Noteworthy Prizes: Random assortment from vanilla Forest Mansion loot tables, and a Totem of Undying if the Evoker is found and killed. Smithing Templates, see guide here.
Special Notes: One of only two Forest Mansions we have across all our worlds!

A regenerating Forest Mansion available during events night; like Nyx, it allows you access to all of the normal mobs and loot a natural mansion would have, without the downside of it only being raid able once. This includes the boss of the house, an Evoker that drops a Totem of Undying, Bookshelves, and more!


Map Link: No End Map
Overworld Directions: Events Night, any TARDIS or Time Gate -> Challenge Areas -> Requiem - Inaccessible outside Events Night.
Nether Directions: Inaccessible via nether.
Armor Rating: E - D Rank
Completion Requirements: None
Noteworthy Prizes: Random assortment from vanilla End City loot tables, an Elytra for anyone that climbs to the very top, and a Dragon head to those who find it. Smithing Templates, see guide here.
Special Notes: Requiem is located in a.. 'special' end, and as such Keep Inventory is always toggled on here.

A massive regenerating End City available during events night- Just like it's sisters, all the available loot from a normal End City is available here, Dragon Head and Elytra included! Looking for shulker boxes? This place is packed with Shulkers, slaughter to your heart's content! Be wary of the city's master- he is not the merciful sort.


Map Link: Pandora
Overworld Directions: Currently, only the Cannon shortcut platform from the Creeper Citadel.
Nether Directions: South Nether Rail -> DeNile (2nd Stop) -> Pandora (3rd Floor)
Armor Rating: E - D Rank
Completion Requirements: None
Noteworthy Prizes: FLOWERS.
Special Notes: There's some giant Mushrooms hidden in caves around here!

A massive, "regenerating" Flower Forest! Massive 'Hydra Flowers' can be found across the forest, that spawn a hoard of Sporelings that drop all sorts of flowers. Butcher your way through hoards of colorful fun, and you can even cash in your winnings for emeralds back at the rest house!


Map Link: Camirus
Overworld Directions: Currently, only the Cannon shortcut platform from the Creeper Citadel.
Nether Directions: East Nether Rail -> Doctrailia (1st Stop) -> Camirus (4th Floor)
Armor Rating: D Rank
Completion Requirements: None
Noteworthy Prizes: Crossbows, Emeralds, Totems of Undying.
Special Notes: Hit it solo or bring a group!

One of the pretty new 1.14 villages, setup to allow for unlimited Raids to be spawned and fought! Want to experience one in a controlled environment, or just want a place to get rid of Bad Omen? Come visit!


Map Link: Asphodel
Overworld Directions: Events Night, any TARDIS or Time Gate -> Challenge Areas -> Asphodel (Up 1 floor)- Inaccessible outside Events Night.
Nether Directions: Inaccessible via nether.
Armor Rating: D Rank
Completion Requirements: None
Noteworthy Prizes: Bastion Remnant loot (Gold, nether building materials, netherite items), Netherite items, BACON. Smithing Templates, see guide here.
Special Notes: There's 14 chests across the whole fortress, find them all! If you find yourself stuck, follow the gilded bricks back to the beginning!

A massive, regenerating Bastion Remnant located deep under the grounds of West Halfway, available only during events night. Loot chests from all natural Bastion types can be found within, as well as being one of the only places you can find Piglin Brutes in the wild. Beat the boss at the bottom for a chance at some extra prizes!


-Sarnath Necropolis
Map Link: Sarnath Necropolis
Overworld Directions: Events Night, any TARDIS or Time Gate -> Challenge Areas -> Sarnath Necropolis. Accessible via the Minetropolis Rail Substation on the Minetropolis Nature Preserve.
Nether Directions: South Nether Rail -> Eden Bay (1st Stop) -> Lemuria Highlands Nether Hub (2nd Floor) -> Minetropolis Nature Preserve (2nd Floor)
Armor Rating: C Rank
Completion Requirements: None
Noteworthy Prizes: Ancient City loot, Void Shard for use with the Void Claw toolsets, Wardens! Smithing Templates, see guide here.
Special Notes: Bring a bow & arrow for best effect!

A sleeping, ancient ruin was recently discovered beneath the Minetropolis Nature preserve! Excavate the city for some unique rewards in the depths below; be warned, as the city's guards still keep an ear to the ground...

This Ancient City is yours to conquer as many times as you can; Unlock the Redstone Lab beneath the city's center and solve the puzzles for some additional loot! (and perhaps even a boss battle...)

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Challenge Areas
Test the limits of your abilities!

Top of the Page
Challenge Area Index - Challenge Areas Key
Challenge Area Index - The Creeper Citadel-Moosemart
Challenge Area Index - Player Created Challenge Areas
Challenge Area Index - The Regenerating Structures
Challenge Area Index - The End
Challenge Area Index - The Lost Woods
Challenge Area Index - The Hunter's Lodge
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 1 - Castle of Famine - Wychwood
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 2 - Castle of Conquest - Snowhead
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 3 - Castle of War - Shattered Sands
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 4 - Castle of Death - Shoals of the Departed
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5 - New Game+ Areas
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.5 - Science Updates and Rebalancing
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.8 - Isle of Insanity and Science Isles
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 6 - ???


The End:
Map Link: No End Map
Overworld Directions: Main Central Portal: Grand Central Station, top floor -> Northern Peripheral, Eastbound (First Stop)
Nether Directions: Multiple Nether links:
-North Nether Rail -> Lily Keep (3rd Stop), End Portal
-East Nether Rail -> Doctrailia (1st Stop), End Portal (2nd Floor)
-East Nether Rail -> Nether Station Ender (2nd Stop), End Portal (1st Floor)
-East Nether Rail -> Super Shroom (3rd Stop), End Portal (2nd Floor)
-West Nether Rail -> Mesa's Edge (3rd Stop), End Portal (2nd Floor)
-South Nether Rail -> DeNile (2nd Stop), End Portal (2nd Floor)
Armor Rating: D - S Rank
Completion Requirements: None
Noteworthy Prizes: Dragon Shards, and all items available from the Dragon merchants. Konarik's Mask, and chance at both the Demon Scythe and Miraak's Head for anyone that can obtain a Wooden Mask from the priests.
Special Notes: The obsidian pillars can still be mined by anyone like normal, and the end portal is setup to still allow you to re-summon the dragon with End Crystals.

Full release news post for full details: Here

The natural 'End' game of minecraft. Remember folks, keep inventory is never on in here!

We have two variants of End worlds available:
A static End in Rodinia that is never reset, and has an outer-end rail network maintained by Raegal, for those looking for their own adventure.
Laurasia's end is slightly more.. sciencey. The world itself is reset frequently, all except for the middle island- Because of this, the map for this End has been disabled.
The middle island itself is home to the usual mine-able obsidian towers and end portal, but also to many other towers, to make the outer-end easily accessible and to assist in fighting the Ender Dragon.
In addition, a massive Arena adorns the center to further aid in the dragon fight. Or, to those who are able, the 'Dragon Priest' challenge, which allows you to fight 8 skeletal priests with elemental attacks. These foes increase in power as you progress further through the Horsemen Areas, and drop shards that can be collected and traded for a multitude of prizes!
The End is, as always, available via any End portals around the worlds!

-Laurasia Dragon Priests:
Armor Rating: A-? Rank
Completion Requirements: Lost Woods, Wychwood, Snowhead, Shattered Sands, Shoals of the Departed
Noteworthy Prizes: Elder Dragon Wings
Special Notes: New Game+ Area, see 5.5th Horsemen Release post.

Hidden throughout Laurasia are four elite Dragon Priests, 3 within the oldest of Strongholds, and one whose tomb is concealed entirely by a pyramid of Aztec design. Obtain all 4 masks, and summon their master; a Dragon beyond ancient. Be warned, this will be unlike any normal dragon fight- and there's never the safety net of KeepInventory to rely on here!

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Challenge Areas
Test the limits of your abilities!

Top of the Page
Challenge Area Index - Challenge Areas Key
Challenge Area Index - The Creeper Citadel-Moosemart
Challenge Area Index - Player Created Challenge Areas
Challenge Area Index - The Regenerating Structures
Challenge Area Index - The End
Challenge Area Index - The Lost Woods
Challenge Area Index - The Hunter's Lodge
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 1 - Castle of Famine - Wychwood
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 2 - Castle of Conquest - Snowhead
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 3 - Castle of War - Shattered Sands
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 4 - Castle of Death - Shoals of the Departed
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5 - New Game+ Areas
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.5 - Science Updates and Rebalancing
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.8 - Isle of Insanity and Science Isles
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 6 - ???


The Lost Woods:
Map Link: Lost Woods
Overworld Directions: Grand Central Station (Top floor), South Rail -> Town of Halfway (First Stop) -> Halloween Town, follow the road North through the city and graveyard, there's a gap in the fence approximately Here that begins the woods. Events Night, any TARDIS or Time Gate -> Challenge Areas -> Lost Woods.
Nether Directions: South Nether Rail -> Eden Bay (First Stop) -> Lemuria Hub (2nd Floor) -> Halloween Town (2nd Floor), follow the road North through the city and graveyard, there's a gap in the fence approximately Here that begins the woods
Armor Rating: D - C Rank
Completion Requirements: None
Noteworthy Prizes: A plethora of custom drops, the Lost Woods has the most loot out of any area- bring a shulker or two. The main reward, however, is the Master Sword and Ancient Knight Armor. Find three gems at the ends of the Fire, Forest, and Water temples, and bring them to the massive Deku Tree to claim your prize.. and slay some evil.
Special Notes: While the woods itself are mostly easy going, the dungeons and boss fights may be safest if left to Events Night. As a tip, follow the grass-path roads through the woods to visit all the 'main' areas.

Full release news post for full details: Here
Accessible via a gap in the fence behind the graveyard of Halloween Town on the Lemuria continent, the Lost Woods is a massive, overgrown forest covering what was an ancient kingdom, now overrun with all sorts of strange creatures. Many artifacts of the old kingdom are available to those who brave the trees, and if you're worthy, the sword of evil's bane itself.
Artfulness aside, this is a fully functional custom Zelda map, complete with dungeons, loot, boss fights, and even the Master Sword. Be prepared for a long haul if you plan on attempting this, as it will not be a short journey. Beyond the main path of the woods, all sorts of hidden treasures wait in the trees....
The woods vary in difficulty depending on the area, with bosses and dungeons naturally being more challenging than just running around the forest. The loot obtainable is more than enough to sustain a person, making this challenge great for old and new players alike!

-Hardmode Shrines:
Armor Rating: A Rank
Noteworthy Prizes: Hero of the Woods armor
Completion Requirements: Lost Woods
Special Notes: New Game+ Area, see 5.5th Horsemen Release post.

Spread throughout the Lost Woods are four odd, red-sandstone structures; The Forest Shrine, the Dark Shrine, the Phantom Shrine, and the Drowned Shrine. These are advanced challenges aimed at veteran players who have gone through the areas to follow, and are re-visiting the woods for an extra challenge. Be warned, you'll be hard pressed to survive early on!

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Challenge Areas
Test the limits of your abilities!

Top of the Page
Challenge Area Index - Challenge Areas Key
Challenge Area Index - The Creeper Citadel-Moosemart
Challenge Area Index - Player Created Challenge Areas
Challenge Area Index - The Regenerating Structures
Challenge Area Index - The End
Challenge Area Index - The Lost Woods
Challenge Area Index - The Hunter's Lodge
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 1 - Castle of Famine - Wychwood
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 2 - Castle of Conquest - Snowhead
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 3 - Castle of War - Shattered Sands
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 4 - Castle of Death - Shoals of the Departed
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5 - New Game+ Areas
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.5 - Science Updates and Rebalancing
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.8 - Isle of Insanity and Science Isles
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 6 - ???


The Hunter's Lodge:
Map Link: Hunter's Lodge
Overworld Directions: Grand Central Station (Top floor), South Rail -> Town of Halfway (First Stop) -> Hunter's Lodge. Events Night, any TARDIS or Time Gate -> Challenge Areas -> Hunter's Lodge.
Nether Directions: South Nether Rail -> Eden Bay (First Stop) -> Lemuria Hub (2nd Floor) -> Hunter's Lodge (2nd Floor)
Armor Rating: D - A Rank
Completion Requirements: None, Wychwood (Upgrades), Snowhead (Upgrades).
Noteworthy Prizes: D - A Rank Armor/Weapons, Event Equipment, and Rare Materials Trades
Special Notes: Raid bosses are meant for multiple people at a time! Multiple people!

Full release news post for full details: Here
Speaking of challenges available to the new and old players alike, the Hunter's Lodge lets you set the difficulty yourself!

The lodge allows you to select and hunt different intensities of unique mobs within the Lemuria Badlands surrounding it, a massive terrain dedicated to hunting down baddies.
These unique mobs have chances to drop parts of themselves, which can be collected and used with the vendors within the lodge to trade for various armors and weapons, the quality of which increasing with the rarity of mobs the parts originate from. These parts can also be traded in for various goods and materials using Hunters Marks!

Track your progress in clearing the waves using the button in the lodge, and collect rewards on a completed wave!

As you progress through other Science areas, you can also unlock stronger variants to the armor and weapons you can craft initially!

In addition to the difficulty-level hunts, a Raid Boss is always available, which cycles out for a new boss at the beginning of each month- Take a group into the fight or try it yourself! Special Event items can be obtained from the drops of each raid boss, but be warned, you will need quite a few!

The Lodge is available 24/7 via the Lemuria Nether Hub, Lemuria's Grand Central Station in the overworld, or on Events Night via the EoT.

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Challenge Areas
Test the limits of your abilities!

Top of the Page
Challenge Area Index - Challenge Areas Key
Challenge Area Index - The Creeper Citadel-Moosemart
Challenge Area Index - Player Created Challenge Areas
Challenge Area Index - The Regenerating Structures
Challenge Area Index - The End
Challenge Area Index - The Lost Woods
Challenge Area Index - The Hunter's Lodge
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 1 - Castle of Famine - Wychwood
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 2 - Castle of Conquest - Snowhead
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 3 - Castle of War - Shattered Sands
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 4 - Castle of Death - Shoals of the Departed
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5 - New Game+ Areas
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.5 - Science Updates and Rebalancing
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.8 - Isle of Insanity and Science Isles
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 6 - ???


Horsemen Release 1 - Castle of Famine - Wychwood:
Map Link: Wychwood
Overworld Directions: Not currently accessible via Overworld, unless you jump off the North rail into it. Events Night, any TARDIS or Time Gate -> Any Warp -> Go to the extreme top of the Keep of Time, Spruce door.
Nether Directions: North Nether Rail -> String Theory (2nd Stop) -> Wychwood Hub -> Castle of Famine
Armor Rating: C Rank
Completion Requirements: None
Noteworthy Prizes: Horsemen Quests, Horsemen-Area Armor/Weapon, Soul Mage Staff, Soul Obelisk
Special Notes: 8 gray, decaying, lava-spewing trees are hidden in the woods in a ring around the castle. Find them to find the Barrows, and gain access to Famine's dungeons! Be careful out in the woods, however, as besides the hoards of creepers, there's more than a couple holes you can get stuck in if one was to wander without caution.

Full release news post for full details: Here
The first area released in a series of events focused on our very own Horsemen of the Apocalypse!
This area focuses on Wychwood, the massive mega taiga surrounding the Castle of Famine- also accessible via said castle.
Famine's Permanent Horseman quests are also available inside her castle, near the Nether Portal! Click here for a guide on Horsemen Points.

-The Barrows
Armor Rating: C Rank
Completion Requirements: Lost Woods
Noteworthy Prizes: Barrows Armors/Weapons,

Eight withered trees are scattered through the woods, housing eight crypts of mournful spirits. Defeat their reanimated corpses and collect their tokens from your fight, to obtain their equipment for your own!
Collect enough and bring it to the basement of Famine's castle, and another horror will await you...
The forest itself is also filled with odds and ends other than the trees, so feel free to explore!

-Kaer Morhen
Armor Rating: B Rank
Completion Requirements: Lost Woods, Wychwood, Snowhead
Noteworthy Prizes: Frost weapons, Norse Cataphract armor.
Special Notes: New Game+ Area, see 5th Horsemen Release post.

Deep within Wychwood, a massive sprawling ruin of a castle lies, built into a mountainside. Elite soldiers of the Wild Hunt patrol it's grounds, and for those who disturb them, their Generals can be fought.

Fair Warning
While the other areas are of middling or mixed difficulty, this and all other related Horsemen areas are only for those who are confident in their abilities- which is to say, this is end game content. It will be difficult. Everything will want to kill you. Come prepared, have fun!

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Challenge Areas
Test the limits of your abilities!

Top of the Page
Challenge Area Index - Challenge Areas Key
Challenge Area Index - The Creeper Citadel-Moosemart
Challenge Area Index - Player Created Challenge Areas
Challenge Area Index - The Regenerating Structures
Challenge Area Index - The End
Challenge Area Index - The Lost Woods
Challenge Area Index - The Hunter's Lodge
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 1 - Castle of Famine - Wychwood
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 2 - Castle of Conquest - Snowhead
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 3 - Castle of War - Shattered Sands
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 4 - Castle of Death - Shoals of the Departed
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5 - New Game+ Areas
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.5 - Science Updates and Rebalancing
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.8 - Isle of Insanity and Science Isles
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 6 - ???


Horsemen Release 2 - Castle of Conquest - Snowhead
Map Link: Snowhead
Overworld Directions: Not accessible via Overworld. Events Night, any TARDIS or Time Gate -> Any Warp -> Go to the extreme top of the Keep of Time, Birch door.
Nether Directions: East Nether Rail -> Super Shroom (3rd Stop) -> Room of Divine Transportation -> Snowhead (2nd Floor)
Armor Rating: C - B Rank
Completion Requirements: None
Noteworthy Prizes: Horsemen Quests, Horsemen-Area Armor/Weapon

Full release news post for full details: Here
The second area released in our series of events based on the Horsemen, this one focused on the snowy nether regions of Conquest, Snowhead.
The above-ground commodities are sparse, as is the nature of a barren plain of ice and snow, but don't let it's looks fool you: there's still a fair few things to discover on the surface.
Conquest's Permanent Horseman quests are also available inside his castle, near the Nether Portal! Click here for a guide on Horsemen Points.

-Temple of Ancients
Armor Rating: C - B Rank
Completion Requirements: Lost Woods, Wychwood
Noteworthy Prizes: Warpriest Armors, Godswords, Zaryte Bow

The main attraction of this release, however, is the Temple of Ancients; an old-school MMO style grind dungeon that lets you assemble sets of armor called 'Warpriest Armors', unbreakable armors fitted in the likenesses of 4 different gods. Additionally, with rarer drops, you can assemble what's called a Godsword, powerful weapons attributed again to the 4 gods involved with this play. There's a fair few other bits of equipment up for collection, and all can be found documented within the Cavern of Science. Also lurking in the depths of the temple, you may find a hidden challenge...

-Snowpeak Ruins
Armor Rating: A Rank
Completion Requirements: Lost Woods, Wychwood, Snowhead, Shattered Sands
Noteworthy Prizes: Mirror of Twilight
Special Notes: New Game+ Area, see 5th Horsemen Release post.

Hidden atop the mountains bordering Snowhead, a solemn mansion sits in ruins against the snow. Some of Conquest's most elite guard patrol the halls here, guarding a relic from a time long past...

Fair Warning
While the other areas are of middling or mixed difficulty, this and all other related Horsemen areas are only for those who are confident in their abilities- which is to say, this is end game content. It will be difficult. Everything will want to kill you. Come prepared, have fun!

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Challenge Areas
Test the limits of your abilities!

Top of the Page
Challenge Area Index - Challenge Areas Key
Challenge Area Index - The Creeper Citadel-Moosemart
Challenge Area Index - Player Created Challenge Areas
Challenge Area Index - The Regenerating Structures
Challenge Area Index - The End
Challenge Area Index - The Lost Woods
Challenge Area Index - The Hunter's Lodge
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 1 - Castle of Famine - Wychwood
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 2 - Castle of Conquest - Snowhead
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 3 - Castle of War - Shattered Sands
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 4 - Castle of Death - Shoals of the Departed
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5 - New Game+ Areas
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.5 - Science Updates and Rebalancing
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.8 - Isle of Insanity and Science Isles
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 6 - ???


Horsemen Release 3 - Castle of War - Shattered Sands
Map Link: Shattered Sands
Overworld Directions: Not accessible via Overworld. Events Night, any TARDIS or Time Gate -> Any Warp -> Go to the extreme top of the Keep of Time, Jungle door.
Nether Directions: West Nether Rail -> Salad Facts (2nd Stop) -> Castle of War.
Armor Rating: B Rank
Completion Requirements: None
Noteworthy Prizes: Horsemen Quests, Horsemen-Area Armor/Weapon
Special Notes: The Fight Kiln is accessible by choosing the 'Surface' warp out of the main castle island, and running directly across the desert. On that same note, so is the entrance for the Heart dungeon!

Full release news post for full details: Here
The third area released in our series of events based on the Horsemen, this one focused on the arid desert sands of War, Shattered Sands.
War's Permanent Horseman quests are also available inside his castle, near the Nether Portal! Click here for a guide on Horsemen Points.

The surface of the desert is teaming with endless husks, as well as War's own personal soldier, the Golden Army. Beneath the sands lies all manner of challenges, including the mine called 'The Heart', and the 'Fight Kiln', among other things! Take a look for some powerful gear! More details under the new post!

-The Heart
Armor Rating: B Rank
Completion Requirements: Lost Woods, Wychwood, Snowhead
Noteworthy Prizes: Anima Core armor sets, Anima-forged god weapons.

The Heart is a massive underground dungeon directly beneath the central isle of War's castle. Four facions of gods can be found down here, fighting for the supernatural resource known as 'Anima', that can only be found here. Brave the generals and the guardian of the tree, and obtain for yourself some of the best armors around!

-The Fight Kiln
Armor Rating: C - S Rank
Completion Requirements: None (Emerald City, Gold Rush, Gemocide, and Apocalyptic require up to Shattered Sands and Shoals of the Departed)
Noteworthy Prizes: Golden Dragon Claws, Golden Warpriest Armor, Golden Shears, etc

This area lets you fight against, and collect rewards from, endless waves of TokHaar golems, which can be used to trade for various prizes- most of the unbreakable tools variety! The difficulty is toggle-able, going from Easy mode with the lowest drop-rates, to Hard mode with the best drop-rates pre-end game, to Apocalyptic for those who have conquered all of what science has to offer. Easy can... easily be done with diamond or comparable armor, and Normal can usually be handled if one has been through Wychwood or Snowhead. However, Hard usually requires one to have beaten the dungeon of War, the Heart. Apocalyptic is recommended to wait until one has conquered the final Horseman area, as well as the newgame+ areas before attempting.

-Dominion Tower
Armor Rating: S Rank
Completion Requirements: Lost Woods, Wychwood, Snowhead, Shattered Sands, Shoals of the Departed
Noteworthy Prizes: See 'Dominion Tower Merchant' on floor 3, Bay 329 of Moosemart.
Special Notes: New Game+ Area, see 5th Horsemen Release post.

Not-so hidden on the Shattered Sands, stands the half-buried Dominion Tower; a curious place that lets you fight nightmares from the past, present, and future, in a back-to-back brawl to the death. Get to the end for some lucrative prizes!

Fair Warning
While the other areas are of middling or mixed difficulty, this and all other related Horsemen areas are only for those who are confident in their abilities- which is to say, this is end game content. It will be difficult. Everything will want to kill you. Come prepared, have fun!

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Challenge Areas
Test the limits of your abilities!

Top of the Page
Challenge Area Index - Challenge Areas Key
Challenge Area Index - The Creeper Citadel-Moosemart
Challenge Area Index - Player Created Challenge Areas
Challenge Area Index - The Regenerating Structures
Challenge Area Index - The End
Challenge Area Index - The Lost Woods
Challenge Area Index - The Hunter's Lodge
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 1 - Castle of Famine - Wychwood
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 2 - Castle of Conquest - Snowhead
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 3 - Castle of War - Shattered Sands
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 4 - Castle of Death - Shoals of the Departed
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5 - New Game+ Areas
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.5 - Science Updates and Rebalancing
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.8 - Isle of Insanity and Science Isles
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 6 - ???


Horsemen Release 4 - Castle of Death - Shoals of the Departed
Map Link: Departed Shoals
Overworld Directions: Inadvisable, but accessible via boating South from central.
Nether Directions: South Nether Rail -> Eden Bay (First Stop) -> Lemuria Hub (2nd Floor) -> Sleepy Hollow (2nd Floor)
Armor Rating: A Rank
Completion Requirements: None
Noteworthy Prizes: Horsemen Quests, Horsemen-Area Armor/Weapon, Sunken Ship/Buried Treasure loot chests
Special Notes: BRING A PUMPKIN!

Full release news post for full details: Here
The fourth area released in our series of events based on the Horsemen, this area focuses on the black depths of Death, the Shoals of the Departed (aka Departed Shoals). A massive area of ocean has been warped and distorted by the presence of the Horseman's castle, causing all sorts of unnatural horrors to populate the depths. Shipwrecks litter the seafloor, containing Ruins Keys that match a corresponding ocean ruin somewhere else within the area. Match key to ruin, and reap the rewards. There's plenty of.. other things to do beneath the waves, as well.

Death's Permanent Horseman quests are also available inside his castle, near the Nether Portal! Click here for a guide on Horsemen Points.

-Divine Tempest
Armor Rating: A-S Rank
Completion Requirements: Lost Woods, Wychwood, Snowhead, Shattered Sands
Noteworthy Prizes: Higher Artifacts, Elder Artifacts

The main attraction is the massive storm swirling in the center of the ocean, the Divine Tempest. To access it, you'll need to find a way up to, and then through, the floating island ruin of Laputa, defeat the World Guardian, and find the gate. Once among the clouds, you'll have your choice of gods to fight!

-Elder God Sanctums
Armor Rating: S-? Rank
Completion Requirements: Lost Woods, Wychwood, Snowhead, Shattered Sands, Shoals of the Departed
Noteworthy Prizes: Elder Artifact - The Mirror
Special Notes: New Game+ Area, see 5th Horsemen Release post. Extra Warning - This chain of events ends with the hardest fight of all science bosses. Prepare diligently.

Scattered under the waves of the Shoals of the Departed, four tests of the mind and body wait for those who think themselves ready to face off against the Elder Gods, the primordial forces of the universe. Defeat all 5 challenges, and then seek the sleepy city beneath the waves...

-Realm of Darkness
Armor Rating: ? Rank
Completion Requirements: Lost Woods, Wychwood, Snowhead, Shattered Sands, Shoals of the Departed, Elder Artifact - The Mirror
Noteworthy Prizes: Dark Realm Armor, Dark Realm Keyblade, Light Realm Keyblade
Special Notes: New Game+ Area, see 5.5th Horsemen Release post.

While a separate dimension on it's own, the only way to enter the dark realm is within the abyssal hole at the center of the sunken ruins of R'lyeh. The Realm of Darkness is the origin of all Heartless across Laurasia; while they may not be much of a threat under the sun, all forms of Heartless are stronger here. Navigate these dark passageways and find the end to be able to obtain some interesting loot!

Fair Warning
While the other areas are of middling or mixed difficulty, this and all other related Horsemen areas are only for those who are confident in their abilities- which is to say, this is end game content. It will be difficult. Everything will want to kill you. Come prepared, have fun!

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Challenge Areas
Test the limits of your abilities!

Top of the Page
Challenge Area Index - Challenge Areas Key
Challenge Area Index - The Creeper Citadel-Moosemart
Challenge Area Index - Player Created Challenge Areas
Challenge Area Index - The Regenerating Structures
Challenge Area Index - The End
Challenge Area Index - The Lost Woods
Challenge Area Index - The Hunter's Lodge
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 1 - Castle of Famine - Wychwood
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 2 - Castle of Conquest - Snowhead
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 3 - Castle of War - Shattered Sands
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 4 - Castle of Death - Shoals of the Departed
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5 - New Game+ Areas
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.5 - Science Updates and Rebalancing
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.8 - Isle of Insanity and Science Isles
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 6 - ???


Horsemen Release 5 - New Game+ Areas
Full release news post for full details: Here
This release differs from the previous 4, in that it was not one specific area released- but 4 new areas released across the four existing Horsemen areas. A new room within the Cavern of Science has also opened, holding specifically the drops from these areas. Be warned, however- these areas are not for the faint of heart, and best attempted after one has managed to fight through the Divine Tempest.

-Kaer Morhen
Armor Rating: B Rank
Completion Requirements: Lost Woods, Wychwood, Snowhead
Noteworthy Prizes: Frost weapons, Norse Cataphract armor.
Special Notes: New Game+ Area, see 5th Horsemen Release post.

Deep within Wychwood, a massive sprawling ruin of a castle lies, built into a mountainside. Elite soldiers of the Wild Hunt patrol it's grounds, and for those who disturb them, their Generals can be fought.

-Snowpeak Ruins
Armor Rating: A Rank
Completion Requirements: Lost Woods, Wychwood, Snowhead, Shattered Sands
Noteworthy Prizes: Mirror of Twilight
Special Notes: New Game+ Area, see 5th Horsemen Release post.

Hidden atop the mountains bordering Snowhead, a solemn mansion sits in ruins against the snow. Some of Conquest's most elite guard patrol the halls here, guarding a relic from a time long past...

-Dominion Tower
Armor Rating: S Rank
Completion Requirements: Lost Woods, Wychwood, Snowhead, Shattered Sands, Shoals of the Departed
Noteworthy Prizes: See 'Dominion Tower Merchant' on floor 3, Bay 329 of Moosemart.
Special Notes: New Game+ Area, see 5th Horsemen Release post.

Not-so hidden on the Shattered Sands, stands the half-buried Dominion Tower; a curious place that lets you fight nightmares from the past, present, and future, in a back-to-back brawl to the death. Get to the end for some lucrative prizes!

-Elder God Sanctums
Armor Rating: S-? Rank
Completion Requirements: Lost Woods, Wychwood, Snowhead, Shattered Sands, Shoals of the Departed
Noteworthy Prizes: Elder Artifact - The Mirror
Special Notes: New Game+ Area, see 5th Horsemen Release post. Extra Warning - This chain of events ends with the hardest fight of all science bosses. Prepare diligently.

Scattered under the waves of the Shoals of the Departed, four tests of the mind and body wait for those who think themselves ready to face off against the Elder Gods, the primordial forces of the universe. Defeat all 5 challenges, and then seek the sleepy city beneath the waves...

Fair Warning
While the other areas are of middling or mixed difficulty, this and all other related Horsemen areas are only for those who are confident in their abilities- which is to say, this is end game content. It will be difficult. Everything will want to kill you. Come prepared, have fun!

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Challenge Areas
Test the limits of your abilities!

Top of the Page
Challenge Area Index - Challenge Areas Key
Challenge Area Index - The Creeper Citadel-Moosemart
Challenge Area Index - Player Created Challenge Areas
Challenge Area Index - The Regenerating Structures
Challenge Area Index - The End
Challenge Area Index - The Lost Woods
Challenge Area Index - The Hunter's Lodge
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 1 - Castle of Famine - Wychwood
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 2 - Castle of Conquest - Snowhead
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 3 - Castle of War - Shattered Sands
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 4 - Castle of Death - Shoals of the Departed
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5 - New Game+ Areas
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.5 - Science Updates and Rebalancing
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.8 - Isle of Insanity and Science Isles
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 6 - ???


Horsemen Release 5.5 - Science Updates and Rebalancing
Full release news post for full details: Here
This release was a very odd one, grouped together just due to the sheer amount of things that all happened at once. While no actual Horsemen areas were released here, updated and changes did happen across all of the Challenge Areas collectively. Many of the mobs, items, and equipment have been either cleaned up, rebalanced, or both.

If you've done or received any items from the Challenge Areas pre 1.14, it's worth a visit to the Changelog to see if you need to have any items switched out/updated; which can be found Here.

Along with that, a few new areas popped up:

-Laurasia Dragon Priests:
Armor Rating: A-? Rank
Completion Requirements: Lost Woods, Wychwood, Snowhead, Shattered Sands, Shoals of the Departed
Noteworthy Prizes: Elder Dragon Wings
Special Notes: New Game+ Area, see 5.5th Horsemen Release post.

Hidden throughout Laurasia are four elite Dragon Priests, 3 within the oldest of Strongholds, and one whose tomb is concealed entirely by a pyramid of Aztec design. Obtain all 4 masks, and summon their master; a Dragon beyond ancient. Be warned, this will be unlike any normal dragon fight- and there's never the safety net of KeepInventory to rely on here!

-Hardmode Shrines:
Armor Rating: A Rank
Completion Requirements: Lost Woods
Noteworthy Prizes: Hero of the Woods armor
Special Notes: New Game+ Area, see 5.5th Horsemen Release post.

Spread throughout the Lost Woods are four odd, red-sandstone structures; The Forest Shrine, the Dark Shrine, the Phantom Shrine, and the Drowned Shrine. These are advanced challenges aimed at veteran players who have gone through the areas to follow, and are re-visiting the woods for an extra challenge. Be warned, you'll be hard pressed to survive early on!

Map Link: Pandora
Overworld Directions: Currently, only the Cannon shortcut platform from the Creeper Citadel.
Nether Directions: South Nether Rail -> DeNile (2nd Stop) -> Pandora (3rd Floor)
Armor Rating: E - D Rank
Completion Requirements: None
Noteworthy Prizes: FLOWERS.
Special Notes: There's some giant Mushrooms hidden in caves around here!

A massive, "regenerating" Flower Forest! Massive 'Hydra Flowers' can be found across the forest, that spawn a hoard of Sporelings that drop all sorts of flowers. Butcher your way through hoards of colorful fun, and you can even cash in your winnings for emeralds back at the rest house!

Map Link: Camirus
Overworld Directions: Currently, only the Cannon shortcut platform from the Creeper Citadel.
Nether Directions: East Nether Rail -> Doctrailia (1st Stop) -> Camirus (4th Floor)
Armor Rating: D Rank
Completion Requirements: None
Noteworthy Prizes: Crossbows, Emeralds, Totems of Undying.
Special Notes: Hit it solo or bring a group!

One of the pretty new 1.14 villages, setup to allow for unlimited Raids to be spawned and fought! Want to experience one in a controlled environment, or just want a place to get rid of Bad Omen? Come visit!

-Realm of Darkness
Armor Rating: ? Rank
Completion Requirements: Lost Woods, Wychwood, Snowhead, Shattered Sands, Shoals of the Departed, Elder Artifact - The Mirror
Noteworthy Prizes: Dark Realm Armor, Dark Realm Keyblade, Light Realm Keyblade
Special Notes: New Game+ Area, see 5.5th Horsemen Release post

While a separate dimension on it's own, the only way to enter the dark realm is within the abyssal hole at the center of the sunken ruins of R'lyeh. The Realm of Darkness is the origin of all Heartless across Laurasia; while they may not be much of a threat under the sun, all forms of Heartless are stronger here. Navigate these dark passageways and find the end to be able to obtain some interesting loot!

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Challenge Areas
Test the limits of your abilities!

Top of the Page
Challenge Area Index - Challenge Areas Key
Challenge Area Index - The Creeper Citadel-Moosemart
Challenge Area Index - Player Created Challenge Areas
Challenge Area Index - The Regenerating Structures
Challenge Area Index - The End
Challenge Area Index - The Lost Woods
Challenge Area Index - The Hunter's Lodge
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 1 - Castle of Famine - Wychwood
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 2 - Castle of Conquest - Snowhead
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 3 - Castle of War - Shattered Sands
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 4 - Castle of Death - Shoals of the Departed
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5 - New Game+ Areas
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.5 - Science Updates and Rebalancing
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.8 - Isle of Insanity and Science Isles
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 6 - ???


Horsemen Release 5.8 - Another Rebalancing, Isle of Insanity, and Science Isles
Full release news post for full details: Here, Here, and Here
Another big cluster of things all happening at once! The vanilla introduction of Netherite Armor/Tools/Weapons caused need for another rebalance of the Science Items, full list of which can be found Here.
Not long after, two new Horsemen(?) areas went live as well; Isle of Insanity, and the Science Isles!

Horsemen Release 5.8.1 - Castle of Frank- Isle of Insanity
Map Link: Isle of Insanity
Overworld Directions: Not accessible via Overworld. Events Night, any TARDIS or Time Gate -> PvP & Battles-> 3 Floors up.
Nether Directions: West Nether Rail -> Nether Station Plymouth (4th Stop) -> Isle of Insanity
Armor Rating: S-? Rank
Completion Requirements: Shoals of the Departed, Elder Artifact - The Mirror
Noteworthy Prizes: Horsemen Quests, Horsemen-Area Armor/Weapon, Netherite Dragon Claw upgrades
Special Notes: Find Frank's Forge Hut for some upgrades!

The dwelling place of the enigmatic 5th of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the island is, for lack of a better term... odd? Currently Frank's minions are the only things crawling the grounds, but multiple half-buried structures leave hints to what is to come...

Horsemen Release 5.8.2 - Science Isles
Map Link: Science Isles
Overworld Directions: accessible via boating Southeast from central.
Nether Directions: West Nether Rail -> Nether Station Plymouth (4th Stop) -> Isle of Insanity
Armor Rating: D-? Rank
Completion Requirements: Varied
Noteworthy Prizes: Obsidian Dragon Claw upgrades, Platinum Dragon Claw upgrades
Special Notes: Current Islands: Anachronia, Outset Island, Sky Pillar

The Science Isles are an odd archipelago of islands belonging to multiple different areas; Outset Island of the Lost Woods, Anachronia of Wychwood, a third yet unannounced island, and it's own Sky Pillar. While the islands develop on their own, keep an eye out for some interesting additions beneath the waves...

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Challenge Areas
Test the limits of your abilities!

Top of the Page
Challenge Area Index - Challenge Areas Key
Challenge Area Index - The Creeper Citadel-Moosemart
Challenge Area Index - Player Created Challenge Areas
Challenge Area Index - The Regenerating Structures
Challenge Area Index - The End
Challenge Area Index - The Lost Woods
Challenge Area Index - The Hunter's Lodge
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 1 - Castle of Famine - Wychwood
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 2 - Castle of Conquest - Snowhead
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 3 - Castle of War - Shattered Sands
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 4 - Castle of Death - Shoals of the Departed
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5 - New Game+ Areas
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.5 - Science Updates and Rebalancing
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 5.8 - Isle of Insanity and Science Isles
Challenge Area Index - Horsemen Release 6 - ???


Last event release due for... sometime after 1.19?