I never had a problem with any of the Star Wars movies, even Episode I and II.
Topic: Whats the worst movie you saw?
I never had a problem with any of the Star Wars movies, even Episode I and II.
Not a communist!
Well I'm not saying it was terrible, just a huge dissapointment. I basicly set my hopes up too far and they got crashed down. Atleast it was better than Episode II that was bad...I should have put that up there. So...
Episode II: Not like the star wars we all know and love. Too much on the romance and plot. I understand why, but it really could have been saved (in my oppinion) with a longer clone part.
This is America, you're not supposed to get what you want.
I got what I wanted for Christmas....NOT COMMUNIST!!!!
The tomb raider movies come to mind... Actually I just watched the first one... I hate it. By far the worst movie I've ever seen.
Edited by Watcher on February 10, 2007 at 16:31:04.
I'm a Mega Man nut... I own them all, and have them in a lighted display case to boot.
(Excluding the Battlenetwork series...which I detest.)
94% of all teenagers have tried drugs one time or another. If you are one of those 6% who haven't put this on your signature.
Epic Movie is overrated beyond any comprehension.
....people are actually PRAISING Epic Movie?
Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.
Which horrible movie? Wasn't Epic movie based on like five different ones?
Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.
Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.
war is not a game. sure, one side wins and one loses, and it is fun....well....maybe it is a game...
Honestly, I loved Number 23. Still, it was trashed in every review, and I can understand why. Still, it was more interesting than anything else that's been out in a while.
Anybody read this list? Forgive me, but now I REALLY want to see that Pinocchio one, just to see if it's as bad as it sounds.
Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.
Worst Movie ever:Lord of the rings I(Eh,The 1st movie,the 2nd and 3rd were good
Yeah,I slept halfway through the movie
Edited by megaman x rocks! on April 8, 2007 at 11:12:00.
James Bond ON HER MAJESTIES SERVICE, George Lazenby was a horrible actor pick for James Bond, He did not fit the looks, appearance, or personality behavior of him, James Bond is Cool, Arrogant, Intelligent, witty, and daring, Lazenby bombed acting him out, He reminded me of something more like that fellow hobo to A#1 on Emperor of the north, sort of like a masterminded character, a hombre you cant trust, a punk, a sore loser, somethin like.
I'd be with the last three people. The only true James Bond was Sean Connery. You're nothing without your Aston Martin and Scottish accent, bond, nothing! Well, I lie, he still has the guns and all.
98% of teens have made a "98% of teens" Signature. Copy and paste this into your signature if you're the 2% that finds it stupid.
It's ironic that you think Sean Connery was the only true Bond, when Sean Connery absolutely hates the character of James Bond with a passion, and wants to kill him.
If they make a final movie for James Bond where Bond dies, Connery should play the part of the villian... >.>
Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.
Nah, there's still a market for a Sean Connery action figure series. They each say up to seven completely different and non-generic phrases!
Sean Connery sounds like he's got a taco in his mouth whenever he tries to speak.
Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.
You know he will. I mean, come on! Look at all the scenes in the trailer of him alone looking off into the distance!
Well, I saw the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie a few days ago. By "saw" I mean "downloaded", and I have to say that as a fan of the show, I rather enjoyed it.
Well, for Spider-Man 3, I'm more worried about how much they're putting in. They've got... what? Three major enemies/antagonists? Goblin's son, that sand guy, and finally Venom. If they pack too much in, it'll be rushed and no good. Never mind the fact that he might be "emo."
I think sand guy could've been omitted. The awesomeness of Venom and the vengence of Harry is all that's really needed.
Hopefully the movie won't turn out like this.
God, as hilarious as that would be I can't imagine how much money Marvel would lose...
People are mainly just watching Spidey 3 for Venom, and they'll be sorely disappointed, and I'll laugh.