I just thought I would beat everybody and post this poll. My favorite is Megaman 3. That game is badass. I love that game.
Topic: Favorite Megaman Game for the NES
What\'s your\'s?
I just thought I would beat everybody and post this poll. My favorite is Megaman 3. That game is badass. I love that game.
I voted fro MM3 as well it had great music and plus is quite fun.(Well that\'s what I think call me insane if you like.)
: *Sigh* I wish I was the avatar now it's time for the random quote...
: It's umm kinda alive yeah it is..
I'm gone on,be back next week or sometime...
Mega Man 6 for me
The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.
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"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)
Mega Man 2. Metal Man and that cool Dragon boss in the Wily stage..nuff said.
Megaman 6 is pretty cool too, but I think I\'m being a little biased \'cause those 2 games are the only ones I own:D!
To paraphrase the late great Rick Rude, "(EGM)? I'd like to rips (it's) head off, poop down (it's) throught, and use (it's) Tounge for BUTT WIPE!!!"
Not sure which to vote for....o.o i like Six and Three.....
hmmm...can\'t say...its been awhile ummmm...i guess mm6 knightman kicks ass and the rush atapter was fun!zoom zoom zoom!:miam:
I have been told that the essence of being Splash Woman is not in attaining perfection, but in the attempt.
If so, then Splash Woman in general does not qualify as, well, human.
I like Megaman 5 because it has Charge Man and Wave Man! I like those two.
I like MM4.
MM 3 hands down. The only one in the series to provide any remote challange.
MM3 was my choice, because it was the first Mega Man game I have ever played! But second best MM game is MM2, because of that cute little green dragon :)
[Edited on 6/6/2002 by Chicoboltsi]
Rock\'s second adventure gets my vote! It\'s the only game that really, REALLY poses a challenge. The others are.... way too easy. I need a good challenge to keep me sharp, and only RM2 does it for me. It\'s my uh... warm-up game for X6.
[Edited on 11-6-2002 by Keiji]
MM4, it had a level complete of mets!:)
So I'm not going to have anything spectacular in my signature.
And I didn\'t kill a single met (except the big one:cry: ) during that stage!
So I'm not going to have anything spectacular in my signature.
I like Rockman 5. The gameplay and sound effects were awesome, especially the sound of the Super Rock Buster being fired. It is beyond me why that didn\'t carry over to Rockman 6...
Rockman 2. I especially dig Quickman\'s stage: Non-stop, pulse-pounding excitement all the way!!
mm2 was the best! even though I already know the game I still play it:D
MM3 first I ever played.
Megaman 3
Edited by Catman on April 19, 2007 at 6:05:34.
You know me. No favorites at all. They are great.
Hey, what about Mega Man for Game Gear ?
I have that in MINT with box and everything in it too.;)
I can\'t decide! They are all good! I own them all and still play them all.:D But If I would have to pick anyways, I would saaaaay...Mega Man 3, cause its longer then the others, at least I think so.
I was debating... MM3 or 6. MM3 had some kickass gameplay, and MM6 had the Rush jet and power ability. although MM6 had more stuff, MM3 had more quality.:)
mm3 cause snake and geminiman are some of my favorite enemies
2 or 6
#mmpc lurker
I request that Doc bans every single last member of this board, then does a merry little dance in his underwear. Just for the hell of it. Don't copy and paste this into your signiture.
note; I don't post much anymore.
Ooo, Megaman 3 all the way! The opening theme itself draws me into saying it. Bwa ha ha.
[font=Verdana] - Forte Otaku[/font]
[font=Verdana]"Ness is the whole of ass." - Jon Tilden[/font]
[font=Verdana]"Zero goes vrrzzz! Beew beew!! Vrroozhh!!" - Eric Morgan (keeping in mind that he's 20)[/font]
first i played was 3. to me, it was the easiest and didnt require a lot of effort. Getting a game genie when ur five will do that to ya. (to this day my excuse for sucking at games is that i play for the story, and its true) 2 was alright, but hard. i dont care about the bosses, just the stages when making a difficulty rating. for story, i really liked 4,5,and 6, but 6 wasnt as good as the others. six was really just made to hold us up until 7. i dunno. the first one was great in terms of level design and bosses and everything, but the play control was primitive and slow. they all had great music, and i love all of them, but 3 stands out. i dunno how many times ive completed it, at least 20.
mm6 cause of the mets, i have never played a megaman before whats it like?
MM 3 has got to be my faveriot one. I kinda grew up with that game. Yup, I have blury images of remembering my brother playing that game when I was like, 3 or 4. Shadowman and Gemenieman where the coolest! I used to thought that Shadowman was unbeatable but he\'s really not,( after beating him over 20 somthing times.) But anyways, I always liked Snakeman and thought how cool looking he was. But then when I tried drawing him.......... I felt like I was just drawing some guy in a snake costume...:conf::eek::(